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Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 13:18
by Новик
So I bought СК1М(yesterday) came home and supported his tuning on it and Dowa to understand him now that I own it.
We have chuvstvovalos're holding something energetically heavy(well, something like chuvstvi saturation) strong values do not give it for the feelies this I have not....
Then decided to charge it on the water(Thompson music Touch a Dolphin) so to speak relaxati wanted... In the end knocked me out for 12 hours :).
Slept like a log...... woke up really budreckas
Well nifiga relaksol :shock:
By the way, the same thing happened after I charged and gave the bracelet version 2.0+pebble(2.0) also got knocked out and slept somewhere 10 hours
This is how to explain? attunement with the device?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 13:41
by Михаил_
in General, of course, I would have been tempted by the bracelets, although this is not the right answer.
The correct answer is definitely СК1М, especially since You have a 2.0 with the device able to interact (in the description 2.0 technology provided for the pooling of resources of bracelets, and in a sense, СК1М is a very big BJ :) but with the extra weight of the f-functions.

Just a question, how well has the ability to control himself. СК1М allows you to avoid the mistakes of the short-term setting the wrong goal. Since the control system provides "inertia" due to the tasks the hard way. I think that the power of influence СК1М on everyone above. But in some cases, road traffic is known, it is possible to slip on a moped where an SUV with a powerful motor will just stand to wait until the traffic dies down.... compared to SK, bracelet 2.6 is Medicom. But if conflicts with the subconscious and there is the ability to keep your status correct, then it may be more efficient.
You can explain in another way the bracelet could do more manipulations per unit time, not even noticing them. (I almost never work with him until the end consciously, and usually the autopilot himself puts optimal modes).
Bracelet change of conditions of interaction with the world due to the reaction of the world (the bracelet exhibits the properties of the world). This is really a very harmonious way. In this second part - the management given to the subconscious, which is due to this still and Boudicca slowly....
SK - in the man-the outside world is still the third link. In some cases, it is much more efficient. I would say = almost always. Management thus has a system of partially decoupled from the subconscious. Though, because the device is not worn in the field the cocoon and set the control algorithms using long-running scheme.
In principle, you will learn to work with SK as with the bracelet in real time, though more complicated.

Something like that.
The correct answer apparently SK, although I would prefer to start mapedit, but always to be felt on the hand. But there we have to be careful with "applications" because the bracelet does not contain a chain of delays and immediately moves to your current state.

And actually put a couple of bracelets. Then hold the SC in the hands..... view of sensations and which will pull harder, intuitively.
(by the way, SK will be in the office tomorrow afternoon, or Monday morning, because "those that You sent last week, we have long been eaten"....the first copies bought, the next thought to send today, but they are a little not ready)<

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 15:33
by Михаил_
Новик wrote:Michael_
So I bought СК1М(yesterday) came home and supported his tuning on it and Dowa to understand him now that I own it.
We have chuvstvovalos're holding something energetically heavy(well, something like chuvstvi saturation) strong values do not give it for the feelies this I have not....
well, do not be shy.... in fact, many of us with feelies this is normal, the problems with the habit of using this channel of communication. We just ignore it and used his information does not fit into the overall flow.
It is VERY heavy. Both literally and figuratively. If G2.Event 6 has a mass, that IC has a big event mass, i.e., is such that the forehead does not move. Moreover, he will gain some time, i.e. literally becomes stronger as you use.
Then decided to charge it on the water(Thompson music Touch a Dolphin) so to speak relaxati wanted... In the end knocked me out for 12 hours :).
Slept like a log...... woke up really budreckas
Well nifiga relaksol :shock:
it really is a very good effect. I have always observed after a competent correction of the cocoon a good reflexologist and after a number of other harmonizing effects. In particular, after swimming with dolphins, the effect of which I think even for me - fantastic. However, the case was almost in the open sea.... ie not the same as in closed dolphinariums in the middle of the city. (by the way I recommend, is something which doesn't convey with words).

