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Re: Hello dear

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:52
by Серфер
Hello dear friends. In General I wandered into one of the court probably is no coincidence, and I also wanted a SP device to collect, test. For about a month already studying the manuals in this case. But an event occurred which forced me to scream "HELP! WHAT THE HELL!"
I woke up hours 4утра, the whole no soul heaviness in mind - this is not my life, what am I doing here. I thought that was just a bad dream before, and tried to sleep again but could not. Further more, I remembered the girl that broke up years ago, again the weight, nervousness, lack of meaning of life, etc. and so on until lunch. Look like you're depressed, but if not. This situation repeats itself spontaneously each year(years5 already) when different unexpected circumstances around the same time.
Can anyone of the experts were faced with a similar situation and tell me what it is? there is a small chance that the girl could annoy me. what to do?

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:22
by С. Альбатрос
It's hardly to annoy. As I see it, this is probably your problem. Obviously a relationship was not completed as it should, and your subconscious mind lets you know about it, I have a small bias, which obviously prevents You in something else. If you try to perform the relationship may come out on pressure point, or you can go to a psychologist. It's like a fallen tree on the road until you put on something the way there, or even on the wrong road, turned, and then perhaps Your subconscious is very necessary, here it is You and pulls. Binding time also obviously have some kind of event leads, either at this time something should happen, but the situation from the past interfere, either happened earlier and left a trail. Well, simple, You in this time of year with a girl he met or parted, or something that had a strong influence, for example, has made a decision that took You to the wrong place, or had some kind of strong emotional outburst, maybe not even your girl You offended. And since to some extent be cyclical, then these "circles" and kicking.
p.s. Yeah, remind just in case, the topic here is not about SP, but about the bracelets life.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 19:13
by Серфер
Thank you! Yes broke up in the fall, it is repeated every year and forcibly. At the time when I need to make investment decisions, last year I lost money on it, now again a few days before, the feeling that broke up yesterday, intuition is suppressed, the unpleasant feeling in the abdomen in the area of the manipura Chakra, that's why I think that annoy. Pain point perhaps is that the cause of the breakup is not completely clear, everything was fine and collapsed all, perhaps she was offended, I was different then. Many years have passed, and things are there. How to get rid of these circles?
I phone came out, apparently not in the theme threw. About the bracelets I wanted to read.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 21:52
by С. Альбатрос
The best course in therapy until the relationship is ended (but they are not complete, it definitely is), the problem is not solved. There are special psychological techniques that can really help. Reaction to Manipur, the loss of money - perhaps because the problem You trying to solve by force, pushing her away, though perhaps another reason. I don't think the cause is an external impact, but if worried about it, try the fairing, from external influence should help, plus you can add a Panacea, FRM, or stream PC+. Once again I advise to address to the psychologist, these things can only be solved individually, but start them on their course is impossible, there is no product will not replace the internal work, it can only stimulate.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 23:00
by Маг.нет
.......when the manifested a clear temporal cyclicity (but if also still "like that" involved a range of the gastrointestinal tract) I would not overlooked microflora....... which, in particular, can influence both in the moment and in the processes and psychological, situational factors, though most often human minds tend to find a comfortable pseudocereal between events which are in sight or do we (sometimes unconsciously) for one reason or another, I would like to they (of possible choices) was the root cause in our "unique" case, but with some careful study of the output is obtained quite different results.


Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:47
by Серфер
See what the psychologist says. Last year I pushed the issue because I thought that this effects of taking Chinese medicines(prior to this, got sick, had to lie down in the hospital) and the type - will take place next week.
About the digestive tract I do not know, I do some while on your deetsya - stopped eating meat, I do a lot of things are harmful not eat or try not to eat, usually these diets is the rise of energy comes new ideas, feel carefree childhood, but this month won a dramatic fiasco turned out. Clear temporal cyclicity in diets no.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:00
by Маг.нет
Actually I have a friend, well, okay.......
"The neighbors on the body" are different, the time of their lives, as variety of symptoms and periods of symptoms can also be relieved by cyclical progress/regression of chronic diseases (even not directly associated with microflora, such as mental or other) to certain temporary, seasonal, weather, etc. periods can be associated with the cycles of life of these "neighbors", which for example can "be born/to die" with a frequency of once every few years, decades, as well as using a shorter time, and the duration of their life (cycle of life/death) according to our human time frame the moment, so these "neighbors" by conventional methods can be very difficult to diagnose, and their "bookmarks for the future" is often adapted in some way, while the effect on the body can have very livelihoods and its products. Range manipura chakra is associated not only with food, but usually such "neighbours" in one of the bands resonate with him. "Neighbors" from life "a normal person" (activity, diet, etc.) often not strongly depend on (live rarely and very little), but its a significant enough impact on the livelihoods of "ordinary person", and in a variety of areas (including financial, patrimonial and volitional relations) may provide.
As for the essence of the basic question about "event" with repeatability, forced to look for a way to write here, then with high probability it is not related to direct external influences, in the sense of "read" from the description - it is a typical domestic troubles, the cause of which can be searched as "on the surface" and "deep", but primarily inside.
Once again, the topic may not apply to you, and touched her due to the fact that the message has been consumed specific term, the value of which, working principles and special features it describes, I thought that you may be familiar with, was wrong.

