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Deep meditation: WARNING

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:13
by Андрей1981
I liked this session. Time exposed obuchno on 18 minutes. Once tried on 27 minutes, the last thing I remember - the body began to shake and passed out. Woke up after an hour: the weakness of the wild, I don't remember, what did you do today, on General feel is about to go to the other world. I thought it was poisoning, called an ambulance, washed me, but the doctors insist that this is drug poisoning. About the device tell them to do. Convinced myself that food poisoning in the restaurant

A month passed, I decided to try a long meditation, in the end: again don't remember anything, barely alive, soon. I told them about the device, showed manual. The doctor said that too strong an action on the autonomic system and she broke down and failed. Once told, may the breath stop and heart for such a fight. How, then, it turns out that the device is in the free market?
And can I now use other sessions without fearing for their health, because the device and the positive things in life brought :) Anyone have an opinion on this story, please share

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:32
by Dimas
So...maybe not worth it session to listen to?The device is full of other programs.Waiting for review Andrew P.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:52
by Идущая вперед
apparently a deep meditative state you do not fit... the body and soul is too cluttered up... many can withstand any sesiju without straining and about such EMERGENCY CALLS... read the topic OVERDOSE on the website... I thought that if you consume the car in a different session for 3 hours then happens powerful overextended... for example, a disk Explorer, along with a session in innerpulse cosmic consciousness (from the same Opera) ....look at MM frequencies.... how do you respond to Delta and theta waves??? can be the difference in certain frequencies causes such a destructive reaction???

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 18:59
by Любовь
If you were in the restaurant, maybe drinking alcohol, and with MM it is combined is not necessary. By the way the instructions are all written:
"Any discomfort, stop using the instrument", and You tried to use it again )))
And for cardiac patients it is contraindicated... according to the instructions.
Me from theta raskolbas awful, I wanted the alpha session to listen to, Lhotse and she tet down. I feel that I becomes Fig. Turned off. Are no longer included. Only the "Wave of relaxation" I hear and Improv 2 :shock:

Re: Deep meditation: WARNING

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 19:25
by Андрей Патрушев
Андрей1981 wrote:I Liked this session. Time exposed obuchno on 18 minutes. Once tried on 27 minutes, the last thing I remember - the body began to shake and passed out. Woke up after an hour: the weakness of the wild, I don't remember, what did you do today, on General feel is about to go to the other world. I thought it was poisoning, called an ambulance, washed me, but the doctors insist that this is drug poisoning. About the device tell them to do. Convinced myself that food poisoning in the restaurant

A month passed, I decided to try a long meditation, in the end: again don't remember anything, barely alive, soon. I told them about the device, showed manual. The doctor said that too strong an action on the autonomic system and she broke down and failed. Once told, may the breath stop and heart for such a fight. How, then, it turns out that the device is in the free market?
And can I now use other sessions without fearing for their health, because the device and the positive things in life brought :) Anyone have an opinion on this story, please share
Quite a strange situation, to be honest... own practice for 10 years in the world never met. Well, max, your head becomes "iron" in "overdose". And the doctor, something strange is said... What was your pressure and pulse? Have You taken any drugs? Do You have any chronic diagnosis for life? Was there ever (including deep childhood) such feelings?
I would recommend - the optimal time for a session of 15-20 minutes. Everything else is from the evil one. :?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 17:50
by Андрей1981
After that, the pressure rose to 140, alcohol, and no pills are not taken. Because the situation was twice, except for the device, to sin no matter what. Previously, these States never had.
Consulted with a friend the psychologist, said that may be due to a lack of (or weak intensity) of internal mechanisms of mental protection.
While the use of the device stopped.
Thank you all for the answers.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:25
by Джим
It's all really strange...
two rude questions:
(1) what kind of session You were using?
(2) how old are You?
not quite boorish question:
Have you ever in the five years was examined by doctors-so, to "fully"?
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:20
by Евгений Кош
Андрей1981 wrote:After that, the pressure rose to 140, alcohol, and no pills are not taken. Because the situation was twice, except for the device, to sin no matter what. Previously, these States never had.
Consulted with a friend the psychologist, said that may be due to a lack of (or weak intensity) of internal mechanisms of mental protection.
While the use of the device stopped.
Thank you all for the answers.
I'd be a little tweaked your friend the psychologist - on "too strong internal psychic protection" ... something where you have the subconscious does not allow you to enter deeply.. protection is triggered (see below).

