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Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 19:04
by Михаил_
Новик wrote:DEIR practical classes, seminars, and conversations with teachers. And much more. Including personal experience
The sect is sad..... :roll:
I am not a practitioner DEIR, do not agree with many precepts, etc. But have the utmost respect for this school and for the breadth of perception studied as the course manuals and the forum (the practical side reflected through the personality of followers).
The difference in views and in the picture of the world at this level - the norm. Valuable to be able to live together recognizing the difference and not clinging to her.
What Bold wrote about egregors very close to my understanding of the situation. Sufficiently accurate and detailed description. Competent. Which indicates the adequacy of the educational unit.
There are nuances that I would reflect differently, but as I said above -the debate on the topic models of the world :) it's a dead end.
Call extremely respectful to the presence of different schools and of different views and not to hang labels.

PS Post about egregors wanted to write a couple of days ago myself, but stopped because of the fact that not logged in the details, not only hard to explain, but they are partially outside the edge of ordinary perception.
By the way, as I understand it, this level is called Servista a "parasite", although in fact it is a natural (normal) for us. The cause of the curvature is likely in our "lowered" state, which is part of the normal life of the scheme got out into the kind of "Avtonom".
I.e. the phenomenon that has a useful side that can not be thrown out.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 19:36
by Анти3д
Conflict-free technology survival in resource starvation (Certificate White Rider) Kurochkin, Andrei G. ... loda.shtml

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:23
by Смелый
Got the RAD 2400HD. Are at work, while experimenting once. Set on 10Hz. Washers from the app. The energy from the tube feel in the hand within 4 hours of smooth, quiet, good mood. Underscore, smooth, without interruption. Such States do not remember a long time ago.
I can only say thanks for the tool and for the possibility to buy it.
My friend, with whom he studied in the Deir, concluded that the biggest obstacle in working with the purposes is lust or significance for a human being achieve the goal. And recently worked in this direction - reducing the importance of the goal. This device significantly helps to do it. Set the Trend and continue to work. Something will come. Will not come, change the conditions, situation, etc. Great! Looks like I am looking forward to a lot of interesting things. And sweat spilled in the study of various esoteric techniques - shed not in vain. All in the matter.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:04
by рыжая
Any experience is valuable.
Experiment, Daring and good luck. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:14
by верунчик
Michael previously recommended max Freya, that he in the history of the "Elusive Jabba Khen" very well documented "how much to not wanting to" :)
Good luck to everyone! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:19
by Смелый
Who can answer why the RAD 2400HD device on the panel inlets and outlets: Output Target and Output from Trend, as well as Input and Target Input Trend. It is clear that this input and output, but for what purpose. Because there is audio input, filing the audio recording.
And again. I have a medical discs recorded in mp3 format. When listening are just beeps of different tones and frequencies. Does it make sense to scroll through them feeding through the audio input on the Radionics.
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:04
by следующий
Under the scheme, they are very not needed. And the audio input comes from the output of the frequency generator. So of course you can
connected as on input , but pre-cutting according to the scheme and made it so that these wires do not go to the generator. Then they will go directly to the big coil, which is located under the resin.
Can nothing making to connect the earphone to the audio output and listen with one ear flicks with the frequency of which you expose.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:48
by Маг.нет
Earlier it was specified, target, Trend input/output - for connection of several Radionica the system.


Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 13:07
by Смелый
All thanks, understood.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 13:44
by следующий
It can be. Try to understand yourself.
To start, disassemble the device, srisai scheme on paper - it's easy, elementary physics in middle school, the main problem is a bunch of wires.
Divided into two parts:
1.the generator, which amplifies the signal or whatever it is he gives energy ( in General, it is just there and works on all devices) -we don't need.
2. plate and control them at the expense of postoenko ( resistors)

Then item 2 unfold the paper to see everything.

