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Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 21:39
Now it is clear.

Thank you! You studied enough this issue!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 20:17
by Маг.нет
Dear Merkaba!
See You in the topic, help to "formulate" a program (algorithm), to give ink for fountain pens "special properties" - formation (writing trends) intentions, establishing relationships with the object (target) and the gain/start (the application of the pulse) intentions. For interinos this structure using SK 1M.

Thank you! Life is relative!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 21:11
by Василий
Then I got the device on Friday, began gently (!) to experiment. The conclusions are cautious, but the first observation is the following:

1. Thing in nature is powerful, feels very good even insensitive people, especially in proaganda or fatigued. The device is pleasant to hold in hands. Mob rushing and from my experience of experimenting with bracelets understanding that with the right approach, but you will be much

2. Good sense of structuring and harmonization of space, something like a very specific local place of strength and harmony. I have the device stood a half day at the office and I feel the work is somehow harmonized, the team began to feel like a unified team, even in the evening left each other to communicate (although all work together for a long time)

3. Too early for conclusions, but on that day at our small company have been a number of successful and possibly critical for future long-term success of the company meetings. There was a General feeling of optimism and a feeling of a "bright future" is our company

Now experimenting with setting goals (home device), which bought mp3 player, record a voice task and let the infinite loop. look at the result.

In General, if initial findings are confirmed, then I think to buy himself a couple more - one has to put in the office, the other in the country - then all three major points of my stay will be comfortable. And then probably still in the car... :)

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:49
by Михаил_
The question of the realization of the goals specified in the next branch:
1. The goal should be given a chance - i.e., the time to market on your own actions to achieve it. Because not all goals can be achieved only at the expense of a certain artifact or how it is now fashionable to say, the information modulator. Usually there is a need for real actions of the man himself, perhaps to install some ties, some related transformations in life. In other words, make allowances for what may be a need, I have asked the purpose, to do the actions to achieve it, the course, events, actions will be facilitated by the fact that was happening.
2. need, on the basis of item 1 and the current situation, to understand that there are goals from this position of "not communicating", which perhaps can be implemented tomorrow or in half a year. Ie, there are some things that seem obvious to us, but really they are poorly achievable due to unseen factors. A little later, it's starting to feel intuitive, as the direction of "no response". Simultaneously there are some more difficult or sometimes even inconceivable objective, which is to realize, oddly enough, easier....
3. Something that depends on the bindings of consciousness that is possbile and at the same time hindering factor. The consciousness of doubt.... Can think about the complexity of or just wanting too, pumping from the likelihood energy. Therefore, it is useful to take the targets are not directly tied to immediate personal desires. The more detail the goals or friends or any comic task is implemented, the more consciousness will be adapted to the new style of work with the world. At the same time remember that is important, not statistics, and anomalies identified. Since we cannot estimate the exact contribution of this device or drawing rooms, Radionics, or anything else, you should evaluate anomalies, and to remember only positive incentives. Thus change principle of consciousness with the outside world and each time the work order will go easier.

PS we repeatedly observed over the action of the different mental factors on these or other purposes and have often noticed that the problem is in choosing just the failing paths when the aim is that it is now not attainable although man is not immediately obvious. Increasing time to market or changing the order achieve the objectives, we get the desired result.<

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 14:16
by Маг.нет
From the description of the device:

The system calculates based on the number of questions and answers are ACCURATE corrective actions, which is transferred to the subject table of SC and at the same time is supplied to the audio input.
Tentative launch date computer systems for user access SK - end of may.

Please give new landmark.

Thank you! You studied enough this issue!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 14:53
by Михаил_
the system is in the process of debugging may = end of the week, maybe even a little time will be required.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 14:59
by Маг.нет
Thank you! Podozdem!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 15:05
by Михаил_
PS I think to myself that maybe it's for the best.... while the first users of the device will get used.... and if you write in the documentation that this system be used with caution and after some time, when it was getting used to the basic modes of the device, then all at once, and get to try.....
People are gradually becoming wary of... not once.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 15:19
by Маг.нет
An important caveat!

Maybe better still to delay? Only the Description correct, or the Entry of a restriction to provide, temporary or gradual?

In a timely manner, thank you!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 21:05
by Василий
Continue the test device. As you remember I got it on Friday, on Sunday, recorded on mp3 player the problem, it's Thursday, 4 days it plays without interruption so the first observation.