I have a similar condition ( fatigue, nausea, unpleasant feelings in area of the solar plexus, the body sways in different directions.. very frustrating.. so I think that ends recline) was a couple of times in his youth.. when I was pulling out of the body.. then felt wild fear and this sharply back into the body.. but after that sausage. but departed for 30-80 minutes of peace.
I can't guarantee that you like me... you'll feel what happens to you when the time comes.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 18:48
by Сталкер
Hi normal citizens.
A yavot seems too got to handle. It is not anti-advertising.
Just overdose.
Listen to CDs theta meditation. Lucid dreaming. 2nedeli listened to nothing, but on week 3 raskolbas. maybe the weather was guilty as always.
stop using the drive to soothe my peace vnutrennego.

Funny. I began to prepare. what fun. before it was a burden, ate pelmeni. And now they went anyways these dumplings.
Indeed a lot of brains and the control program is made weak, fails.
Thanks for the discs to Mr Patrushev. I still learn English. Believe it or not, not scary. Cool, in General the state after the drugs. opyaneniya. Type"I'm still standing" and how this works out I have all the Main people not to frighten. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:29
by Джим
Сталкер wrote:Listen to CDs theta meditation. Lucid dreaming. 2nedeli listened to nothing, but on week 3 raskolbas. maybe the weather was guilty as always.
what do you mean raskolbas? strongly suspect that You have wound yourself with waiting for the OS, and drives passed it somewhere there in the subconscious (all the terminology, to put it mildly, not accurate, but I hope -- of course).
Сталкер wrote:And now they went anyways these dumplings.
You have overcome the laziness and began to prepare something more meaningful? :)
Сталкер wrote:Cool, in General the state after the drugs. opyaneniya.
You are familiar with this condition? :shock: In fact, after a well-played alpha session -- anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour as do some not so (sometimes) it happens. According to the testimony of 3 people (one of them me) when he was involved in the fact that once nazyvali "autogenic training" -- this condition is consistent with the return of complete relaxation. I have not tried to study in detail the experience of the theta sessions -- I (mostly successfully) after they fell asleep.
(verbs of the past tense, because now I can complain about all of this is quite rare-and bole-mene, but no good deed goes unpunished).

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 16:29
by Крис
"the body began to shake and passed out"

Obviously, that man just developed epilepsy from such experiments. Shimmering flashes - the most that neither is an agent provocateur. I'm actually shocked that people with such ease, your brain is subjected to such a severe test.

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 22:12
by Guest
remember in Japan , the children developed epileptic seizures after watching a cartoon , where he followed the pulsing flashes on the screen ???
fact !
or, for example, in the annotation to the new video game Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare™ says :
Some people are susceptible to epileptic seizures, and shimmering
the light high intensity or frequent changes of contrasting colors can
they cause muscle spasms and loss of consciousness. Bright, colorful
cartoon with frequent change of personnel or video game can, unfortunately,
to provoke an attack. Even if you or your child no set
Lenna doctor diagnosis of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic
attacks, you are not immune from such an acute reaction to flashing
screen. If you or anyone in your family suffered from symptoms similar to epileptic, before the game be sure to consult with your doctor. We advise parents to carefully observe
as children play video games. If during the game your children appear symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, tick,
disorientation, involuntary movement or convulsions, IMMEDIATELY discontinue play and consult a doctor.

it is strange that only Chris knows about this , and all the others in disbelief ....