Write. Maybe you have any thoughts about upgrading the device.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 17:18
by Маг.нет
the following
All understand, do not want, below I will explain why.
In electrical engineering to understand a little more level school-Institute. Similar (maybe exaggerating) the device produced in grade 5, without the scheme, on a whim. More precisely, it was evening, there was nothing - no charge, wires twisted simple NCH generator rolling on one (or two, don't remember, transistors) in the right side - light bulb in the left speaker from the payphone, the power cord broke two plates, added a capacitor. Resistors (2 pieces) replaced with potentiometers. What you wanted? Wanted the sound of "sirens" and "flasher". What happened? Generator rolling, one of the "resistors" which was my body (closed finger two plates). Adjusting the potentiometers to the desired amplitude of rolling, noted an interesting effect, at a certain frequency and the blinking of the lamp, received the "noise" in the head (not the speaker) - an interesting sensation. And settings had at each new inclusion to change (different mood, different body resistance). The feeling can be compared to MM. Cool and very surprising. Such properties I did not expect to. Rolling - alternating voltage is applied to one of the "monitors" (speaker, lamp). Knew that any speaker and microphone. Began to experience to tell on him, first was crap, wanted to see a change in the amplitude of the flashing, after you have expressed one of her desires. To my surprise - the desire, after 2-3 days came true... he Became a joke to show tricks to friends, comrades. I cleaned for about a month while foolishly not announced (jokingly) "notice of death", which also came true the next day, a man was killed. Me it is not that scared, just AMAZED! I threw the device out the window and he promised nothing like that to do! How did it work? Installation of auto-suggestion, transferred to the device. And no matter what there was radio. I believed that I was "someone" hears and executes my requests and it worked.
So, about Radhika. Think, write on the socket, video input, know that it is a magical device - it can work flow of a video signal. Every accomplishment will be to reinforce this belief. Great disappointment from a lack of understanding that it can't be, that do not want to disassemble. You can see the pattern you know so, but I know differently. I was satisfied with the explanation Mihaila why these nests. The more written on them... and where does the wire not so important. It's not iron, and a magical device, so maybe for everyone. For example, have other "instruments" (with other properties), observed runs not only me, but others, not even aware of the existence of the device and included in the program. Property - "stream" only 2 frequencies. My friend, could not stand (like high efficiency, according to my description of the properties that are slightly different from the manufacturer) and dismantled... and there's a battery, a switch and 2 wires going to the polymeric mass and nothing more. "Broadcast" the promised frequencies no measurements (probably it occurs at a different level), but their effect is felt. And continues and after seeing. Not so simple...
Wanted in a few words, and turned the whole opus. Probably because the HAPPIEST TIME IN the world WHEN WE are STILL CHILDREN! Type, nostalgia... Then I was 11 years old.
Something like this...

With respect the<

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:52
by Смелый
Today is the fourth day of working with Radhika. Every day changing trends. The first day worked with the revenue streams, it took a lot of calls, but for the most part trash, or to take every call and work separately. But I know the ability of people to deliver me suggestions, as well as their receptivity to the benefits (if more precisely, the fate in terms of the benefits it gives is very small) and therefore made out of soluce actions and further strain did not.
Was interesting yesterday. Complete silence on the phone, in meetings, etc. are Now literally write what I wrote in the trend, one point. "Getting me in my personal enjoyment of the various sums of money, bills of any value in any current currency, any day of the week beneficial for me ways, brings me joy and satisfaction in life." Silence on this day I was struck by and only by the evening it dawned on me - the Universe is bored, she finished my sentence as follows: "instead of receiving money, joy and satisfaction does not deliver" and I took the day off. Today, the trend copied. Life becomes more interesting.
Good luck to everyone!
PS is a Thousand times right, when he wrote these lines: the HAPPIEST TIME IN the world WHEN WE are STILL CHILDREN! In my childhood I often wished I had a magical device, like a ring or fulfilling my desires.
Dreams come true?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:41
by следующий
Маг.нет wrote:the HAPPIEST TIME IN the world WHEN WE are STILL CHILDREN!
Can't agree with Your colleague.
At that time You probably wanted to be an adult to sleep in a quiet hour in kindergarten, not to teach lessons in school, be independent not to obey their parents. What? Your wish has been granted. Now You are an adult...
There was a desire again to be in one's dotage.
It became happy when gone forever.

Now try to dream like an adult
The time in which You live now can leave, and YOU never enjoyed it. Try to enjoy the crap that now surrounds it.
Over time, the smell of shit to turn into the flavor of the happy time.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:44
by Guest
следующий wrote:
Маг.нет wrote:the HAPPIEST TIME IN the world WHEN WE are STILL CHILDREN!
Can't agree with Your colleague.
At that time You probably wanted to be an adult to sleep in a quiet hour in kindergarten, not to teach lessons in school, be independent not to obey their parents. What? Your wish has been granted. Now You are an adult...
There was a desire again to be in one's dotage.
It became happy when gone forever.

Now try to dream like an adult
The time in which You live now can leave, and YOU never enjoyed it. Try to enjoy the crap that now surrounds it.
Over time, the smell of shit to turn into the flavor of the happy time.

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:57
by Смелый
следующий wrote:
Маг.нет wrote:the HAPPIEST TIME IN the world WHEN WE are STILL CHILDREN!
Can't agree with Your colleague.
At that time You probably wanted to be an adult to sleep in a quiet hour in kindergarten, not to teach lessons in school, be independent not to obey their parents. What? Your wish has been granted. Now You are an adult...
There was a desire again to be in one's dotage.
It became happy when gone forever.