Ie, as I understand it, in cases such blackouts are triggered by two factors in the same direction. Cocoon receives "impressions", a kind of corrective information that currently cannot be realized logically and it is better to perceive it in a dream. In a sense, Wake up refreshed (possibly with a little bit different perception of what is happening). On the other hand, for example, after sujok therapy, I know that sleep is the body's response to the need to provide the body forces for regeneration. In fact, it means to pull more energy into the lower chakras (the physics body) and it mobilizes all over the translating consciousness in the drowsy state. And the second reason is essentially the first - i.e. is the reaction of cocoon on new information (in this example, reflexology, corrective balance through the meridians).
By the way, the same thing happened after I charged and gave the bracelet version 2.0+pebble(2.0) also got knocked out and slept somewhere 10 hours
This is how to explain? attunement with the device?
well something like the above.
Ie this means that compared with the existing pair 2.0, SC is much more powerful than what one would actually expect.... plus, I think the selected disc have played a certain role strengthening effect.<

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 16:07
by Михаил_
Карил wrote:Michael_

And the second question laser engraving applied in the manufacture of СК1М?
indirectly applied, though she's not very fit. I leave inside SK engraved links from BJ, a few pieces. Why I do not know. Well, I know, but this is not necessary since the system structuring (creation) of the device in the process of solidification of the composition, contains all needed that.

Let's see why the need for laser engraving on the bracelet links? Although I suspect that exactly this can not say no.
Sometimes I do some things in the process of making articles, because I know that the "as necessary", but I can't myself explain why logicheski. Just bare knowledge, which is the logical part of me is missing chains for building a explanation why. Then, in the process of working with the product, comes the understanding of what is happening and I can already tell why.
Engraved (in particular)actually was something like this...

On the one hand the laser radiation is a very specific thing. For example, Valery Kondratov (see the description of the modulator, said harness of the laser beam a very special phenomenon, in a sense, a portal into the world of another dimension, so to speak, although I don't like to use such terms, primarily because they do not understand the mind, and therefore often useless. And it is not just said so, and can justify from his model technique process. (We're just argued with him on the subject of this engraving, I "examined" and found, as always, that we are one and the same called a little different - an hour of the dispute and full understanding).

On the other hand, the engraving itself is a tangible way of displaying the information. If a link is processed the charging system carry information in the material here and in the figure.

Along the way, but it turned out that actually most changes not engraved, but the engraving under the material of the link.

Here is some illustration of the evil. As with the modulator, consider the effect of crowds on human consciousness. Imagine that You are trapped in a rigidly isolated from the outside world the asylum (well, excuse me, this example came up). And this, where patients have created conditions similar to the real world. Ie they don't feel like yourself patients and patients, imitation of a normal life. Here You find yourself in a nuthouse and You are absolutely normal person. You remember this and that there is an external world, or the world of normal people where all a bit different. But every day, the inner life of a psychiatric hospital tightens You more and more, habits, automaticity... You start to forget that there is something else.
Now imagine You come across a subject that by its smell reminds You of a past life, and Your attitude, assessment of what is happening and everything, influencing attitude, behavior and decisions, even the mood of everything changes.... Just from that one memory and smell.
Now imagine that instead of the thing with a familiar smell, You are shown a photo or even a video of the old life and the memories come back to You... the effect is much stronger.

Here is the bracelet 1.0 is the smell.
2.0 - enhanced smell :)
and 2.5 and above is already photo and video.
In the process, which only conditionally can be called a charge, subject akunets in the real world, there remains a trace of that swimming, in a sense, it ceases to be subject to the "loony bin", becoming here the subject is more true, in some sense of the world, almost by an external object. But this effect is poorly shown (however the effects from it - strong).
Engraving power depends not only on pattern, but also from the power of the beam stupidly scattered in the material of the object (with the same size and depth of the pattern effect will be slightly different from different laser power). I.e. while the stream of light of the laser source is divided about the material, the thickness of this material is redeemed and obretaet properties inherent to the world less prone to artificial distortion introduced into our world by some processes.
Instead of the smell get a "color photo".
In the manufacture of SC is in a freezing mixture, which in this case acquires all the properties of a photo to create those conditions sufficient ( or more than) the mechanism is made to build the instrument (sound and light two boundaries in the world according to high and low frequencies).
Laser radiation was not needed, since there is no solid mass of matter that needs to be engraved. All of the substance initially in the liquid state and the long-term freezes constantly while structurewas under the influence of the program recording device.
In a sense - SK as a large crystal, which contains volume information and a signal connection (input socket in the public network) and a simple reminder to the operator (algorithms how to communicate in the global information).
When building this structure is used method does not require a laser that could be done with the bracelets, if you produce the material from scratch (to cast it in the special conditions and compliance with certain methods).
By the way the method of the transfer structure and information in it are well known since ancient times and stored in some birth to this day, though in a completely different perspective. I'm talking about special kinds of steel, cold weapon hand forged. Damascus and other.... there are roughly the same algorithms, it includes a number of components, providing not only structural information but also the impact created by the material whose properties are not a great composition or not only the composition but also in the fine internal structure, information in it, and, in a sense, in namochennoy in water is more real world than what we perceive.<