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 22:48
by Евгений Кош
Крис wrote:, "the body began to shake and passed out"

Obviously, that man just developed epilepsy from such experiments. Shimmering flashes - the most that neither is an agent provocateur. I'm actually shocked that people with such ease, your brain is subjected to such a severe test.
you probably never go out in the woods.
Walking through the woods on a Sunny day - shimmering flash.
and if not the bike is even better.
and you have a car ever went .. at least not the driver and passenger?? along the woods.. or groves.. at sunset.. when the sun is at the side - just ... and if the grove or forest close to the road(highway).. and even before and after lunch - a solid flash ( when the sun is sideways from the direction of movement)... (the trees provide shade and the spaces between the trees - quite clearly because the sun shines :)
so solid flash.. what to do ? ride only at night? :)))
you, as the saying goes, say it. but not to speak..
from the outside you can give thousands of examples of shimmering flashes.. which is why you do not remember :) at least the MONITOR :) light show at discos .. even walking on the Park on a Sunny day ( the gaps between the branches)... :))

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 22:58
by Евгений Кош
P. S. now in society it is fashionable to be sick... sunk.
and the main thing that outraged that those who are ill :) and those who are SYMPATHETIC to them ( i.e., heard the sound but he didn't listen)... and intermeddle there - where such personalities in pryntsipe and do nothing.. because MM is clearly not for epileptics made..

although IMHO - epilepsy only violent reaction to internal conflicts. ( my purely personal IMHO).. so "and you will be healthy and you too".. the only question is - "who cares"? .. but this is another level of "competence".

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:19
by Guest
Eugene Kosh
it is naive to compare the flash of the light when passing the forest with flashes on the screen ...
it is proved that the brain getting through sight signals and not receiving a confirmation from the other senses disorientated and there is sea-sickness. for example, in transport ... many begin to feel sick while playing on the computer , when it is difficult to navigate the flashing cavalcade of events ... fact ...

and epileptic seizures in children in Japan - a fact ... there was a whole scandal ...
view Japanese cartoons ... a lot of contrast flicker ...

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:23
by Guest
Eugene Kosh
although IMHO - epilepsy only violent reaction to internal conflicts. ( my purely personal IMHO)..
this disease , or rather the peculiar structure of the brain , a mistake of nature ...
so "and you will be healthy and you too".. the only question is - "who cares"? .. but this is another level of "competence".
:roll: is that Zen ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:38
by Guest
Eugene Kosh
you probably never go out in the woods.
Walking through the woods on a Sunny day - shimmering flash.
and if not the bike is even better.
and you have a car ever went .. at least not the driver and passenger?? along the woods.. or groves.. at sunset.. when the sun is at the side - just ... and if the grove or forest close to the road(highway).. and even before and after lunch - a solid flash ( when the sun is sideways from the direction of movement)... (the trees provide shade and the spaces between the trees - quite clearly because the sun shines Smile
so solid flash.. what to do ? ride only at night? Smile))
Even in Ancient Rome, the slave market used the rotation of the Potter's wheel, rhythmically reflecting the sunlight, for revealing they have epilepsy. In 1934, ADRIAN and MAITHEWS installed the impact on human light flashes at the frequency of the alpha rhythm (8-12 Hz). In the future WANER (1946, 1949, 1951) studied in detail the influence of light flashes on people. It was noted that there was a reaction to photostimulation at 3-4% healthy of study in the form of dizziness or nausea, and in some cases numbness or a short disturbance of consciousness (the transition to the ISS). Currently, the technique of photostimulation is used only in conjunction with electroencephalography (EEG).

S. I. Fomichev

Photosensitive (photosensitive) epilepsy is a condition in which a flickering light high intensity causes epileptic seizures. It is sometimes called reflex epilepsy. Among people with epileptic seizures only 2-5% marked photosensitive seizures. Recently appeared information about the increase in cases of seizures that is associated with a massive passion for video games.

The prevalence of photosensitive epilepsy also depends on nationality and hereditary predisposition. Photosensitive epilepsy is particularly common in children aged 9 to 15 years. Rarely a first attack up to 5 years or after 20 years. Girls such attacks occur more frequently than in boys. The most frequent large seizures (tonic-clonic and tonic), absence seizures and myoclonia.


