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Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:29
Michael, Hello! Yesterday brought the bracelet 2.6 and a chamber. The courier said, is to consult with you as to the developer.
1). The purpose of the business, increase luck - luck. That is - to wear on his right hand? As needed interaction with external reality, and increase community and lucky coincidences from the outside?
2). In this case, attunement to the artifact is the same - 1 month?
3). When worn only on the right hand - the courier said possible distortions in the energy sector? Or is it under goal valid?
4). Because the bracelet fits the hand in the middle of the distance from the wrist to the elbow - whether it is necessary for this task then wear it lower on your wrist? Or is it only when Wellness problems?
5).Since your development is used for the first time - something that start immediately with this version of the BZ - 2,6 - it is not very critical?
6).What point on what grounds can be attributed to the state that you can "rely" on the bracelet in the business?
7).Whether to swim, bath, shower, other water craft - without having to remove the bracelet? Not does this reduce the activity, as often happens with artifacts?
8).The parlor can be directly parallel to wear-to wear? Or first, to attune with BJ?

Sorry, lot of questions. Your development news to me, it all started the other day with mindmachine - which was asked to advise a friend, if he can, is not harmful. Began to look for information, I found your site and development. BANG-it exists. But now how to master....

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 13:10
by Михаил_
In General, all of these answers are already on the forum.

1. 2.6 -normally, distortions will not, but the hands should alternate.
2. the localization of the hand (or foot) is not important.
3. in water, he is committed not to damage it, with water contact even good
4. Svetlitsa - the product itself, you can learn at the same time
5. should check out the reviews at 2.6 on the forum (or any forum), the first few weeks can bounce in the events around them.

overall - just wear... :)
read the forum, take your time...

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 13:53
Didn't expect so fast answer! Thought after the holidays the response you will get! like everyone else. Thank you!
Hands alternate with some intervals or focusing on what sensations? Given the purpose of the business?
What about the first weeks rattle - there are options to modify than the additional?
So until attunement with the BJ not to lose business ? bc
I thought some of the more sophisticated instruments to take to insure getting started with BJ.
About the modulator I replied with a website - that too, you have to ask, they are not available.
Radionics (salivate now) - tricky look to master.
The chatter in the events - not destroy generally all to hell? And that business now - and the courts and problems
stabilitywise the situation in different ways.
Svetlitsa to stabilize the chatter in the beginning of the work BJ - weak?

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 14:24
by Михаил_
Radionics I don't like :) modulator - probably about something else (and not have them in stock yet)
SK or stabilizer to help You (and can be improvised on the forum all there is)
alternate the hands - on feelings, or by time of day (e.g. night left, day right)

the bounce is usually the role of anomalies in small events - I say, read the forum...
PS I here around the clock when not in the process of moving through the world, but not like 20 times to answer the same ,and therefore the address to the archive forum.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 15:41
About 20 times the same thing - itself. About Radionics ... don't understand why don't like? About modulator - like too in the business cases the fact?
The forum delved into, there are newcomers as I am not. I wrote that and did not know that such designs exist. The case is called. The client asked
search for mind machine obetovanie. And I try to keep up with their customers, so on.
That is a load now it is worth to order the UK and stabilizer? Not grusas buying anything and everything on the website?
For ustakanivaniya business processes :roll:

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 15:57
by Михаил_
why don't like Radionics - environmentally unfriendly and weak in my opinion, well, someone likes it.
all here were once beginners, and now here is full of them, if read the forum and I think it would be
buy everything - not worth it
still very effective bracelets AMB, is the top technology for the business, but as a stabilizer - expensive bastards
SK and stabilizer, you can make yourself for free (on your own) - description is, well, really the time we need and desire
I mean, I don't tend to give people tips leading to the extraction of their profits will buy something-good, do - good, too, if only the benefits were. It is a profit and will be.
I just don't know your situation, and products like stabilizer - expensive.
By the way the closest term when You the stabilizer will be able to receive(if buy), it is roughly 23 January, not before.

in General, the cost to start with a 2.2 or a panacea probably... they would give consideration to the body and psychology, problems of business, in store m-video. mentioned, this is potentially and the problems of psychology, and until they are worked out, rely on others and in General on any of the products not very true
in this respect BJ a panacea to its "horror stories" in dreams and other effects is a good thing.
again, do not have to run for a commercial product, you can start with processing photos (if you read the forum you probably know what and where) or with a handmade drawing of the matrix (again, if I read something too you know)