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 16:29
by Карил
With bracelet all clear, there is the subconscious mind does everything. And how is it that SK photo true peace does desire, well and generally behaves like a computer?
the "capsule" around the user creates a closed space, inside which increases the energy density and tighter go the natural regeneration processes of the body.
Something I don't understand, if your technology is a reminder of another world, where energy. Mmm... the energy of my emotions from the perception of another world?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 16:56
by Михаил_
bored can't, well, except that as in the old parable wants to be "all"...
in addition, the allegory is just an allegory. Just the social part of our world is now in a stage of development in which a person is very much distanciadores from the real world, the biosphere, part of which he himself is.

SK is not fulfilling desires. SK changes the conditions of interaction in the man-world. The most glaring example - "a woman like You drive a car, You have the same windshield from snow not cleaned off!?!"- "And I still forgot glasses at home" :)
With the same initial data, we can influence (within certain limits) on the system and on the part of man and from the external environment (the world).
Generally speaking, a man even just a different mood, different will behave in the same situation and after a short time the outcome from the same initial process can be simply striking others (remember good good movie "Groundhog Day").
Can and the initial conditions are slightly changed by the outside world. Occur some events from the man directly into dependable.
Of course the UK is not just a picture, it is a system that evaluates the "thorn" - that part in us and in the outside world that more hinders the desired development of the situation. At the same time there is some recharge processes energy.
About the photo explanation was due primarily to illustrate the subtleties associated with different options for the creation of info-active items. I tried to explain so that was clear about that in this case we are dealing not even with the information transfer or the creation of the structure, and to some extent with the "registration" of the object that was listed here, and begins to be listed in another file. The world is essentially the same, but the objective of influencing shell - the outer wall of the psychiatric hospital is a long-term result of the work of the society and not only. I.e. grafted the error affecting in the future and samoraphouma in the cycle.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 18:28
by Карил
I know how the computers are arranged at a low level, that is, how they actually work. And perhaps that is why I can not understand. How does your SK?

Well, if you just take his ability to calculate, the second question is whether it is reasonable? In the Chronicles Zelazny was one very interesting device. :wink:

And as a joke. You've left to do speaking of the UK? :)

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 19:30
by Михаил_
Карил wrote:Michael_
I know how the computers are arranged at a low level, that is, how they actually work. And perhaps that is why I can not understand. How does your SK?
I'm also not bad with low level device computers....
Then it will be easier to understand a number of explanations.
You can lay a sequence of actions, even complex ones, in a simple thought form, if you make it high. Ie if the person generates thought on the level of Intrusive thoughts (often of desires, fears, complexes), it turns out the parasite. Vampiresa thought, which came out "accidentally", the only thing she knows how to arouse this obsession and the energy of fear or other feelings with her man linked to eat... and these parasites can goes to offline mode and change the owner.
If the frequency of creation (and consciousness ) is high, then working out the algorithm pogibali in their area of the world for themselves. A local modifier. Sometimes it is very effective and therefore widely used from ancient times (in the same area of different wards, etc.), but sometimes is not very harmonious from the point of view of work processes with the world, ie is a rather drastic solution - just a runny nose, it's time to cut the head.
There are two cases when you can just constraits with the model solution algorithm is acquired if its aggregor (and many have been) and we take it can not modifying. And the second option - if it is like the story in the Central library in the world - ie it is not the egregore, and the EXPERIENCE of the world. Above I gave examples of the importance of the interactions of personal experience, and have experience the other side of the world in which we find ourselves.
Setting the experience of the world allows to "play" certain algorithms are taking them from an external library and not wasting time and effort for their creation and as thought forms and charging energy (because of the high frequency thought-form energies above the majority of people, in the process, unlike the larva, they do not eat energy, but they themselves are spent, unless provided for their nourishment).
Thus, by creating a resonance with an external library - experience of the world, we do not make a dissonance in the local curvature (as in the case of deformation due to the impact of Autonomous thought forms), but we get a working algorithm, which is akin to a simple program.