You must fulfill the following conditions in conducting EEG studies on photosensitivity:
- the study is conducted with closed eyes studied;
- distance from the light source to the eyes of 25-30 cm;
- intensity the lights should be maximum for this apparatus;
- the frequency of the light flashes, provoking epileptic activity depends on age and is located in the border of 5-30 flashes per second (the older the child, the greater the frequency of flashes is necessary to provoke change);
- frequency of light flashes is changed smoothly or in increments of 5 flashes every 10 seconds;
- photostimulation is carried out twice - before and after hyperventilation.

The identification of photosensitivity also contributes to sleep deprivation for 24 hours. When assessing the results of the study should be aware that photic stimulation induces epileptic changes on EEG in approximately 2% of people in the populationand they are found genetic predisposition to such changes.


There are the following four groups of paroxysmal changes in the electroencephalogram:
1. bilaterally synchronous, high-amplitude, slow-wave activity, primarily in fronto-Central or occipital leads with generalized spikes and sharp waves or complexes peak-wave;
2. photoconversion effect with a fronto-prezentului complexes polipek-wave;
3. photobiologically effect (muscle tension in the head and neck with EMG and spycapture phenomena on EEG);
4. bilateral parieto-occipital slow waves.

Illustration - 32 kb - Generalized epileptic activity during photostimulation. (where is the link?)

These changes often occur in people with epileptic seizures. However, it should be noted that myoclonic effect of photostimulation, as well as mastering the rhythm of the light flashes and bilateral slow waves in occipital leads can occur with non-epileptic diseases: hysteria, migraine, syncope conditions, cerebrovascular disorders, diencephalic pathology, etc. In any case, the photosensitive detecting changes in EEG in healthy people should be very careful to treat their clinical interpretation.

There are two groups of photosensitive epilepsy with epileptic activity on EEG:
1. true photosensitive epilepsy (9% of epileptics) with the appearance of seizures, usually tonic-clonic, only when exposed to flashes of light;
2. epilepsy with photosensitivity in which photic stimulation induces changes on the EEG but the seizures can occur spontaneously.

The presence of a generalized paroxysmal activity during photostimulation helps in the differential diagnosis vereceklerini generalized and partial seizures.

Traumatic Genesis of epileptic seizures photostimulation practically does not cause changes.
Interesting material. Please add specific links, as expected. (Emphasis in red is mine - A. Patrushev)<

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:39
by Евгений Кош
Гость wrote:this disease , or rather the peculiar structure of the brain , a mistake of nature ...

do you have a contradiction.

this is how you write error - treated Pro a psychologist for 1 sitting.. that's just the collect information is very long. if you are not familiar with this - your problem.

your contradictions.
1. those children who have history of seizures - cartoons so there was nothing to do with this because your own words - "this disease, or rather the peculiar structure of the brain".. then the cartoons and.
2. Asli is a special structure of the brain, then how so? after all, it can be cured :)
3. The issue was discussed at the level if a diabetic knows that he must be careful to sugar. then according to your assumption - the crowd of diabetics should go for dining and resent that sold tons of sugar .. :)

Гость wrote:it's naive to compare the flash of the light when passing the forest with flashes on the screen ...
it is proved that the brain getting through sight signals and not receiving a confirmation from the other senses disorientated and there is sea-sickness.
1. you just don't know it :) for even has patented method (psihoterapevticheskie.. if I'm not mistaken Andrei Patrushev correct because he heard about it) .. the author of the methods just "cut" it when walking Sunny day in the Park and "grabbed" a few moments of flashes of light and shadow :)) )
2. well, probably the transport is also necessary to write? -
"I'm actually shocked by the fact that people with such ease, your brain is subjected to such a severe test." ... "it is strange that only Chris knows about this , and all the others in disbelief ...."

