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Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 10:50
by .Ксения.
I want to share another interesting way to hold a Solitaire. It's a long game of solitaire, when every day is tied to one card in the chain. In the classic perception of the phenomenon of Solitaire it is believed that a longer (stretched in time) of the chain more difficult to execute, because then it is more difficult to deter this flow of consciousness, and it is easy to fall out. However, in the case of non-classical and "non-systemic" living decks with cards that have different characters, tones, and faces, in my opinion, it is not. Thus, first, is timing — one card equals one day, and secondly, when the day goes "under the sign of" a particular card, the eventfulness of this day in varying degrees, becomes impregnated with this card, and sometimes very interesting to observe the multiple responses and manifestations of this card and its unfolding on the canvas of the day (and night too — it can be put under the pillow :) dreams with the cards, as I already wrote, it is a separate interesting topic for research). So you give the map to show and expand in their diversity and to play with you more "globally" and not just having played in a short period of time. Feedback, as often happens, come in from the field "chills", that is riddled with amazing coincidences and synchronicity. By the way, as a side effect, this affects the community as a whole, which is becoming more space for these synchronisms and, therefore, a good circumstances and other different kinds of interesting effects. These solitaire games can be just for fun and gain contact, "convergence", sync into rhythm with the surrounding reality, and for some large and long-term goals that require large mass and time to implement. Another interesting observation is that in the process of this great solitaire game you can spend a little plain (but by a different deck — I know that many people have a pair of homemade products or, for example, one commercial and one home-made, or you can use a different deck, that's also very interesting), then a little solitaire is part of a large fractal, and is woven into it. A little solitaire will be a reflection of the "card of day" Grand solitaire is one can chose what flavor you want to make a small solitaire from big and Vice versa.<

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 13:29
by Petr99
Got the deck today. I got a special artifact on the nine of spades is no sign of the suit, although the blanks for self-production it is checked specially)). Accidents are not accidental!!! :)

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:49
by Михаил_
It's a unique way of fun decks - when the printer is not printing what is in the file and the entire process of manufacture for literally every copy is somehow at its :) Fun, but a little pity time those who were busy while they're having fun, people :) (I mean, that's not the only trick in the past with moments of release time). If necessary, the "normal" map to hand - no problem.

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 15:28
by Графиня
Took yesterday your deck. But upon entering the code from the card write to me that this code has already been introduced...

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 14:02
by Мартин
I read that you can carry the cards to gain some qualities. What better to use in the trial, to suppress the enemy?

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 0:14
by .Ксения.
Martin, I will answer your question, but first I would like to write the following. As you can probably understand, this situation there are different approaches, which are well to combine. One of them is to understand where and how your inner world is projected in the external situation with the trial and try to figure out what's what, and change some aspects or attitudes. This approach, of course, is not absolute, but in combination with other techniques can often give a brighter and faster result. Also, perhaps you should think about what you in fact need this situation — maybe it contains some hidden resources for you, maybe that signals the need for any changes, any different ideas about your life and the true desires of your consciousness and your current personality with your subconscious mind and the "big I" or just that you need to pay for something to focus on? Maybe it's not that serious :) or Vice versa once hitrospleteniya. Then you really know better. That is, any of these aspects may be manifested in one degree or another, and just have a good just in case to keep this in mind because in the case of a relatively bright manifestation it will be inhibiting factor in the use of an auxiliary tool.

As for the cards, then you are interested in the theme of "suppression" for them is a little far, but if we use the game approach, you can get a good result. For example, if you tell yourself — "okay, I talk to myself on this subject, think, feel, what was happening, but now I have something like that and I need to get a certain result. In this situation I need to play some "position of power". That is, you consciously "wear" on the role of "dominant power" and play with her, deeply connecting with her and live her, but at the same time realizing that it is only a role and you're much more multifaceted than this single aspect. Then you will not be tied to him and to the result, and everything will work itself out naturally. The enemy can also be regarded as a person playing a role, but he probably does it unconsciously, and in this respect you have an advantage over him, and you may both be higher "directing" position (Master Simoron) to reject the script in the right direction. And then the cards will be interesting :) For this purpose it is possible to use, for example, the combination of the king and the ACE of spades and end cards from the old deck (it is harder, more fluid new-playing). About these maps and use them in a similar situation, I was just telling my friend. To feel the power :) you can add or separately to experiment with the king of diamonds from a new deck. Perhaps a combination of king of diamonds with the closing.

It is also possible an alternative approach, not through a position of dominance, and through the chaos (air). That is, the creation of unexpected custom event that is emerging a good and necessary way for you without the use of force directly. There will be good new decks king of clubs, 9 and 6 of diamonds, 8 of clubs for a "Director's view from the top", the Jack of clubs to the formation of the desired intention. In this case, you can combine them with an opening on the contrary, more chaotic and mnogokasatelnoy in fact. Well, any other cards you feel right for yourself in this situation.<

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 0:32
by .Ксения.
Графиня wrote:picked up yesterday your deck. But upon entering the code from the card write to me that this code has already been introduced...
Hello, this question is best ask of the administration. I hope that has helped you to understand.

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 12:20
by Мартин
Great. Thanks for the introduction, but in this case I make money, and not a party to the proceedings. King spade I raise the volume of some aspect of the situation that we want to play and to draw the court's attention, or even create a dominant, create crosses multiple options, and fix your real result tambourines. The arguments of the opponent are offset and I get in the end its suppression, as if without the pressure on him, just reduce its volume and select luck. If I understand the diagram?