I think this part is clear?

So, in principle, extensions in BJ.
A broadly similar principle, as I understand it, and use a chamber. (they only have the conditions and facilities for resonance are constructed differently). What about a chamber can not say for sure (need time to review, and he's always out), but in General I think the principle is clear.

Now what SK is a set of algorithms, and running programs. Algorithms is the basis - for example see the cause of the disharmony of the interaction of man-world is like one subtraction - calculation of the difference in the system, which is not enough to ensure that the amount was harmonious. This kind of module seems to resonate with this algorithm in the world can say the quality of the world.

And besides there is a simple front-end add-ons, but very effective. They are made on the same cell the cloud. Cell cloud is also the program. Tricky.
It consists of microchips, from the "cells". Cells in the body are able to work in collaboration (unified algorithm) and to specialize (information storage, recharge energy, and so on) Can be divided and raznositsya... only they are not physical, but energy, as high frequency thought forms. but they do not have to create as they are made manifest as a feature of the world. Ie is also taken by resonance with the planet. Firstly because this principle is in all living objects. Secondly because a little of it added for this use and made it a planetary experience, giving it a certain weight and history.
It is these cells and made the interface and sealing performance of the algorithms BJ older versions of SK.
in principle, to (cellular cloud) this is a simple program written in the cells. And every cell for the electronics can be represented as a microchip with a complete set of functions - short and long term memory, a set of interfaces, the set of types of supply, basic algorithms in microcode, a set of algorithms for operation of the cell together, and of reproduction, and so on.
The only difference is that the cells - not microchips, they are not man-made, and taken as a principle of living. Therefore it is impossible to write some kind of disharmonious and generally sucks the algorithm - it will be rejected by the biosphere and just not start. This simultaneously limits the functionality and perfectly insures against errors and left application. In addition, the cells implemented access authorization - by default the Creator of the program, passing on part of the functions (configurable) of the user.

Due to this, the interface IC is protected from influences of random leftist who has seen the device.
Well, if you just take his ability to calculate, the second question is whether it is reasonable? In the Chronicles Zelazny was one very interesting device. :wink:
Yes.... a very interesting device....
no, SK do, insurance is not reasonable, it is slightly symbiotically as any bracelet, and the fact that this bracelet is not - there is a direct and not a complex program made to "cells".

And as a joke. You've left to do speaking of the UK? :)
Will doshutilis :) There is no problem to do the talking IC. Purely technical problems, but they are weak and rest rather during the design process of the system of words and symbols.
The problem is the operator who needs to hear through a direct channel, not through hearing. (or to see).
The bracelets version 2.0 and higher there seems to be two or three modules, the description of which I post only in the closed part, they only work for older versions and are associated with the interface just.... today I will correct this error, post in the public section. There in particular, there is a virtual screen on the right and left extreme fields of view, where sometimes translated straight marks "the right way(choices) and bad way(choice)." This screen is how it works, but not quite clearly. When I think about it and start to use it - it becomes more visible. And sound or video - not much difference.<

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 19:36
by Михаил_
on the creation of intelligent objects - I take this very seriously, in the sense that just never. Neither BJ nor SK - not reasonable! they work with the subconscious and external, historically known and proven algorithms, with the experience of the biosphere. Provide some of the service routines, but are not the system claim. intelligence or, especially, living things. Otherwise I would think it is not correct.... by the way have the same effects Zelazny create intelligent machines well illustrated :)
In some sort of cell information structures is the "mind" as in all tissues of the human body, animals, plants. Or rather similar. I.e. is the mind a different system level associated with the maintenance of the given function, it is also the quantum as our and planetary, but with the individualization, as a part of a larger. Your stomach may be the subject of dialogue, but is perceived as not commensurate with Your intelligence or personality. I think it is clear what I'm talking about.