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:40
Michael! Happy new year! Meet all needs, including creative New year!
I have a 4 day explore BJ 2.6 and a Chamber in the complex. Forum study, the predominant information on mental-physical health,
the business is not enough. About homemade - wrote is true, at this time, need and desire (actually power), and when in the business establishment heavy on his feet
and a long process there is already something of 2-4 hours of sleep ...and will not take in favor of "lessons", especially in these matters you do not want to make mistakes when playing.
So - it is better for You as the professionals to count on in playback technology into an artifact. "And that does not take away from us the profits" :oops: - and at us from error business ... will die... :( At the top technologies in the business bracelet AMB not found...stabilizer and the UK study type comparative characteristics, to understand - what is really our problem. Like really expensive...BUT the price is right component. Organic.
The problems of psychology and of the physical body - they are not mine, the unwanted, and all will not work. Already worked up to the angelic ideal, and the environment - not neprorabotanny, a lot of strength takes "work on others, work on all". Therefore, BJ and the chosen is under business. 2,6. Here is days free for the holidays - need to choose a Supplement and reinforcement to BJ. About Radionics - upset when I read about them and thought this is it! And it doesn't need anything in addition.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 13:03
by Михаил_
AMB is not in the price - look at the forum.
stabilizer and the UK complement each other
and about "others" is a myth, will modify itself to the desired state, there will be some fall off themselves and others - is, including in business. Tested by many.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 13:04
Still keep forgetting to ask - courier, brought BJ himself is a 2.6. And in the explanation of the operation of the artifact said that the possibility appears
"push" events, "mass". I read the description and focused on what increases put. eventfulness and +outcomes
what is required in business. What myself to focus more? All the pressure? :evil:

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 13:06
OK, SBA look for. And off .... are the most close people and colleagues, and they do not roll and do not re... And increase "tone", "vibrate",
in short - level - nereal, dozens of years gone. So I - in the angelic condition. The rest - no :aa

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 13:29
by Михаил_
punching is a common desire in the world
changing others is possible too...
generally in the world everything is real :)

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 20:34
Good words New year's eve. Thanks for the great gift - 2,6 BJ! I love symbolic gifts and development under magic holidays! Happy New Year! In own constellation! az

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 13:56
Michael, how did You come the New Year? Today I'm going to see how my client's experiment with mind-machine takes place. It's 3 years it required, on this NG summon. Well, I have a week - BJ 2,6,while the clock, removed only for water treatment, fear for safety. ..material carrier.
Climbed that had the BJ forum, I see there is a purely business aspects of usage, use more health? And little for business and to find the necessary conditions. "Desired" state I call it.
Write on the forum several months studying, not including practice instrument. But since I like the tree in the artifacts, the one BJ had with them "to make friends" without my wishes and influences? On the specifics. Or not?
About punching asked, as courier said, the term I description thought that the device itself harmoniously "settles reality." The messenger himself is 2,6 - said no punching. Or did BJ have a 2.6 is my property, without my pushing?
What about the "light at all really" - on the eve of the New Year sounded very positive! And to change others is SK and stabilizer? Or is not rude to go into someone else's reality? To "on the forehead not to" roll back?
And more important - with you on business issues, future business plans - in which section of the forum prefer to communicate? Or still here in BJ?

