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Post by Михаил_ » Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:08

Let me tell You the bike... not to sad. We have one friend... which is a few years ago dramatically changed his life. She did not go studying at the UNIVERSITY, although it did (if I remember correctly), and went to trainees at the Institute of human arbekovskiy. Well, with org. point of view, there shop much rotten :) in General, a kick in the sense of some self-development training she received and a spoon of tar - the same was done with this story after two years, realizing that further stalled, but taking something useful and a basic course for yourself. And then her parents and siblings decided to exchange one-bedroom apartment almost in the city center. Well, she got a small part, because she lived there and was registered, but the family is large, divided into pieces. However, the amount was neither here nor there. For odnushku in Moscow with an old stretch of the imagination. And our friend decided to continue the "esoteric" education in one relatively speaking "monastery" of martial arts, open one school in the Eastern Crimea. And went on back. And invested money there in the construction of one of the buildings under the personal promise of the coach on the return on the first request.
And really a lot know it is there. About the body and how to cultivate the garden :) and much more about. And before that, she was very specific person. Salary is usually the first day down to cosmetics....
In General, after a couple of years, but contact with her was not, we saw in front of him a completely different person. In a good way. So other that and it is not clear where the total is between them.
After another year, she realized later in school is nothing to take, all that can be recognized, and the rest is also a number of tar.... so to speak the natural excesses of our reality. And decided to say goodbye, at the same time asking to recoup your investment.
Continue want?
The money is not returned.... will return or not is not yet clear, the chances are not very high.
However, without this story, go all the other way, it is not clear what it would be. Now this man really gain experience (not only financial, in the amount of around the over the years the incident), far surpassing the experience of many older and "wiser" people. It is quite similar to the one that left a few years ago.
In fact, she realizes that "lost" money is not the price at all, for the experience, although much of it was not because but in spite. I.e. due to the present difficult situations.
But things are really not comparable. Lost was the amount too around 100, not in rubles thousand.
In this story there were many unique details that are beyond the scope of this narrative. But the fact remains that only in the scenario with the loss of the money was a variant of the personal fate of the man made her a man wise beyond his years and capable of many independent records. No combination of super-duper-training would not give such a result. And what is money compared to this?...
Never it is impossible to assess clearly where you can find where you lose.
The best way to evaluate any event to see the positive and new opportunities.
But beware of the IC is correct.
Not so hard to "bend" reality, however learn to do it correctly so that the effect was the best. Device and so tries to harmonize, but to think and wish for a man can not.<

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Post by адлер » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:49

адлер wrote:Michael_
Tell me,drives A. Patrushev through ск1м play according to scheme 1. the disk 21 days or whatever without restrictions?

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Post by Михаил_ » Thu Jun 17, 2010 13:14

the effect is a little different, but the scheme is essentially correct. Removing any impact, to avoid habituation effects, it is always useful. I.e. to take breaks (well, at least change the disc) it is a good idea.
But the dogma of this is not worth it.

PS Sorry, sometimes I can skip the question in the midst of the others....

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Post by Рираха » Thu Jun 17, 2010 14:49

Michael, tell me, please - СК1М, which is bought, there are two entrances - one is the same as in the photo here on the website - apparently, the audio input, the other one convex (however, for some reason there is some kind of wand it is closed).

And I stuck audiospur player with a record goal in the flat entrance, but gnawing doubt, and suddenly the audio input that is convex and then my audio goes nowhere?

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Post by Михаил_ » Thu Jun 17, 2010 16:03

1. you need to use the audio input under a minijack, and the other connector for future extensions and is not yet used. Specifically stick plugged to standard connectors wasn't trying to stick :)
So all right.

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Post by верунчик » Thu Jun 17, 2010 16:50

And those who do not have this bulging, which is special.stick plugged em what my girlfriend without this extension will remain :shock: :)

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Post by Михаил_ » Thu Jun 17, 2010 17:00

:) we :) be made special adapter.