:cry: :cry:

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:42
by Евгений Кош
Guest.. I did not understand you here.. you write about it so type to tell us "here in the world there is such a thing".. - if so then you misled the forum.. not a forum on epilepsy.
if it's about MM, then read the instructions to her :) there written, all the details regarding contraindications.

still have questions?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:49
by Guest
Eugene Kosh
Yes, I have no contradictions ...
read my post above yours , you don't have time to read ))

and read your claims on my conflict by applying them to your criticism of my posts )))
you write no less contradictory messages ...
1. those children who have history of seizures - cartoons so there was nothing to do with this because your own words - "this disease, or rather the peculiar structure of the brain".. then the cartoons and.
they provoked ...
although the word cartoons and niprichem :?
2. Asli is a special structure of the brain, then how so? because it's healing Smile
kompensiruet ... increases the threshold ... but the peculiarity and the danger is ... that since then :?
3. The issue was discussed at the level if a diabetic knows that he must be careful to sugar. then according to your assumption - the crowd of diabetics should go for dining and resent that sold mountains of sweet Smile ..
type II diabetes provokes it is the sugar and owned his excessive added to food ... 90% of the patients and neposrat about the disease ... only with age, they soon lose sight , hair , arteriosclerosis and problems with weight ... in the West's fight against fast food and sugary Cola ... but fools don't read labels and are proud ... :?
1. you just don't know it Smile for even has patented method (psihoterapevticheskie.. if I'm not mistaken Andrei Patrushev correct because he heard about it) .. the author of the methods just "cut" it when walking Sunny day in the Park and "grabbed" a few moments of flashes of shadow and light Smile) )
Even in Ancient Rome, the slave market used the rotation of the Potter's wheel, rhythmically reflecting the sunlight, for revealing they have epilepsy. In 1934, ADRIAN and MAITHEWS installed the impact on human light flashes at the frequency of the alpha rhythm (8-12 Hz). In the future WANER (1946, 1949, 1951) studied in detail the influence of light flashes on people. It was noted that there was a reaction to photic stimulation at 3-4% of healthy study in the form of dizziness or nausea, and in some cases numbness or a short disturbance of consciousness. Currently, the technique of photostimulation is used only in conjunction with electroencephalography (EEG).
2. well, probably the transport is also necessary to write? -
drugs also do not all cattle do ... I'm stronger ... what ?<

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:55
by Guest
Eugene Kosh
Guest.. I did not understand you here.. you write about it so type to tell us "here in the world there is such a thing".. - if so then you misled the forum.. not a forum on epilepsy.
the question arose and I developed a deeper than necessary ? here just a topic about the issue got to the seizure of a person and he wrote to ...
not to like ? moderated ...
if you regarding MM - then read the instructions to her Smile there written, all the details regarding contraindications.
I wrote on the subject matter raised in this thread !!!
sdes is not a topic for the instructions to MM e mA e :?
still have questions?
and you have the answers , except the promise that all is well and the topic panic attack ?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 23:58
by Евгений Кош
Гость wrote:in the West's fight against fast food and sugary Cola ... but fools don't read labels and are proud of it ... Confused
AA.. okay.. another activist of the system.

Гость wrote:drugs is also not all cattle do ... I'm stronger ... what ?
ahhh.. here you are from where.

P. S. hmm.. masks a lot - but the essence is still the same.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 0:06
by Guest
Eugene Kosh
P. S. hmm.. masks a lot - but the essence is still the same.
go to the person instead of the topic ? are you talking about then ? :?
AA.. okay.. another activist of the system.
maybe just an adequate person ? or anyone who thinks , for you the activist of the system ? :?
ahhh.. here you are from where.
what is this , Zen ? :?

PS Yes from anywhere :) you , or the person responsible ? :?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:12
by ЖСЛ
Lord 8)
Epilepsy - essence, energy parasite, a simple thoughtform in the etheric body of man. Entering Alphazone(flashing) - you reject her, she didn't like it. Epilepsy because the churches and tended always - demon of the Church egregore "banished". Still practiced "exorcism" for patients with this disease.

I have two hanging on the neck in coins - a gift. A guide to goals and Davkawriter :lol: School essence the Deir 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:37
by Евгений Кош
ЖСЛ wrote:Epilepsy - essence, energy parasite, a simple thoughtform in the etheric body of man. Entering Alphazone(flashing) - you reject her, she didn't like it.
The beginning - where it looks like.. if I squint.. but still it almost appears as though the Cossacks on the KAMAZ.. but still machines :)
but the second part is... a little not the same but close :)