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What is biofeedback ?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 19:04
by Андрей Кабанков
What is biofeedback ?

Andrei Patrushev

Biofeedback (BFB) is a learning process in which people are trained to improve their health and psychological state by observing the signals coming from your own body. This method is scientifically substantiated and is based on numerous experiments and extensive clinical practice. This is a very effective method for controlling voltage level, the achievement of true relaxation and help achieve personal goals.

Fear, overeating, Smoking, anxiety, and other problems directly associated with stress or worse. For some, the stress is a stimulant to effective action, but for most is a barrier to self-realization. The secret is to recognize your reaction to stress, and further use this knowledge as a springboard to gain full control over your life when you can realize the full potential of your brain to succeed in life and maintain good health.

Until now, biofeedback has been used extensively in medical practice for learning to control stress, achieve deep relaxation and direction of talent and energy for self-realization and full disclosure of their human potential. Now, thanks to modern advances in electronics, we have emerged a compact, reliable and precise devices, which can be easily used at home. These devices allow us to explore the subconscious involuntary response of his body to different kinds of stress, returning us to the kind of feedback our efforts to change this voltage level (these are usually unconscious signals) in the form of auditory and (or) visual stimuli. So that you can immediately hear, and (or) to see the slightest changes and very fast to learn how to manage it

All the troubles and stress related to date, identified and documented. We now know that stress has a very real and significant effect on health, on productivity, on relationships and athletic performance.
Biofeedback offers us an open window through which we can consider how our own body reacts to stress. Barefoot tracks and gives us feedback - what kind of success we have achieved in regulating stress levels. For example, when you are tensed, then immediately hear in the headphones a rising tone when he used the corresponding relaxation technique, the tone begins to drop, immediately telling us about the success. This gives us direct insight into what technology works for us and what is not.

Barefoot shows us how to use our consciousness to direct control over his own body. When we use devices with biofeedback, the signals of our nervous systems become available to us in a tangible and measurable form. Thus, we can make appropriate changes to achieve necessary results.
There are several types of biofeedback.

Biofeedback based on measurement of electrical resistance of the skin (in the Russian version of the galvanic Skin Response - GSR), which depends on the level relaxation, i.e., psychological States and emotions.

The sensors dressed in hand, and we hear in the headphones, the rising tone, if our emotions or state become more stressed, and decrease when we relax.

Biofeedback based on measurement of muscle tension. Relaxation of the muscles of the forehead, for example, helps to reduce headaches, relieve tension of the masticatory muscles, and relaxation of the neck and shoulder Department. Pair of headphones with a built-in interface and a headband with sensors around the head. When we relax the muscles of the forehead, the tone in the headphones begins to drop.

Biofeedback based on measurement of the quality of the electrical wave activity of the brain. Improving the quality of wave activity helps us in learning and concentration, reduce mental chaos, to the fast achievement of deep relaxation, and to improve the quality of nighttime sleep.

Two electrodes are mounted on the head, and through a computer interface we can see the wave activity of our brain in the form of wavy lines on the screen, similar to the waves of the sea. When the waves are close to each other - we are active and attentive, when differ - chilling, and attention is scattered.
When we see irregular waves, it means that we are not in the best of our condition. When the waves become more regularly and with more smooth vertices, we get into a more focused state.

Biofeedback based on measurement of heart rate variability, shows us how our heart responds to changes in emotional, mental and physical stress and helps to train the ability to return to a more relaxed and effective as. This helps to achieve total relaxation and stress relief with the cardiovascular system.

We put the sensor on the finger, and a computer interface helps us to see the work of our heart in the form of wavy lines on the screen, similar to the waves of the sea. The constantly changing irregular waves indicate that we are easily susceptible to various disorders for any reason. While smooth waves indicate that we are able to remain calm in any stressful situation.

Biofeedback based on measurement of skin temperature. The warmer the skin, the deeper the relaxation. Skin temperature is determined by the amount of blood circulating in the subcutaneous layer. The more the volume of the circulation, the faster this place goes healing and self healing.

We put temperature sensors where we need to increase cavalitto, for example on the hand. The higher the stress level, the typically colder hands. Digital thermometer measures temperature, and then informs us that the temperature in this place is increased or not increased.

Hardware-software complex BOS "Mental Game" is based on measuring the electrical resistance of the skin. This advanced system displays a BFB to a new level, through the use of the game interface.

Now we can not just observe monotonous waves on the computer screen and listen to a boring beeping in the headphones, and with a passion to put the spacecraft on the landing platform, make him between obstacles, compose music, and much, much more, just by controlling your thoughts. Needless to say that the results of this approach are growing much faster, and the effectiveness of training increases. The complex is constantly being improved - added game modules, improves the interface.

Due to good feedback to developers, you can add your own ideas for improving the games or creating brand new games.

The method of controlling the movement of the ball

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 23:41
by Александрь
Today acquired Mental Games, was installed and was immediately faced with a problem. I don't know how to bring themselves to a state in which the ball will finally land on the platform. To achieve 16% relaxation (record) used her childhood memories. I had, however, to close my eyes and focus on the height of the sound tones. Pictures from the game do not help. Found a way to cheat kid in a long exhale, the ball is coming.
Autotrening very annoying. What can I use instead?
I need to relax, so to speak, muscle and spread on the sofa, or to let go of some inner psychological stiffness and unpleasant thoughts. To stop the inner dialogue in the end?
As being more or less calm state, will go down even 80-90% in the relaxation. Device hour not mistaken in the degree of relaxation?
What are the techniques of the game, or all accumulated with time?
Offer to share their own methods of play.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:54
by Дарина
I relax, then the body to feel the silence and peace of mind. Don't submit, just close my eyes and guided by the sound. Calm breathing - breathe normally.

Where you need the ball to lift, I do one or two energetic breath.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 14:28
by Бронемастер
Can someone please tell me whether the device bio feedback to reliably fix the fatigue, irritation, aggression, sexual arousal. If possible, what is the principle of the separation of different types of nervous excitement? I kind of understand Your company works in a slightly different genre, but please answer exactly to my question.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 19:17
by Андрей Патрушев
Бронемастер wrote:Can someone please tell me whether the device bio feedback to reliably fix the fatigue, irritation, aggression, sexual arousal. If possible, what is the principle of the separation of different types of nervous excitement? I kind of understand Your company works in a slightly different genre, but please answer exactly to my question.
BOSE does not fix anything, but it helps to learn to manage their conditions. :)