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Post by верунчик » Thu Jun 17, 2010 17:54

Thank you :o
And You promised spec.camera in office :oops:

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Post by Михаил_ » Thu Jun 17, 2010 18:02

and it's a must.... only it is very dangerous... many may want the same personal :)
the camera is in the final stages of Assembly, yesterday, talked with staff, will soon be ready and delivered.

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Post by верунчик » Thu Jun 17, 2010 18:20

:ay :ay :ay


Post by Новик » Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:33

As you look at the combination of W1 and SP(kulychka)
To start the session/affirmation and one from the player through rasdial to put it on W1 and SP
How will they interact?

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 4:52

1. I have this cake spit-spit in his hands and nothing.... ie I feel it weaker than casting with the captured signal from germinated seeds and the size is 100 times smaller than this cake. So I wonder nakoy he is. But I watched it only in the off state. Ie if radionic fonit off, uh-Oh, then I do not feel, though it was not completely blind. No... what it is, but it is quite weak. Ie, I don't understand why all they haul :) maybe I'm wrong, I can not understand why..... but, while I SP not impressive. By the way, and technologically, I see a lot "wrong" in the process of their manufacture.
2. SK is able to interact only with "brothers", i.e., with BJ, a modulator, and the other SK. Well, with the operator of course. So SP it will take over part of the external environment and all.
3. Since SP from the point of view of working with the situation is to link the operator-crystal and crystal-the planet (as I understand his work, one of), how it will affect, but completely different than SK, i.e. there is an algorithm to "push on".
And SK is trying to remove obstacles, because of "pressure head" at times a person may get injured (indirect energy, in fact just what in the esoteric karma call - deformation structures in the cocoon from the interaction).
4. I would recommend the SK set is not so much a kind of affirmation, how clearly and correctly worded goal. I.e., the impact is not the subconscious (affirmation), and to the world and ourselves, using the generated image of the target , which automatically attaches itself to a unique phrase. Can this sentence to say "words without meaning". Ie just phonemes.
Example: all carrot ihmo of NEMS varl wonme shows.

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:03

Good news. I have 5 pieces of high-frequency amplifiers to the UK ready and if you're lucky, tomorrow will go to the office.
This is something that is placed on top and is a passive "blank" which is the power generator in the high frequency range (analogue of the BZ 2.8, NATO signal).
Thing killer.
Bad news. This thing seems to be expensive. The material is almost not a renewable resource. And one such disc could be mass 2.8 BJ, so I have no problem to make something commercially widespread. Recommended even more to work with than with the situations, that is more valuable for myself. But carefully, if the body is not completely cool. Load in the transition to HF can be large (may be imbalance).
Possible use cases:
1. as a console mounted on top of the IC
2. as an independent programmable transmitter in the HF range that contains G2.x piercing done "hardware" (there is an engraved stone inside, i.e. 2.x to erase the subject must not only complete destruction in the dust.).
mode consoles will reshape the UK more widely.
Mounted on the table with a long stay there might be dangerous for an untrained person (to overload).

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Post by Маг.нет » Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:02

Михаил_ wrote:Thing is a killer.
Михаил_ wrote:and This thing seems to be expensive.
Just wait for third-party experiments, then this to fully understand the time-the time you need... Price is interesting. Have a question, what are the fundamental differences BJ 2.8 with this functionality?

Assumption 2.0 - SK, 2.8 -, RF IC, right?

