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Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:57
by Михаил_
A little pre-Christmas entertainment. My colleagues have long engaged in the study of technology in BJ okololegochnykh conditions.
Has accumulated considerable material, although of course BJ cannot be considered as a medical device (as not to be considered medical product camping, fresh air or high quality spring water).
The research mainly involved the same map card OS version 2.2+
Immediately say, that personally I did not before and I only acquainted with the results... all of these things are done due to the fact that people have some interest to produce BJ processes on the one hand, and on the other due to the fact that under the "white label" these products find implementation in different parts of the world and our country. These processes are completely independent and have nothing to do with the processes here and on my site (in other words, if here, the audience is more prepared for a wide range of products, in the case of "kolomeisky" research we are talking about ordinary people who absolutely care less how it is described there and how it works - for them, the important simplicity and clarity as the tablet/mobile phone or a thermometer.

However, due to the high visibility of the results, I decided a few of them to share. It's probably not those people that will make themselves the Stabilizer and take care of him, but it's the same people as your friends and relatives.

I will start with the publication of the results of live blood analysis - diagnostics "Live blood", details of this method, you will find information on the Internet, although this method is used often, including for the manifestation of the visual efficiency of various products, for example I know that it is used to show the effectiveness of ORP negative water from coral calcium MLM-network "Coral Club", but objectively this method for many years, but rather decades has been studied in Soviet times our scientists is revealing and reliable.

Short glued in clusters-pillars of red blood cells is a pathology inherent in the most ordinary people are not leading a very healthy lifestyle. Such bad blood penetrates to the capillaries cannot efficiently nourish tissues and organs and this leads to degeneration of the body and different diseases, which can in sum be described as the process of "aging" (along with a bunch of diseases - manifest that where this is a matter of the body and its weaknesses)

A "raschlenenie" cells suggests that the function of the blood is restored, cells are better able to supply blood to the organs and the body starts the regeneration process.

Usually blood improvement is due to physical factors - the presence in the diet of living water (natural fresh juices, ORP negative water obtained through the various air purifier and or activators like Emerald/ Izumrudov/ BSL-MED-and and so or the same coral calcium and so on.

Of course haemo scanning of an much more complicated method than just a method to analyze the type of blood cells, it is possible to determine cell health, viability and mobility, inclusion into the bloodstream of foreign contaminants/sediments/parasites and more.
Typically, the analysis of living drop of blood holds a specialist with the appropriate education and experience, but sometimes the changes are so noticeable that without the expert, if not all, very much - clear.
So for example advertise "coral water" effect from its reception (though passing, if not to drink next time, because the broken body with acidified tissues and blood for one glass of water not pechenitsa).

Why am I still writing?
two pairs of rollers with haemo scanning of an up to BJ and after may surprise You in their clarity - there are several minutes of video, because the videos were filmed are still ALIVE the BLOOD, the first video is a man who came to the specialist, and the second - after he had been affected by the map OS 2.2+<

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:27
by Михаил_
I would also like to note that of course the mental strength of a man and a large mass of evidence in different sources, including known to us (the same documentaries about water, as its modulation, and the state of water in the body is closely associated with the state of the cells and blood), I knew nothing about how to sample live blood analysis has varied, for example due to a placebo effect :)
The subjects were not known details about the capabilities of the cards (and stickers when they were used).

The first movie - in fact, "ordinary people" :

The second 5 days of use of the card:

please pay attention to the length of the rollers - the doctor removed them before the visible process of cell death that also is visually visible, and the time from start (the blood draw and she was put under the microscope with a digital camera), to the visible degradation and cell death in the first and the second case is obviously different (and processes), in other words it's not just 5 minutes "the same", shot a few frames and not exactly a long movie, so you can see the dynamics of the process.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:32
by Михаил_
Haemo scanning of an was carried out for a long time in several medical centers and not in one, I was just at my request took off two pair of rollers and a few of the same photos (with slightly worse hardware are made) as well as a number of reports/reviews, but I decided some of these materials will share.
Including the fact that the cellular level is not just some abstract "flow" of energy, it is quite physical and physiological processes in the body, objective and repeatable from time to time on a large number of people (as in some reports it is stated 80-90% objective, t/e/ diagnostic devices was the improvement in health status from 100% of the subjects, the tests are often conducted with exposure only 30-40 minutes, the first objective changing devices are registered in 5 minutes.
The second pair video effect on red blood cells visible in an hour after applying for the card patient. Now upload videos.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:56
by Михаил_
We also found that this effect on the blood have not all versions of BJ, since they have different goals.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 14:05
by Егор Кирсанов
And I have different hands look-the one where BJ-looks Healthier and the color of the arc. Tried to swap just the opposite. Usually this is the left hand and I myself am left handed, but right-not all at once changed to another common interaction.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:30
by Михаил_
I want to note an update of the list of people the answers to the questions which are considered conventionally "official" t/e/ equal to the author's user support.
I also want to note that confusion often occurs, I mean only product openmagic/quantummagic (under the new scheme made the division between non-commercial / commercial branches of the project, conditional of course), BRM/ Chamber / SP / Radionics and much more to my goods not apply, even if I had something to comment on in those branches.
On this forum we are talking about the 4 sections of the forum( support products which are the following people as their resource/time)
the Bracelets of Life, Modulator, Ск1м and Stabilizer, Shielding space.
The rest is not for me :)
So a list of "answering" the questions is:
1) Michael_ - t/e/ I :)
2) Alexeik - one of the co-developers, well-versed in the issues on all products
3) Black Panther - one of the co-developers, well-versed in the issues on all products
4) Andrew C. - partner in computer software automation, a specialist in user interfaces of the broadcast, the author of "simple magic things", well versed in all the products.

questions on availability/schedule/discount/sales/delivery address to your office (if you came here from another dealer in the office to your point of purchase). By not addressing these questions I and the above-mentioned persons! none of us know the availability and other questions.

These people carefully weigh their answers before they write :) But FOLK WISDOM and other words answers forum, sometimes a lot more valuable than an authorized the answers, because there are different and diverse experiences are totally different people. For this reason, I try to wait for the reaction of the forum, the advice of the forum and only then to finish the answer, if he still needed. If I see that the answer is a competent and popular assistance is illuminated aspects of the question, don't answer at all.

That is why I ask you not to ask questions in PM, and it was on the forums, and preferably (very) in the departments profile of the issue.
In addition, I strongly recommend that you first study has documented the wisdom of the forum (existing topics/replies) and not only this, and only then ask questions.<

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 22:58
by ОлегЕ
Hello Michael and all of the above before going post ! Where it is possible to read about these "6) synchronisme/anomalies of the world — sometimes the world begins to show us strange anomalies, for example, meet regularly (much more often the norm) "criminal" car numbers or the clock - synchronous time like "21:21" if there is a surge of such events — You entered the zone of direct impact "system" matrix/illusory part of the world. This is a positive experience, and evidence of your current status — correct and "working"." And what does the phrase " You entered the zone of direct impact "system" matrix/illusory part of the world. This is a positive experience, and evidence of your current status — correct and "working"." ?

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:32
by Михаил_
I have a feeling that I answered this question in the topic where was my post about synchronisme, not here like.... I understand that question so you can delete... just can't remember where the answer was (my) and the question and the initial post. Probably the topic of the card.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 17:14
by ОлегЕ
Michael was asked in that branch, where read is interesting to me saying, I decided to check, and because these "synchronism" and climb and on the clock and in-room thieves :) daily and several times :).About what card is it?

