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Is there an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 16:36
by Абдим
As somewhere mentioned, the analogue of Psyleron is the process of tossing the coin.
And is there a device that measures the probability of a coin given the fact that the coin CAN stand ON EDGE?
If there is, could somebody use it to find the CAUSE of the loss of a result?
And, using It, to find the conditions under which the loss "on the edge" will be the maximum?-))))
By the way, who Kozyrev? And whether he was an "enemy of the people"?

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:58
by Дмитрий__
Unfortunately, I can't help You. I don't know of such devices. As for Kozyrev is known in certain circles of people, the original researcher may be detached from reality. What about "enemy of the people" - personally, me and my friends he has done nothing wrong.

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 13:06
by Абдим
Дмитрий__ wrote:as for Kozyrev is known in certain circles of people, the original researcher may be detached from reality.
Thanks for the reply. And Kozyrev alive now? You can ask any reference to his work on the Internet?

Psyleron on two States - the analogue of "Buridan's ass" or coins.
Transtable device is very promising in the science of eternity.
If you did, please let me know. Okay?


Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 17:21
by Хаст
Abdim two bits to encode 3 States. 00 - eagle, 01 - tails, 11 - rib. For example the I-Ching with a pair of Yin-Yang and their combinations encodes 64 condition. Why this is necessary is unclear.

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 23:45
by Абдим
Хаст wrote:Abdim two bits to encode 3 States. 00 - eagle, 01 - tails, 11 - rib. For example the I-Ching with a pair of Yin-Yang and their combinations encodes 64 condition. Why this is necessary is unclear.
Two bits encodes FOUR States and 10 too.
But this approach to encode all four States are EQUIPROBABLE. Agree?
And by encoding the three - analog of the COIN - two States are metastable, and the probability of the third is almost equal to zero. Do you agree?

But is it possible to discard such a low probability? IMHO, it is impossible.
But you can find techniques that increase the probability of important limits.
A big task for intelligence. Do you agree?

Others analog it is possible to offer walking on the edge. Will be able to pass? Walkers go.
And with the coin you can do something like this? The big question.
The practical application then come up. OK???


Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:03
by Хаст
But the coin is not a generator of randomness, it is subject to physical laws, probably easier to learn to cast on edge, rather than seek some external conditions for a falling edge. Of course if I'm understand you correctly :wink:

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 22:50
by Абдим
Хаст wrote:But the coin is not a generator of randomness, it is subject to physical laws, probably easier to learn to cast on edge, rather than seek some external conditions for a falling edge. Of course if I'm understand you correctly :wink:
Hast. You understand me correctly. The coin is only a manifestation of the law. In the gospel there are words that narrow path leading to Heaven. And there are right and left deviation from this path, which is wide.
The generator can be called an emitter of the THREE probabilities.
There are elements with three States. and they have to make the device.

In Boolean algebra is True, NOT the truth. And the third is not given. I have it third...
A coin on edge with probability 100%.
I need a compass....

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron three sostojania?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 0:48
by Михаил_
A little about Kozyrev can be found for example here:

but the works he is most famous for his causal mechanics and the same sensor, a La psyleron, where there was a text article Snegina the same (see the author videos on the tube) on the history of this sensor.
But really it is despite its great sagacity really didn't understand much of his work can be done more historical and other conclusions than to use them as a practical alternative, from the realities they are almost equally distant. as modern physics.

As for transtable logic, you should understand that it is not important the nature of the sensor and the number of States, it is important TO WHICH he responds.
Psyleron in particular responds to the operator, which is well proven. And the operator pofigu the number of States of the sensor. Because it determines the picture of the world. and not Vice versa.

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 0:50
by Михаил_
Хаст wrote:But the coin is not a generator of randomness, it is subject to physical laws, probably easier to learn to cast on edge, rather than seek some external conditions for a falling edge. Of course if I'm understand you correctly :wink:
Easier become those in whose presence the coin always prefers to stand on the edge, even if already lies :)
I.e. no operands physics and to define it, at least locally.
This is the only "compass".

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:00
by Хаст
Psyleron in particular responds to the operator, which is well proven.
And the operator reacts, in terms of decision making? Does he have human free will? Or everything in our world is just a chain of cause and effect, even if it would seem that the reference accident are dependent on the consciousness of the operator - ie not random? :) . Creativity in 3.0 is the absolute manifestation of free will?

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:49
by Михаил_
the operator can be dependent on almost completely or almost completely nezavisim =-
it depends on his condition.
Usually operator dependent in some way from a complex combination of internal and external resonances, i.e. from the interaction of his inner worlds with the outer world, it puts the basis of his personal experience, but the vast majority of people are quite heavily dependent on the direct influence of society, even where it generally does not imply (almost programmed them, even in socially related things).
In 3.0, the majority is only partially (in percent of normal). If a fully - Yes.
BUT here it should be noted that creativity can be a co-creation or it threatens to become at the same time and destruction. Thus we come to the necessity of attunement (resonance same) within the group.

The issue of predestination is not quite correct.
The thing is that degrees of certainty are different, depending on the involvement of the operator in the resonances. From there, the "Characters" who no one in most cases intentionally sends. That is, different natural "symbolic" phenomenon is only a manifestation of the resonances of the operator and of the world. They are not accidental (and much more) and the manifestation of harmony.
But it is very much around not in tune with us sometimes and this can be attributed to a true-random (i.e., this order to us is not relevant. it is not accidental for someone or something else otherwise).
For this reason, psyleron not random where we pay attention to (attune). In other cases and at other times, it does not carry useful information.
My last posted video (which is 3.1) made on other equipment, the degree of "remoteness" from the operator's influence is even cooler than psyleron, probably for this reason and the movie so effective was released :) Everything in the world is very relative.
We can say that there is complete freedom of will, but we can say about full predestination. In fact, neither that nor it is not a reflection of the real situation.
Predetermination no, but our current degree of freedom from the influence of ambient harmonies (the depth of our installation in the world in a given place at a given time).<

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 16:01
by Хаст
Michael_ thanks, became a bit clearer. But all throws in rigidly materialistic picture of the world, the more free system of perception of the world, but somehow adequately reconcile their not really work. Of course, I understand that there is both at the same time, and all the world is paradoxical and indescribable conventional logic designs.

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 19:14
by Михаил_
The question of point of view :) inside I subject to physical laws, outside I have them defined. You can stand with one foot there and the other there. For example, many alternative physicists who really knows a lot and including those who engaged in or is NSA that under state beginning, do not fully understand this.... i.e. it seems that they understand that you know wider and longer, but that their knowledge is already in the area where there is no competitive athletes of boundaries and certainty - that they did not understand. They do not understand and that for the promotion or implementation of such knowledge to know their little book - will show stopper. They can only "create" in the world, mechanical things are not really implemented and it does not matter who in fact "to blame" - stupid thing, it is important that it should not be implemented at the level of technical acceptance, simply can not. The resistance will be from the world itself, too, though manifested perhaps through some negative trends and-or structure.
Sidersky have a little bit of fiction, read at your leisure, useful. I would not say that I agree in fact their picture of the world, but as a ball and demo some interesting moments it is quite good.

PS for the above reason that what the author wants the branches will not be implemented publicly in the form of the device never.

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:12
by Абдим
How to manage the coins?
Who knows?

Re: is There an analogue of Psyleron in three States?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 21:31
by максвп
Abdimto be