Sincerely, MAG.no

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 13:18

lifting frequency, we begin to touch upon physical matter and etheric plane (the lower chakras of the body, to anahata - the end of afirca), and higher frequency information structures. Which on the one hand defines the "our everything", on the other hand, when you need to drastically fix something in physics, that the low frequency healer will make it cooler by adjusting afirca, though not for a long time (many of them simply can not do anything but smear energy from above). Same story in my opinion with SP - no wonder Mesmer or whoever called this "animal magnetism" - i.e., have a low frequency, very necessary to the body, then already due to the saturation of these "floors" of human energy rises above and appears a ray of light and on the upper floors, which affects its ability to influence the world.
Event flow more

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 13:27

the degree is regulated via high frequency (impact on probability), but depends on low frequencies. Ie good need to energy was everywhere in abundance.
SK is able to power the entire range, but goes up not so much because it is constantly the body is almost all of us requires some repair and the path of all "hawala" as the three-headed dragon :) in a sense, as three Hari :)
Crawls up to the top less.... significantly little.
quite a unique opportunity to create a HF washing has its pros and cons. Minus in the fact that in the first place, the mode is switched, if the body can not take the right amount of power (blocks, slag)there is a bias. I've seen it myself, what kind of said in the video. No, patients feel, but the device showed that I have all completely unbalanced.
With time passed.
2.8 Yes, that is the HF prefix to IC. Only it's not RF IC, i.e. the prefix does not carry the functionality of IC, but carries the functionality of the BZ that was 1) reasonably make for the convenience of the individual using 2) you had to do in order to conveniently pairing them in a single complex (SK, prefix), because it is well written and works fine in version 2.0 and above. In fact, I just "drowned" in this piece of stone engraved link bracelet that guarantees the availability of system 2.x until the stone is alive :) and he inside will be.... there is a monolithic block.
Cost probably will as SC itself.

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 13:30

Ie once again I will explain. On the one hand RF console useful for working with the situation in the upper frequencies. The difference is that for example there was an unpleasant interaction (for example at a usage level of BJ or SK as protection), at low frequencies we can build a defense. High this protection would in principle create a situation where the interaction itself, but if it's already starting to happen in some way HF will be useless. Ie, working with the intentions and principles there is much that affects the course, but this does not preclude dense world from consideration.
Not sure I clearly explained :)

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Post by Маг.нет » Fri Jun 18, 2010 13:33

Михаил_ wrote:Not sure I clearly explained
I understand! And You?

Put 2.8 in the UK, you can replace the BJ treble?

Sincerely, MAG.no

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 13:37

no, can not be replaced. RF console has a large mass and . And 2.8 is working well on the hand. Impact 2.8 per person at constant(periodical) the toe will more than treble UK, although when I hand this thing put on top, then me some sausage....
doubtless 2.8 on the UK top somehow will work.... but an order of magnitude weaker console, it is good for the situation at hand.

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Post by Маг.нет » Fri Jun 18, 2010 13:41

Thank you! Clear.

Sincerely, MAG.no

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 14:09

the console is installed on the device (the entire complex) look like this:

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 14:12

the connector and the wire visible in the photo go to SK, not to the console. Console has audio input (to avoid errors).
Electrical connection with the UK will have a different device - active amplifier (but it will have frequency shifts).
Will appear I think, a month and a half or two.

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Post by Маг.нет » Fri Jun 18, 2010 14:31

RF"cap" for the UK... funny looks going up to 2.8 reflect>>> that I more useful?

Sincerely, MAG.no

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Jun 18, 2010 15:13

wow.... and who but yourself can answer this question? I'd take the 2.8 :) but I at least swear at all, he slightly ekstrimal.... 3 pieces 2.8 left in the office in a few hours will be there.
two wooden and more powerful and one stone and more than 2.6 th, in the sense of their situation, to push better, and the wood itself to push... Although in General a matter of taste. They are very similar, but there is some subtle difference that no Pomeroy not understand.

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Post by Маг.нет » Fri Jun 18, 2010 15:17

Next weekend I intend to re-visit these sites: http://www.mindmachine.ru/viewtopic.php?p=47969#47969

Michael_what items (stones, resin, metal, sand, water, what else?) it is better to take, as the imprint structures for future use with SK 1M?

Sincerely, MAG.no