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:30
Михаил_ wrote:if one generates the thought-form at the level of Intrusive thoughts (often of desires, fears, complexes), it turns out the parasite. Vampiresa thought, which came out "accidentally", the only thing she knows how to arouse this obsession and the energy of fear or other feelings with her man linked to eat... and these parasites can goes to offline mode and change the owner.
My opinion - "parasites" is repeatabilities "hooks" to be free - you need to "get away", "break" the causal relationship of this "Mental virus", but it is not so difficult, it would wish!

Dear, Michael_, a gift to You and Your "small business". POSTER - CREATION to embed on Your choice in"production laboratory" of small enterprises.
Андрей Кабанков wrote:In there are posters with the codes Janusz

The transition
The time shift

Size 100х70 cm
The price is 1000 rubles for the poster.

GOOD GIFTS for FRIENDS, PARTNERS, LOVED ones! ...and useful...
Ideas are a form of energy and the law of conservation States that: energy does not disappear, it merely changes from one form to another. Wspomnia the opinion of Plato on this subject: ...emerged once the idea will never disappear and will never be forgotten finally, it will again and again to get into the minds of people.

Your gift is waiting for You in the office "Psychotronics".

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 14:10
by Михаил_
For the gift - thank you :)
Of larvae in different stages of existence that sees them sees sometimes in clusters, and in principle, their oncogene or cleaning them much easier person recovery from their problems. This I mean that everything can be described in different ways, it is of course just linking to some crap, but sometimes so long that he managed to eat with other people and to strengthen the structure. But these things can live for centuries and switching from person to person and paying their way of thinking on your subject (forcing to do a release of energy in the right direction). On the one hand like a good topic for study... on the other, many lack the experience and understanding not only freed, but also understand why suddenly the mindset and perception changed. Or even quite simply, the excess energy of these structures otgorit and die :) checked.
simple enough BJ 2.0 for example - check my other one hung like a hanger the girl. Or another way powerful and long lasting flow of energy (a couple of weeks at least, or longer).

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 0:06
by Карил
Михаил_ wrote:And each cell for the electronics can be represented as a microchip with a complete set of functions - short and long term memory, a set of interfaces, the set of types of supply, basic algorithms in microcode, a set of algorithms for operation of the cell together, and of reproduction, and so on.
The only difference is that the cells - not microchips, they are not man-made, and taken as a principle of living. Therefore it is impossible to write some kind of disharmonious and generally sucks the algorithm - it will be rejected by the biosphere and just not start.
It's incredible and doesn't make sense. You write very convincingly about them as physically existing. Me as a programmer it is very interesting to communicate with them.

How to do it? How can you learn? How cells sociable well given my limited access? How they are programmed, how much code you can write in one cell? And what programming language? There are some directories? Writing programs is rarely complete without errors :) The debugger, the cells have?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:21
by Михаил_
TO cell cloud in БЖ2.x in the UK has a number of limitations, i.e. it is not a prototype cell (clear cell) and a simple program whose purpose is to increase the effects of performed tasks using the simplest f-functions that are available this energy education.
So wearing the bracelets You always directly or indirectly have to deal with them.
If you read carefully folding forum - there's some folks report that even seeing the speed build TO after putting on the bracelets for the first time. Sorry I this is in visual range, and as such are not yet available.
so... what I mean....
protofunction cells this know-how and still does not help, as there are schemes of protection against not authorized access.
But in the simplest program "assistance in solving problems," can be very flexible programming TO on offline jobs separating from it the parts on it.