The task I have set for success in business and an early closure of trades I have going (I'm an investment banker). It seems like everything is ordered correctly, including the fact that I lead a relaxed lifestyle :). However, all week I have a feeling some of the most powerful bulldozer that just pushes me from behind and rushing me forward some deals on the way fell off, the part of me doing so, I can barely handle it. Vplod to the fact that coming to the lunch meet investor, which I just did requires that an investment opportunity that I once suggested to him (although usually the investors have to run long to convince them that your project is good). In General, the most powerful thing in the coming days I will think how to rewrite the same task, or with such a pace I can handle.

In short - the thing does not work in destkom, be careful when setting objectives :)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 21:43
by Михаил_
Маг.нет wrote:Important explanation!

Maybe better still to delay? Only the Description correct, or the Entry of a restriction to provide, temporary or gradual?

In a timely manner, thank you!
well, it's not so hard....
while people here by the usual modes reviews ponapishut... just the system couladis,. still, this device - the harmonizer, and not Vice versa.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 22:15
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:well, it's not so hard....
Tough? Not noticed... would call it "predictable".
Let me explain, from the previously mentioned, there was a realization:
1. Attunement - takes time (2 weeks - 3 months);
2. The completion of the attunement:
a) the lapse of the designated time period.
b) alert the User ahead of time;
3. Management modules (switch from "autopilot") upon completion of the attunement;
4. Managing additional functions in the development of the skill of working with "normal modes";
5. Willingness to "new discoveries" - ALWAYS!

That suggested a gradual (postupny) input, "open" either by time or by the willingness of the User (determined by the specialist of the Administration).


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 14:12
by Маг.нет
"Test" to determine the potential difference of IC 1M and BJ 2.0:

Run two opposing (divergent validity) of the Module, one for BJ 2.0, the other on SK 1M on the same task and observing the results, we get the advantage of the effectiveness of one device over another.
Test 2 BJ.x various modifications on the above principle.

Who's ready? Interesting reviews...


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 18:27
by Михаил_
no one is ready. So it will not work.
1. there is no difference of potentials is different in fact the devices, though similar. What is more acidic ? Giraffe or red? it makes no sense....
2. Because BJ and SK are similar "operating system", which is said to combine the efforts, in each of the tasks will be in some way involved and BJ, and SK.
3. Senior BJ is impossible to compare the strength, because it represent a different way of doing it in one situation, and one does not exclude the other.
Ie is a fundamentally different algorithms of consciousness.

So this test is just nonsense what to do. The best test is everyday use, and gradually understanding the nuances.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:15
by Маг.нет
Thank you for understanding.
according to claim 2. not only the similarity of "operating system" and "engine" common - MAN, so this scheme initially are mutually exclusive.
Михаил_ wrote:So this test is just nonsense what to do.
And what? That's exactly what I wonder! Live and learn!


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:20
by Маг.нет
Another question:
On the player have a video output Minijack, if, for example, a photo broadcast on SK 1M, the device will be perceived, or need an additional algorithm to prescribe? What effects are possible from such a broadcast?


Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:32
by Михаил_
Маг.нет wrote:Thank you!
according to claim 2. not only the similarity of "operating system" and "engine" common - MAN, so this scheme initially are mutually exclusive.
Михаил_ wrote:So this test is just nonsense what to do.
And what? That's exactly what I wonder! Live and learn!

... and any little adventure ? order them yourself :) I remember a lot of these jokes.... from the "I want to see what happened." And then, when it happened, it is too late to drink Borjomi....
You are bidding on the car at the same time enable speed, push the throttle to the floor and hold it to brake handbrake that is urine - it will skid....
In the simplest case, there will be nothing, or the subconscious will find a very artsy and unexpected a way as to fulfill both desires even if they are mutually exclusive... sometimes then the person thinks... and why he is wished :) it is not always the language may be fulfilled literally if we really resist, it goes like fry - "sooner or later, one way or another". Now, I don't recommend on its own initiative to check what is "different."