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 15:18
by Михаил_
chat here
throw all the artifacts with yourself and Express BJ - that will make you feel better. I am more than serious. They do more harm.
From the same mindmachine You personally will be much more useful than all of your trees.
About the business aspects on the forum enough.
and health they are not separable by the way.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 15:19
by Михаил_
You apparently in the wrong paradigm taught.
Kickbacks while harmonious change in others - not possible.
And when using my products, I don't remember the facts of the occurrence of rollbacks as such.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 15:25
Artifacts on me - protective exclusively, for good reason. BJ - that was the effect, it is necessary to wear 2 months? so to write. At this time, to remain "without protection" -risky? Nobody wrote that earlier than 2 months of continuous wear "will be akin to"?
About - harmony in business and health - in my experience this idealization. Energy and the business sphere are connected. And perfect health - 're not exactly with it, business and hassle on cases run out of health, there is certainly suppressed through power, one will .... the battle. Perfectly healthy in business there. All who can do both support.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 16:38
by АлексейН
ВЛАДЛЕНА wrote: business and hassle on cases run out of health, there is certainly suppressed through power, one will .... the battle. Perfectly healthy in business there. All who can do both support.
well, that's when harmony in the relationship of the person(business owner)-business is no...
according to my observations of friends, colleagues, partners, partners, partners in a discordant, through force, punching, etc. development/business follows the collapse - loss of health, business "pours" lost business relationships, the partners turn away, loss of loved ones (I mean not only separation and family breakdown), the fall on the social ladder (who is tied to status), up to the physical elimination... someone encounters this problem fairly quickly (1-2 years) and manages to draw the appropriate conclusions and to take action but high me spotted up to 10 years. further - deep potential well (well is a term from physics). best case scenario - passive income. maybe it's just the movement of the spiral and the repetition of events like this tell a different "smart books". there are those who are trying to continue to operate under the old scheme, but with the new environment, companies, money. but it is such a Bender. what's ahead?

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 16:42
WELL! :cry: Here to talk with the developer -gurus! And went doubt! About all the artifacts out! They train with me as stabilizers for a hundred years!
By the way - about "rollback" return line - in the description of the stabilizer of a read You have on the site.... Thought that Yes, logically, someone else's reality is always
somehow Yes answer. The more - established and difficult.
And to me BJ 2,6 - need is a mind machine? I other products looked. In addition, strengthening.
The 2.6 was considered as the testing method, so to speak.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 16:45
That's exactly, exactly! Ostap Bender and Shura Balaganov. So they surround. Yet, forced start (continued) business here after such Schur and various agencies. So truuuue! :roll: And support need will. Well, or spirit. Or both of them. And that all of us want - like an ostrich....and the health to meditate....BUT! incompatible at the entrance, for the period of construction of business to take care of themselves. Well it's like a baby, just completely unpredictable. There usually parents are not themselves :)

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 20:38
by Михаил_
ВЛАДЛЕНА wrote:Artifacts on me - protective exclusively, for good reason. BJ - that was the effect, it is necessary to wear 2 months? so to write. At this time, to remain "without protection" -risky? Nobody wrote that earlier than 2 months of continuous wear "will be akin to"?
protective ? Yes? and how this "protection"? :)
BJ starts working from the moment of purchase decision.
No one with him nor how much "not Srednyaya" just for awhile, he awakens the person so that all human works well.
Just as long as drag bling in a cocoon - it's distorted even fucking there in the text, and the subject BJ so nefiga not studied.
About - harmony in business and health - in my experience this idealization. Energy and the business sphere are connected. And perfect health - 're not exactly with it, business and hassle on cases run out of health, there is certainly suppressed through power, one will .... the battle. Perfectly healthy in business there. All who can do both support.
nonsense brodowski.
I know a lot of other examples, but they are rare
hassle???? but this should not be
dependence on health ? Yes video...
you can't measure what you personally saw around.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 20:55
Damn it! Michael! We live in the real world! as You wrote -nothing is impossible, and so all the business partners think! No "shake his nerves" no - I have done the impossible! Shouting: "confess that you're a fairy!" and "Give us a miracle!"
About clients already not saying. Those shake his nerves at all the main objective :evil: They're for the customers. You is not it?
And about the BJ there is the description that the application of any other practice AMPLIFIED and ALIGNED. That means that the work artifacts too. I feel it, and on principle - as it should be. Rodneyse is the amalgamation of work mean wave average value. It should be aligned in a single system?
That the text not so? I'm "fair" written on the move is a priority for the business why the choice fell by 2.6. 2,6 - closest from BJ to business. And the courier said.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 21:00
A vivid example of clientele - the ladies of the flu in that season, the temperature is 38 cents. And all catarrhal phenomena. People "out of business" talk: Oh, here it is the week fell, no less. Forces will not. And I know, her regions need to oversee your business immediately. And on a dare : of course - she went, no matter what state of health. Hurt like all cruel. But get up and go! The business special job. Overcoming. Heavenly conditions for doing business created by decades (if ever created). Too many "introductory" and "variables", from law and lease terms to the janitor.