Successful healing!

Sincerely, <

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 14:37
by Серфер
About "guests" I didn't know, although it depends on what you mean by guests. they're also what we eat? In reality it is like a purely psychological problem. I suggest here - just, forget it, find urgently a girl, do something you enjoy, creativity, maybe they were right, after all the reason I can not find. Something is wrong here, I'm happy, and this topic seems to be floating in the body and in the brain, and makes itself felt all the time, trying not to think but I can't. Direct some sort of virus, as a cold, sudden)

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 15:00
by Маг.нет
Well figs it knows who is who in the party....... often, these "neighbors" are very ancient....... so I do not know who the primary is "the chicken or the egg")))))))
As for the "psychological troubles", the postulate "where attention is, there is energy" can indicate the possibility of development problems, in one of the planes of perception frequently the problem is in fact "structure" (may be dynamic, with its own, often fairly simple algorithms), returning periodically attention to it is extra washing, it's like "fighting with windmills" - each of the attacks of the opposite spins only))))))), ie in my opinion is more useful to leave the problem in the past and form a vector from the present to the future, here it is just useful to power as thoughts and actions, it turns out that I also support your prompters in their recommendations, and that's when the problem will cease to "cling", then you can go to her reasons to prevent such. To work with a psychologist is a good idea, if enough time, then this site has an interesting proposal: "Explorer" Andrei Patrushevlook, of course the full live chat with a psychologist with flexible feedback, it can and will not replace (although your own subconscious can become a more effective psychologist, the more sufficiently immersed in the essence and interest of the result), but judging from experience, to deal with many psychological problems in the forces.


Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 15:22
by ФилиНН
Серфер wrote:Direct virus of some sort,
Yeah. Mental.
Described easily fits in one theory(but hard past practice) of the mind.
When there is something very unpleasant, unbearable, the mind(the lower order) is the perceived image of the event(which includes all of: visual, olfactory, tactile, emotional, etc., etc, including seasonal temperature environment at the time.) And pushes all the "piece" is very deep for storage. First, because it is unpleasant, and secondly, to then even forgetting the nuances, or at all, forgetting to react with avoidance.
It's good to develop instincts(to mind how to respond to snakes, for example, even prior to seeing), but it works and is not the case. How?
This "piece" can be excited to get to review(experience), even if his hook for one of his aspects.(More reliable if several). And gets entirely. In this case, clearly visible seasonal temperature hook, the others who has brought critical mass, it is necessary to analyze. Well, you have to "eat" corresponding to that time emotional experience.
For more details about this mechanism(and the solution at the root) is explained in one book describing the events of a specific psycho-training (just like broadcast mode 2 3 4 :) ) for raw dudes.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 15:43
by С. Альбатрос
I still think that the advice from the category "score and not pay attention" to sense will not bring, moreover, such tactics You adhere to for 5 years. It is not a virus, but not completed, any incomplete program takes energy. These programs a person can be weight, the resulting energy is broken into a bunch of directions, one loses integrity, there is no prior art. Just imagine, You started any kind of relationship, or just sat down to write an academic work, no matter you have invested in the project some momentum, then gave up this job, may even be forgotten, but the impetus remained, the energy continues to flow, even if Your attention in this moment is occupied completely different as the subconscious does not perceive the process to be completed. Moreover, this process must be completed correctly, without tails. So it is better to understand by yourself or with a psychologist - here is how it will work, just with help of a (skilled) it may be easier, but it all depends on professionalism of the psychologist, maybe they can do it. It is always useful to know where your energy goes - on "neighbors," an abandoned business and relationship or leftist imposed goal. On the other hand, excessive soul-searching too, nothing brings :) Support, Explorer is very good tool!, thanks for the interesting post about the neighbors.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 21:48
by ФилиНН
С. Альбатрос wrote:I still think that the advice from the category "score and not pay attention" to sense will not bring, moreover, such tactics You adhere to for 5 years. It is not a virus
Well, the "mental virus" - it's just my another metaphor, that of "piece"(a cast of current information in the mind). And, indeed, "to score and not to pay attention to" do not erase this impression. It may, perhaps, sometimes for a while(or even permanently) to disable.
"That two times not to rise" - the case is not depressed, and with only one "neighbors" in history.
Hung out for a long time with the spices that they use the same model of the mind. One Madam told how to get rid of chronic cold of a kid pulling out of his mind the following story: at the age of irresponsible shoved up his nose action figure from chess road chess. Snot, put the body to push, panic moms surrounded by fear from all of this and so on. all it took in the "fingerprints". And when he was already middle-aged Berk responded, it seems, the very mother with the same tone of voice in hysterics. Well, if every newborn 5 Bacillus find, take and give "green light" Staphylococcus in sopatke to reproduce the required mind him having control over the body, in General, not a problem.
Actually, I've half a dozen "unique" stories I read, and all the uniqueness only to "snapshot" at exactly the same mechanism that we can understand a few re-read above Ref....
:lol: Figase, "strongly pushed"(C)Hryunov. M. Who's going to read something outside of already approved picture of the world! :lol:

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 22:47
by Серфер
The unfinished program is a more accurate description, the relationship was in the ascent, it was necessary to make a decisive step forward, but I decided not to, and went running, fell into trouble, temper, well, everything in General.
Not exactly-
"The fact that the lovers is a very intense energy. And when they break up (usually one person initiates the break and the other wants to continue the relationship), the energy remains in the unequal condition. That is, the initiator of the received energy and not returning it back, blocked with his hand energy channel. So the abandoned and pulls to the one who dumped him. Energy it there . So like a magnet and stretches .
Energy gave and in return got nothing at all - that's Ego and rebellion! They say give me back my power!"
Hook left, hence the "score" will not work.
Or maybe it's a special program sent to me, I really do not believe in casual Dating.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 23:10
by Маг.нет
Well, not exactly, the channel/channels (their number depending on the number of bands correlated interaction) even after the break continue for quite a long time and it continues to happen the energy, maybe not with such intensity, but which may affect the former and new partners, to break the tie (this is not a "hook", and a full connection, however weakened over time, but of course if it is not to power, for example, periodically directing attention in the residual "footprint" of a full-fledged sexual relationships may persist up to 7 years - tested) is not so easy, but these relationships are "a little disconnect" (e.g. "Module Tube" in BJ, there are other Modules to work with ties). With regard to "incompleteness", the creation of "dynamic structures" was founded vector and the energy boost, you can try to "reset" the momentum de-escalate, or redirect it, or create a "feedback loop", identifying any associated (really or conditionally) event, as a result of this process, in this case, the process also may fail. As for the "program" is samouverennyj illusion, yet believe in it, it eats your expectations....... and pushing for more experiences.......


Re: Hello dear

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 23:24
by С. Альбатрос
Familiarity may be nonrandom, and perhaps the relationship could develop further, but the fact that the program sent on purpose is nonsense. And the ego is not to blame, You do not require someone else, and trying to put himself in order, so don't worry. Imbalance in the relationship still can not develop.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:16
by Серфер
I do not exchange or energofinprom, I wonder if she's married now, all their problems to me, but my pure energy to her to recharge?

Izvenyayus for the child's question: where to find programnow component Modules? description of the modules in the relevant subject, but there are a few MP3 files.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:26
by С. Альбатрос
There's no energofinprom, there's Your problem. Solve them and everything will be fine.
The modules can be found here: no software components for modules does not need to start mentally in the presence of BJ at least version 1.0., and the best Panacea.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:36
by Мастер 108
Серфер wrote: but there are only a few MP3 files.
It's not the modules. This charging system for 1.0

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:46
by Серфер
My problems became bolder, they never woke me in the night and didn't take as much energy or maybe it was the Flyers of Castaneda's world:)
OK. Thank you very much!

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:27
by ВикторРусс
Can water under the bigger bed, sleep will be stronger

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:30
by Михаил_
Now a very peculiar time in the world.... against which many people have a lot going on, I would to everything treated in the first place easier.
Make yourself a matrix a panacea, deal with the idea that a couple of weeks from her "more time and relax" and think everything will become more stable through mesyachishko :) in a better way.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:17
by Серфер
Thank you! Did feel better, but feelings began to appear remarks Ms. de vu.

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:48
by Михаил_
and all of that? and that terrible? :) there are many from this lot .... appears

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:43
by Серфер
usually the appearance of such a phenomenon for me not good, though...

Re: Hello dear

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:57
by Михаил_
well, for many it is not a phenomenon but a normal operating condition glasees almost constantly.