P/S it is a pity that more down-to-earth no description, as that is the Jack of clubs to the formation of the desired intention

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 17:00
by .Ксения.
I did not write any particular scheme, just different approaches, but what you describe is a working version, especially since, judging by your text, you well feel and know what you need to do, and this is important. With the king of spades from the old deck, you can try to combine the king of diamonds from the new just for more powerful "volume up" once. ACE of diamonds from old may still be useful. The only thing - you do not "take luck" or anything else someone, and just build your own event stream with the desired end result, in terms of existing data, skills and tools.

I would also like to add that if in the judicial context, say, for example, on advocacy, there appear additional players (customers) with their own storylines that can make their sound, sometimes, maybe quite strongly, and the entry in the previous post can sometimes relate to them :) and that may further influence the process from their side. But if you think obstragirovanno from these nuances, in General your thinking on the subject of using maps for the desired state and result in a specified context of use.

Regarding the description cards, the jacks all by themselves are the property of the creation of intentions (as in the classic interpretation of PM), but each of these jacks is shown through their perspective and quality. More "down to earth" description to what extent it is possible to find in a long post about using the cards individually out of solitaire, as well as examples of response cards during thereof. In General the deck (especially a new one), though quite applicable to both the physical and household tasks, especially if you have a creative approach :) but mostly she herself was born a little suitable for other purposes, especially for so-called "stalking", both in the classical understanding of PM, and in the most wide-ranging and deeply personal, in context, relatively, and roughly speaking, a "mystical experience" of the weave and the blend of internal and external realities, and are born from the process of event patterns and experiences, not abstract and my heart from earthly life, namely, synchronization, and interaction with it, thereby giving it a completely different taste, the sound and plenitude of sense. That is the same life processes, even the everyday and mundane, suddenly acquire a new dimension with a new perspective. In forty days the solitaire card a day is particularly interesting and pronounced, even when seemingly ordinary day becomes a thick and rich sounding from filling his "overtones" in the form of some interesting, new or not previously manifested itself elements and just due to the increase of awareness, focus, and density of interaction and feeling the world and themselves in it. Words can't Express such things, they just lose volume and sound in the abstract. In General, for these "shamanic journeys" into the depths of itself, and at the same time beyond the already familiar and the familiar reality that in some sense the same, the deck is very well suited and this is reflected in the description. Also in the Deck, in contrast to the more straightforward tools, for obvious reasons, there is a lot of symbolism and some right of irrationality and non-linearity, therefore, in its application, especially in some more material and domestic purposes may require a flexible approach and unconventional look at familiar things and processes and their place in the world.

The last paragraph refers not to a particular question Martin, and just fell to the floor. Maybe someone it will help to better understand and feel the Deck depth and the face and that it is it.<

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:05
by Михаил_
Recently Sabang quoted on my forum, in a different context, but very useful for understanding work with the decks (all three in fact).

– How is everything?! – I was taken aback. – To think, to imagine, and nothing else? No zacklin...
– What, in the butt, spells?! – roared Geiseri. Why the fuck are they here? Quite mad with his Golandsky magic! Shame and shame!
If I got behind the wall lived the neighbors, they probably would have thought I killed and called police. But I only have the vast expanse, a gloomy autumn sky and birds, and they do not have the habit just that once to escape the police. So that cost.
– You, lovers spells, I think the World is stupid and lazy stormed Geiseri. – I think, without forcing it to do anything won't. Offensive attitude! It you are stupid and lazy. And at the same time utterly practical, it's disgusting to watch! They made up stupid spells to always get the same guaranteed results, and somehow believe it is magic. While the real magic is the game that we offer to the World. And his joyful consent to play with us. But that's not the shameful profanation – just that, waving his arms and yelling: "Dermody!", or what sort of spells you have now in fashion...
Max Frye, "Give my heart"

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:07
by Михаил_
Deck - a tool of the game with the world. The mood is very desirable to have suitable :)

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:03
by Мартин
Ч_П wrote:this time I want to share even with the photo very interesting to have a combination of air and water, which seem to have merged in the incredible water, the sky, in some unknown weightless but dense substance, like water thinned to the airiness, and the air sigils to flow. Do again notice how the sky reacts to solitaire, it gets so rich, bright, thick and as if filled with something. Still very pleased 8 drum BB, which is on the square people were sitting directly on the stones in the circles, just as drawn on the map))) Well, the target is also aces all came together on the same square, a pretty cool feeling thanks to everyone who participated.
It seemed to me that the wording is not the best. Moreover, the second time in a row, but still the ACE of Clubs after the ACE of Diamonds. On the contrary, I would have understood the logic. Therefore work with your own goals and do "Air" it was a lot. Immediately got a "visible" effect, went abnormal events. The very quality of the air, appeared in an interesting way, after watching the movie "His damn business" when there seems to be a lot of dangerous and chaotic events, which in the end are all connected and end up being the best way, it's just my target card minifestivals. Of course you need to be able to work with stress, if practiced air.

Re: Deck Of "The Smile Of The Cheshire Cat"

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 22:13
by Михаил_
Well, the wording is the basis of our perceptual processes (more global) and their possible correci, each of course is considering the fact that he personally responds. Always responds according to personal processes and personal understanding in their own way. The chain is also a sentence and not a dogma. Just good work, a single collective chain and we this version was felt optimal for a number of reasons for this time (previously discussed several options). Always in the "equation" a lot of parameters and nuances. Some of them even write publicly is not very likely.
In any case, very efficiently obtained when the solitaire woven into a series of street and other events, and ideally, if it is estestvennym way (h/e you can wander around the city, to go somewhere for the sake of the solitaire, and it happens that it has itself developed so that the whole situation just creates a stream according to the map/process). So we have in this time was third-party and the circumstances surrounding the situation date and the time which was "programmed" even before a succession of cases/decisions/plans to the discussion thread of solitaire, went to a single figure and is woven into the work;
PS this is in the theme of the last collective solitaire ( ... #post27417)