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 21:14
By the way, the idea led to - if in real life we take for granted that Your words : BJ starts working from the moment of acceptance of a purchase decision and that my 2,6 arrived to me in less than half a day from the date of order ...Yes, even in New Years eve... for me usually this means that something on the device, the artifact to me sought, we need each other. If so, the system will replace the alien, the weak, obsolete components? That is, unnecessary artifacts?

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 21:23
by Михаил_
ВЛАДЛЕНА wrote:Damn it! Michael! We live in the real world!
no, of course not, 99.99% of people live in the illusion, haze, nothing to the real world do not have.
You including.
a number of some users of the BZ, the people living on the nature( not all of course, I think some tribes in the middle of nowhere), maybe even someone I may not know - I live closer to the perception of the world in its real form.
Your real world is absolutely not real - fake full.
You is not it?
no not me... no nerves shakes because they are, in principle, anyone or anything not running - I somehow do not care.
My nerves can't react to household stuff, business and anything in the world does not react the winding - and what for.
besides I don't have customers, I have people that required my help such as through the use of the same BJ, many of them are homemade by the way, and for me they are partners in co-creation, they really such and are for the most part, at least at its core.
Well, some of them buy something is not just a measure of their gratitude for the opportunity to use more complete versions of the articles, I generally like their friends do, but maybe as fellow travelers through life...
I do not understand why to have a "business" if it is a hassle - it was self-destructive, there are no such goals that would justify the self-destruction of this kind, well, except for iskusstvenno You imposed.
Therefore, I say - take care of yourself first, solve your psychological problems will become IMMEDIATELY easier with the business. It is tested as many times, for many, many years of observations and not only in conjunction with my estelami.

And the same mindmachine (just as an example) or ALTARIA (also as an example) is just a tool developments alpha state. But very effective, as the discs Patrushev (by the way, I do not have the percentage of sales of all this, even though it is sold here on this website in particular, and I recommend this as a user, and watching other users).
In General, any real natural harmonious magic called really work, rests primarily in psychology, is not yet resolved internal contradictions and something there catches, hurts, irritates - it seams.
And the same BJ are not artifacts in the truest sense of the word, this is written everywhere - they activate You and your abilities, You become an "artifact" - of course your awakening is natural and not iskusstvenno modulated capabilities. As long as You wear the chattering in the cocoon, it interferes with your self-realization.
And business is good where he is part of self-realization.
By the way what good is your "protective tree" if it doesn't solve at all a trivial task with You on the black vampires as your customers (that directly follows from the fact that they hurt You psychologically - it's a direct outflow of energy from You! - the basics, and your loss of energy is to reduce the potential implementation of your plans, including in business)
read CAREFULLY finally reviews even about the usual homemade BJ and even more so about 2.6 - people have produced relaxed attitude "in the tank" and generally relaxed attitude to life situations - this automatically implies the conservation of mass energy which previously was lost.
When this happens You artificial isolation from the outside world (principle of action of many supposedly protective systems), since the insulation prevents the correct perception and interaction, in other words makes a person - is inadequate in relation to the realities of life.
That's it - then read the forum and communicate with the forum users.<

Re: How to wear BJ? Questions for Michael :)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 21:29
by Михаил_
ВЛАДЛЕНА wrote:a Vivid example of clientele - the ladies of the flu in that season, the temperature is 38 cents. And all catarrhal phenomena. People "out of business" talk: Oh, here it is the week fell, no less. Forces will not. And I know, her regions need to oversee your business immediately. And on a dare : of course - she went, no matter what state of health. Hurt like all cruel. But get up and go! The business special job. Overcoming. Heavenly conditions for doing business created by decades (if ever created). Too many "introductory" and "variables", from law and lease terms to the janitor.
Please with your examples - in another place, the theme is any relation has no. It is not necessary to flood.
The fact that most people are in a state of near-zombies, are conducted on external motivation, a lifetime working for someone else's purpose, they really don't need and suffer other crap - it is known to many and no wonder.
The flu a person with clean energy and body - even a piece prohibitively rare, here we are talking not about the average human mass and statistics about how they live there with their beliefs about business, and about how you can do everything on normal.
Therefore, it is better than waving hands and prove their case, try to finally understand that there is a reality totally different from what You dream of.
I really don't like excessive flooding on the forum and it sometimes kicked. So let's first You - the reader... and then the questions.