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:34
by Михаил_
Маг.нет wrote:Michael_
Another question:
On the player have a video output Minijack, if, for example, a photo broadcast on SK 1M, the device will be perceived, or need an additional algorithm to prescribe? What effects are possible from such a broadcast?

will perceive.
even if you apply coded information, it will have a connection with ancestral her appearance.
Effects? as from the photo on the table I think.
The device is still... for him it's a setting on resonance and no more.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 19:42
by Маг.нет
Михаил_ wrote:the subconscious mind will find some very artsy and unexpected a way as to fulfill both desires even if they are mutually exclusive...
mutually exclusive they may seem from one point of view, but on the other... complementary. is to expand the perception or change your point of view... you can see both sides of the same coin.

With respect the

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 23:24
by Маг.нет
Michael_ question INFOPRENEUR (when using SK 1M):

1. How much exposure time is required for transferring "special" properties of the source structure on "segerstrale" to the size of the 10-copeck coins "activated" quartz (for repair of water), for use by function - active source structure how effective such a transfer, the lifetime of activated quartz - 3 months.
2. Do I need quartz to activate until the moment of transfer, the Gulf water.
3. Is it possible to change the taste of the water is desired (to acidify, to sweeten), odor, and other designed properties.
4. "Svezheotzhaty" rock quartz, watered stationery glue, at the moment drying feature next to the source structure, for example, with the Cartridge to the Modulator on the object table... (before drying)
After a(?) time, peel the adhesive (the source structure) falls off, what time the logs will save the properties of the structure.
5. Is it always necessary to implement INFOPRESSE, to create a "screen" by putting SK 1M in a box and locking as previously described, the properties of the "screen" with a marker.

Thank you!


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:08
by Александр86
But will this device in achieving such goals:
People want to learn to play the violin, but he has no talent.
He is willing to engage, to work hard, but hard work is not everything. Talent is something, what is lacking in this case, can I compensate?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:03
Passions and talents acquired, and the device "as the tram", is ready to make his stand, moving in the selected direction. You can speed up development or to help to show (previously acquired, for example, "inherited"), using the device, but to compensate...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:27
by рыжая
Михаил_ wrote:Can think about the complexity of or just wanting too, pumping from the likelihood energy.
Michael, Hello.
Here in this place you can stay in more detail?
What exactly means of deflating the probability of energy?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:47
иван_IV wrote:want to learn to play - and learn. Want to play - play.
To paraphrase, you strongly want - enhance the desire, the willingness to have closer possession.

What can you say Michael_?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 19:24
by Михаил_
рыжая wrote:
Михаил_ wrote:Can think about the complexity of or just wanting too, pumping from the likelihood energy.
Michael, Hello.
Here in this place you can stay in more detail?
What exactly means of deflating the probability of energy?
Let's work with a figurative picture.
Imagine our world in the present (now) = sea of life energy that fills all things, living and not living. Think of it like a vivid picture, which clearly shows all the details.
Now work with the future.
If you've read fry, remember that "Hiking" in the future there are called the "dark side" or "dark side".
Where are all subject to the thoughts. (really, not quite, but close).
Why? It's actually not a fantasy writer, but a completely precise definition. The truth on the "dark side" image may be too bright, but this is already a strong part of our consciousness.
Continue mental experiment.
Every event has a prehistory, which in some sense determines the variation of its future.
This kind of "experience", the personal history of an object, person, place (of anything), also called causality, determines the breadth of options, combined with the surrounding objects. Zone "interlacing" to create a sustainable version of a possible future. Is implemented as a rule only one. The most powerful.
Sometimes enough of the "butterfly effect" to change what it is. Ie a single object fell out of the weave of experience, to create a unified picture of the puzzle gathered otherwise.
But while the future is still the future, still has a lot of versions.
You can present it so the brightness on the perception of the NOW moment is distributed over a hundred variations of a particular scene (event), decaying as in a "shadow". Energy in them is proportionately smaller (by number of versions relatively speaking) and they prioritise just on energy basis. The one where more energy is the most probable version.
Our attention is able to add energy to the desired version (usually this is a special and conscious work by "pumping"), and to eat her out. Usually about a future event it eats it - i.e. thinking about it and wanting it (pulling towards you) we attract to ourselves the energy from still do not exercise and eat it, literally. In the event it becomes smaller and it may not be realized.
Hence the story that many believe is not good shares plans about the future, so as not to disturb their implementation and hence the need to "let go" of the event, not to think about it constantly, to improve the likelihood of its implementation.<