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 14:59
by Михаил_
I wrote about sincronismo like the topic card Male/Female, because an abnormal number of them went with the card-issuing :)
Well, more precisely, in normal number, they are always present, and this is good, abnormal is when on the road machines for example have numbers 801 and 802 to the left to the right of you. Or 989 and 797 in the fact that your own machine room 898, and when in the first case, the rooms 801-802 think "Oh, this garbage", just a passing car with the upside-down room 008 :)
And so not once but all day continuously :)
Overall I think this is an example of effective interaction with the digital part of the world and the matrix at the same time (and different things).
In other words, the increase in the number of synchronisms usually indicates a higher level of exposure in POTENTIAL, and do You use this potential or not.... At the same time it is a clear sign that such a synchronous point has an effective area of impact on reality

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 16:35
by хитрый тип
I for a long time, probably since the release of the product, wear a 2.5 , because its properties were zainteresovalo. The diversity in everything.
I have a very static life, like a train running on rails. I myself too, when it was static.
I myself changed, became a whole new open new and diverse patterns of behavior and points of view appeared. But in the life of a particular dynamic has been added. Well, I wanted her to smash and stir just due to its static nature, though she is positive in General. Just boring like that. Even the threat of chaos would be more attractive to me. So unstable and exciting whirl of events pulled me away. Or at least a fresh wind began to blow.
And why is that well multi-variant does not appear in the issues of life. Still all clear. Usually implemented plans for long-term, which I had previously adopted, sometimes no longer relevant to me. But stability and order :)
With the environment too, all weird, the people I more 13 years know make up my social circle. To diversify its not possible, despite the sociability and openness.

Broadcast "chasnogo mode" also did not cause chaos for some reason. It was hoped that the "swamp boil" from 2.5 and chaos. :?

It turns out will not take on me this quality ?

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 17:22
by Михаил_
1. The question is probably worth it not in the "guide" to address.
2. Why it survives, maybe it survives, Yes, slowly (well, Yes, since the release of the first 2.5 is of course not enough).
Probably sometimes, for certain people, it should not simply be expected effects of product and broadcast, and to make steps in the right direction. And as the old joke - "Lord, what de you didn't save me?"- "So I sent for you as many as 3 boats!!! but you didn't get any of them in expectation of a miracle..."
In other words, if You are aware of the problem, and I want to change in this plan, 2.5 and stream as POTENTIAL. Someone he can shoot himself (see the reviews) and someone needs to do a number of steps to change through will power and expressed in the real action intention. Then the potential products will be able to EXPRESS themselves helping to change.
For this reason, a number of other products with enormous potential for change (AMB, executor) work for someone insanely hard and bright, and someone smoothly and slightly noticeable. It is quite natural and is actually a documented effect. Product assistant, conductor, prompter and energemata, but it does not replace your action, though it can push in the right direction.

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 19:29
by Z.Blishar
Michael, good day
Need Your advice or recommendations with regards to acquiring efficient device of the entire line available on the website, for my mom, she is 65 years old, despite her retirement age, she continues to work as a doctor. Without a job she can't live - she needs to be useful and necessary, without it, it will wither. She would babysit grandchildren, but due to circumstances, her sons, ie, we can not yet provide such pleasure... So it the excess weight, about 30-40kg., which affects a painful sensation in the joints, regular medical intervention... the character she's bossy nature. Father, we lost a few years ago, on this lonely for her, for everything, we have a cat shelter and a parrot, but would like to diversify its communication, because they work on the watches for months. In General terms, the situation will be clear. I will be very grateful for the advice
Thank you

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 2:18
by Михаил_
Understand what business.... not quite clear what is and what You want to buy ? for prodlenie active longevity? So it is the task of the person working with him in this aspect, and this is especially hard for the doctors (there, I'm sorry too, the system greatly sharpened the consciousness for a certain position), as he likes to mention our friend, the doctor sujok, her son, also a practicing sujok reflexology, BUT having, unlike her basic medical education, he constantly says that such a diagnosis can be treated, because he knows that it's physiologically not possible, and she doesn't know and achieve success.... T/e I mean what the personal worldview and the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle are probably important and essential point. As for the other person to decide?
Oh well....
My products can make any handmade (generally for free), charging something to give to her (1.0 Lite or panacea).
From what is on the website?.... Yes, there is just a sea just.
Let us for their products, I answer, and others only a few know. But out of the competition mindmachine (like Navigator for example ) and drives Andrei Patrushev. moreover, it is scientifically justified, provable and all that :)
The range of the same products migan (couch, infrared heat in the form of a Mat and other things) very well reasonably works. As if overweight - don't know. Consult.
ALTARIA was earlier now it seems doctorates or something like it - in short, the stimulation of the alpha rhythms - relaxing and so on. Also pure medical design, adapted for home use.