Now try to dream like an adult
The time in which You live now can leave, and YOU never enjoyed it. Try to enjoy the crap that now surrounds it.
Over time, the smell of shit to turn into the flavor of the happy time.
My feelings about childhood. Why I agree that childhood is the happiest time. I'm 58 years old. I don't remember what joy is. I all the time from what is fought, defended something, including their lives or their freedom. Showdown in 90-ies, when your business or money people with criminal or semi-criminal experience tried to break or take away. The end of the 90s, the beginning of this century, the continuous raids by the tax agencies, the interior Ministry and the FSB. You do not attack. attack you and the adult. You can certainly say that I myself, your thoughts has created a way of life. So. But even now, when strained slept, there was a different understanding of life, analyzing the most passing situations and trying to build (mentally) it's different, I don't see how I could to avoid it. Could be avoided, but only a small part. Everything else I would not have passed. Just if I did, as I am now, I worked all situations with less energy.
But I have a friend. About emotions. The older you get, the dumber the emotions, until the complete disappearance. Just stupid, like a robot, doing the things. It is certainly possible to slow down, to step aside, to leave on nature. I have a friend who made a lot of things, including lost. A lot of energy and emotion. Favorite expression, waved their hands: "Yes, soon the money will be, will have nowhere to put." A couple of years ago, the way the cases went. Two weeks ago was found. Me it, not that impressed. Scared. The man BROKE down. Look. Look extinct, the conversation on the topic - the grass is green, the sky is blue, we must live now. I agree. But he had a wife with progressive multiple sclerosis, two kids, students, casual work. What to do with these circumstances? Sitting on the grass and looking up at the sky blue, they will not eliminate. I don't blame him. He fought like a lion, a lot of esoteric training and books. And the signing of various contracts deals. He even managed to sell Doc in Vietnam, but the percentage was negligible. But... the grass is green...
A year ago, when it was really bad, talked to sister and in the conversation said that I understand that you must live in a positive mood, think positively, and I literally by the hair and dragged ourselves into a positive. But quickly the mood becomes neutral, torpor and dullness. She just do not understand me, was telling that you just need to be positive. I do everything himself understood.
It's such a long introduction to what is now, on the fourth day of working with Radionica (trend necessarily used, the device works 10-11 hours a day, by the way, anyone knows how much he can work per day), returned the emotion, confidence, what joy appears. So, it turns out, and at that age you can get joy from life, but I think true joy without the device, I would definitely not received. When you enjoy sitting on the grass, and your family has nothing, at best, masochism.
Each of us looks like, your way. What should happen, is unlikely to avoid. The question probably is, will break or not. Can be in heaven even someone bets on the us sets, as some of us on the run horses, or cockroaches. I was thinking on these topics and he was always up to the same conclusion: "God's Providence on earth, is akin to artisanal craft". The prospector, before you find a nugget, tons of waste rock shoveled. For God the human weight, what breed of land for prospector. Lopatic, Lopata, seek out nuggets. That would only know that his understanding is natural.
Good luck to everyone!<

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:24
by Маг.нет
Смелый wrote:each of us like your way. What should happen, is unlikely to avoid. The question probably is, will break or not. Can be in heaven even someone bets on the us sets, as some of us on the run horses, or cockroaches. I was thinking on these topics and he was always up to the same conclusion: "God's Providence on earth, is akin to artisanal craft". The prospector, before you find a nugget, tons of waste rock shoveled. For God the human weight, what breed of land for prospector. Lopatic, Lopata, seek out nuggets. That would only know that his understanding is natural.
Good luck to everyone!
Agree with You unconditionally. Close Your opinion.
Radika first manifest shipped, for 2 hours, then 6 hours, now 24, personal strategic Trend programme Trend is not manifested externally, but confidence... So 5+!
следующий wrote:Now try to dream like an adult
The time in which You live now can leave, and YOU never enjoyed it. Try to enjoy the crap that now surrounds it.
Over time, the smell of shit to turn into the flavor of the happy time.
I don't interfere with the enjoyment of "ambient odor of shit" periodic return to childhood. Childhood, in my understanding, this is not what the certain years, but a STATE of mind. Openness, playfulness, willingness to new. By the way, love the toys (the same Radik) from childhood.


Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 0:54
by Милана
How to set frequency on RAD2400? One division corresponds to what?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:39
by Маг.нет
Milan more specific about some of the 8 "krutilki" question?


Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 16:19
by Эдди Эд

I have an idea. What if the input of the modulator Radionics cut the output from the EEG of the brain (tobish digitized thought-images). So we get bio-feedback device in the power of techno-magic. Can really try? Like pelerinaj you wrote that something was, but there must be exact.

But if the same output from the brain to otmobilizovat points and sound mind machine? I read somewhere that there are mindmachine that any input and modulate sound and light.


Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 16:21
by Эдди Эд
Yes. and for removing EEG to take something like this

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 17:19
by Михаил_
rather just pelerinaj. Much.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 17:20
by Михаил_
However nothing prevents You to try so and so and to compare the effectiveness.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 22:35
by Маг.нет
The use of a Transfer pair to Radionics, see the external differences. Round - the Radionics on no noticeable changes, right angle, often near the body, sometimes in my pocket... Here it is noticeably "worn out", paint the uncovered part was uneven, with enhanced expression of green, brilliant green (Zelenka). The texture has also changed, there are three distinguishable region, the inner rectangular mid - smooth-rough, non-porous (like tightly) around, lighter (less than shown) color, have all the porous part (the most "light"), on the edge, a little wider, the rough part if the sand small leaves, original color, brown. Visible consumption of "stuff" - very small. Such are the symptoms.


Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 18:10
by Космос100
Friends, and how you can purchase the device in Kazakhstan? Maybe there is an official "salesman" with us?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 18:16
by Андрей Кабанков
You can buy or we or Carl Veltze in the United States.The price will be the same.In Kazakhstan there are no sellers.