The mental programming, programming language images. The capacity of one cell do not know what is limited, in theory - ease. The division laid down as f-tion for the complexity of the structure and stored energy, because it's easier to do inform. the structure is stable.
The debugger - to check the experience of what happened, and procurement programs of the small pieces and tested.
A regular job with images does not allow such flexibility, for example cost-free on power up the required parts.

Learning.... everything gradually... learn basic to BJ yet.
In General, this topic is not one page, all the features of the cells do not use... except this one (it's on the topic of mistakes) there is a system of auto-reset built with blunders, or try to lay some destructive algorithms, and it sort of side consequence of the fact that the cell is the principle in the planetary biosphere is present. Ie, something is crooked gets much stop from the biosphere.
For starters, you can try to play with the fact that clouds can mentally take a piece of dough somewhere to fix by putting some simple task.
In the "classical" case for such manipulation have much to pant heavily, as this will require a high frequency of thought forms. In the case of the cloud - just to clearly pose the problem. Although the personal status at the time of production will depend on how it will be perceived, but there is no need to build a basic stable structure.
In normal mode, the cloud enhances the performance of the modules and algorithms in SK and in the case of BJ also serves as a distribution mechanism energopodachi from one point (the bracelet) on the surface of the cocoon. But this is more or less clearly written in the thread about the second version.<

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:27
by Михаил_
all computer topics in relation to I have brought for ease of understanding, this object is considered as alive, more so than a computer, but not reasonable from the point of view of personal reason.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 16:29
by Карил
Михаил_ wrote:But in the simplest program "assistance in solving problems," can be very flexible programming TO on offline jobs separating from it the parts on it.
The idea is that I should be all of them as ... shrouded in cloud. But how to do it if I don't feel anything? And if there is any feeling, it is not postoyannie and not outside, but inside. It can be my own threads.

And finally, the cloud 2.0 the bracelets are not sustainable and could cling to anyone on the way until the bracelet I was lucky. Turns out I had the clouds not to be.

Well, let I have it. We should start to perceive it as anything. How?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 19:38
by Михаил_
Карил wrote: The idea is that I should be all of them as ... shrouded in cloud.
in some sense it is.
I recommend to read topic "some news" and reviews of EAS on long-term circulation without the bracelets. (by the way he had a serious health diagnosis, so to wear BJ energy was like a black hole, now more or less normalized).
But how to do it if I don't feel anything? And if there is any feeling, it is not postoyannie and not outside, but inside. It can be my own threads.
but it would be very bad if the cloud was felt as it would be extreme, just beyond incorrect - to put a permanent layer between the world and the cocoon.
See recommendation above - read a bit.... there you can adjust the density and other parameters. Play the feelies this develops gradually....

And finally, the cloud 2.0 the bracelets are not sustainable and could cling to anyone on the way until the bracelet I was lucky.
What makes You think so ? more stable and nowhere can they be the only ones who wore the bracelets as their master some time (on the wrist). After removing TO is held, and the next wearer of the wristband - something new is created.
It does not cling anywhere, absolutely stable and unused bracelets is just in a collapsed state, in the form of a single cell, carrier basic program. Deployment occurs when putting on the bracelet, as many times as you need. At least 100.
Turns out I had the clouds not to be.
no this does not work.
You with the usual sort of cloud do not compare :)
the cloud is deployed on the object socks.
Well, let I have it. We should start to perceive it as anything. How?
read, try to control when you change forms and thickness to feeling. If that fails, then there are two options - to manage without clear feedback, and to catch indirect effects from his work, or to engage in the development of the feelies first.<

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 21:57
by Карил
On your forum there. Cloud latched on to someone's wife when I walked past and had to be deactivated.

Even wrote somewhere that in 2.0 the bracelets the cloud is not generated in 2.5 so it may be separate from the bracelet on the person. If you load the body, that enable will not succeed.

To manage for example so: "cloud sdelalsya denser and proyavlenie"?