Of my products - any BJ category 2.4/2.7/panacea/actor (the last is necessary to prevent wearing of dosed and it is very expensive, probably not worth it). Preferably SYMMETRICALLY on both hands.
In General (because the bracelets may not want to wear) that broadcast the type of PC+, youth, cell, genome, the lady card purchase, broadcast from it think may be useful....
When will U2 - I recommend it....
All I started with the cheapest - t/e/ free because the rest of the recommendations are not very cheap to say the least....<

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 9:21
by Z.Blishar
Michael, thank You for such an extensive answer, so I will focus on the options line of bracelets

Re: guide to the products, short description, purpose.

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 17:08
by Михаил_
Just a question not exactly specific was not clear personal interests of the individual and the opportunity to recommend or to give something that goes beyond worldview, personal worldview. Not clear and financial resources, so I always note that at least in the line of my products is a lot that can be done actually on the same functional level of the free.... Again, the translation is very effective, and you can start with broadcast and 2.2's if I remember correctly, about 500 rubles per month, and works immediately and requires no explanation...

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 0:19
by ДНК
Question! I got a sample BJ . Here I read the forum and see what to write on it what you need ... is to activate it? What to write , or maybe something more with him sotvoriti ?

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:27
by Михаил_
Probe just works, nothing on it should not be written. Just can wear. Probe - analog (not durable) commercial bracelet, treated with a proprietary "charging". To write it if you do a homemade BJ, this probe is not needed and you can do it on anything, to make free, functional and durable product and do not buy commercial. Simply homemade has some disadvantages (weaker, more hard work, not all of the product is homemade products, etc.).

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:57
by ДНК
Михаил_ wrote:Probe just works, nothing on it should not be written. Just can wear. Probe - analog (not durable) commercial bracelet, treated with a proprietary "charging". To write it if you do a homemade BJ, this probe is not needed and you can do it on anything, to make free, functional and durable product and do not buy commercial. Simply homemade has some disadvantages (weaker, more hard work, not all of the product is homemade products, etc.).
Thanks Michael! And where you can take pictures that can be draw? :)

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 13:34
by Михаил_
This theme is the way that it is discussed. There are threads about specific products, where appropriate:
1. to ask such questions.
2. where have already been given the answers, only to read need.
Full list of projects given on my forum, under homemade, although most also discussed here.
(I understand that about "images" I meant the homemade products, there is usually not drawings).

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 13:46
by ДНК
Thank you ! Understood, I'll look for.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 17:59
by Михаил_
For any matrix did not create, at least read the basic description that is. BJ does not erase anything (x-rays, too), because "record" is not. Systems create homemade products very much, they are all different, there are card transfer :) and other fun things. And the product of at avtokoninvest during a telephone call to the phone which is a conversation :) what now ? and here infomarine ? don't think in the flat.
The basis is quite different. She is described. Further discussion on the SIM do not see appropriate.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 18:04
by Михаил_
See early videos and seminars/read base description base BJ, all the information is there and is not related to info transfer and creation of some matrices. The panacea-Lite for example (as in many other Lite versions) uses 9 letters, including those posted on the subject (sometimes the size of a house) mentally and not physically, without extra equipment. Effects on the person tested by many. In this case, where is the system of interinos to house ograniciti? in short, the debate is closed, from nehelenia to read the forum will not be easier either now or in 10 years, it is easier to walk past, I believe that in General, it's just trolling, because all have been mentioned and properly described, so I will respond to it as trolling.

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 0:18
by ЮрийС
It all started with the question, where it can be read :)) the advice to read the forum frivolous

Thanks for the chat

Re: Quick reference / point of entry / guide earri

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:39
by Владмосква
ЮрийС wrote:where it can be read
Read on the forum and(or) to personal experience. If too lazy to read, then you can watch/listen to the archive of a webinar is, each of the latest innovations. But books or instructions were not and never will be.