About the development of the feelies. How? Where about it to esteem?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 22:41
by Михаил_
Carilo, writing is sometimes not troubled in precision of language, and reading - just reading.
Deactivated cloud Boris, who himself has the complete ability to control cellular technology. Deactivated not because "where's the trailer", but because he gave her the bracelet 2.0 but she may have problems with the energy (blocks in the spine on the physical level, apparently), while she is pregnant and therefore more sensitive to such influences (there are no contraindications, except personal feelings). He said the other man that in similar situation the unit has left itself and all was well "worn" (2.0), and Boris shohel, I'll just see what will happen when she accidentally somewhere the cloud will pick up because the bracelets 2.0 everywhere in the apartment scattered.
No one anywhere no one does not cling. Just carefully read the texts.

About 2.0 and 2.5 is also no such written
in all versions of 2.x cloud on each new bearing is created. Just 2.0, no rigid structure in the form of laser engraving, which he can recreate.
So for 2.0, the manufacturer can easily turn off the cloud entirely, if he sees harm to the wearer. At the same time remain fully functional BJ similar to the 1.0 but a little more "densely" loaded.
The presence of this quality - ability to reset the cell
In 2.5 and later, there is some technical problem to reset the cell structure, i.e. just the command "reset" doesn't work, because the engraving it will resume. But this issue is resolved. Ie. if there is weighty reason, that will reset anything. It's just technically more complicated and not all have access to the manufacturer 2.x can with such a difficult reset will do it, but if it is really necessary that this issue is resolved.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 22:57
by Михаил_
If immersed in the body, that enable will not succeed.
this is also a wrong reading of the information.
I wrote (I guess I wrote this) that you should be more careful with your experiments because if you turn off ALL the cloud when wearing the bracelets consciously, then will turn off and the "seed" cell (or cells) that actually are on bracelets. It can be split, but it's like "don't think about white monkey".
And when experiments with immersion in the body and of other experiments of the impact itself (usually the cloud touches the cocoon) can reflex off.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 22:59
by Михаил_
about the development of the feelies slowly something published and will publish in the section some theory and practice.
I can also recommend courses Denisova (cost money though).

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:48
by Маг.нет
Yes, almost always.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 12:10
While waiting for SK 1M, the question arose Mihailo, "draw" please schematic effective interaction (creating systems), the specified device with RAD2400HD, app Manifest, and other equipment offered on this website.

Thank you!
You studied enough this issue!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 16:17
by Карил
Courses which is the Golden ray?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 20:55
by Михаил_
Карил wrote:Michael_
Courses which is the Golden ray?
Yes, the price of the courses will be abruptly СК1М, but they are worth it.
All teaching on this subject, it really is only from him. The rest will rest in your persistence about additional classes (the course will provide a qualitative result, but will need to continue practicing on their own).
However we tried to work according to a slightly modified method, where the influence of the teacher is replaced by the record made on psyleron, too, the effect is, but it seems slower....
Here put in the office MM the camera shielding, you can try with her to carry out the modulation of the cocoon quality. At Denisov's result, because it translates the correct state on students. A.

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 21:22
by Михаил_
ГОРОДСКОЙ СУМАСШЕДШИЙ wrote:While waiting for SK 1M, the question arose Mihailo, "draw" please schematic effective interaction (creating systems), the specified device with RAD2400HD, app Manifest, and other equipment offered on this website.

Thank you!
You studied enough this issue!
Yeah.... this miniparty SC had? No, I don't specifically create the deficit, it just happened so fast, didn't manage to establish all the stages to Tikal without me as a watch....

Schemes simple. I can without pictures?
Generally Рад2400 very convenient for superimposition different thing.

1. it has outputs for trend and goal to minijack.
they can hang one or two of W1 (not necessarily M, but the other is not, the question is about the large version I remember, but still no certainty).
If the device one, then decide which of the outputs (more importantly, strengthen the trend or strengthen the relationship with the target and impacts on it), as a rule, if this is the situation, it is better to strengthen the trend, if health is the goal.
In General, the IC is able to effectively consider the impact of other system and strengthen it.

2. you can use a card from one manifestacin SK, just put the card on the object table of the device.

3. you can run radionic and SK independently from each other, creating for SK analogichnye a bunch of trend-purpose for audio either in the form of recording on the object table, or in the form of a mental command. Then they will work on one, but regardless, however not in dissonance.

I would recommend to start with at version1.