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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 16:46
Going forward
Snot is a protective sheath.

Liquid immunity. :lol:

They toxins not take. Does not smell by the way :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 20:45
Идущая вперед wrote:prakshalana is a yogic method of ochisheniya of the body... what they do in 30-50 degree heat in India is not suited to our climate and don't need to play with your own body and then, not every person can pour 3 liters of salt water and create escho certain exercises...
Have to force yourself. :) :) :) Water do not gulp drink three liters. In fact, a very easy means of purification. I have only once failed :) The secret is in the CORRECT exercises. Last time I did it, performed at the compilation of four sources. Cheers. After each 300 g of water glass literally fell further. After another series of exercises. Quickly and accurately.

The heat is not being, you're not on the street will do.
There are special amendments for the Northern latitudes. They are allowed to eat eggs, fish, meat. Better in accordance with the Orthodox positions. Because biorhythms is a great thing.
You yourself decide. Everything else is almost the same for all people.

It is clear that about fresh fruit all year round and no speech can not be.

The General attitude to the carcass of the man is worse than the attitude of the car or sewing machine. The carcass is not smeared with shit, etc. Only occasionally the inspection is passed. From Dokhturov.
Идущая вперед wrote:and do not play with your own body
What does not kill us makes us stronger.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 20:50
Going forward
Yoga doing yoga in order to be able to FORGET about the physical body, to make it uncomfortable.
MM in such hands works much better. After all, qualitatively relax (physically) becomes available easily. And this is 50% of all possible dances with a tambourine.

"...Life should be lived so, Coby was not hurt for aimlessly lived years..."

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 23:56
by n
Can excess Yin
Should eat Yang foods

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 22:47
by Зухра
..and yet prakshalana not recommended for those who have liver problems and pressure, and especially before practice per day at least stick to a vegetable diet, excluding meat, eggs (and bread, by the way), not to mention padenie (even vegetables) directly in front of the practice itself.
Yes, 3 liters of saline drink small fractions in the process of exercise (I drank 1 Cup, then exercise for 5-10 minutes, then glass again and again exercises), aimed at "destabilizing" the digestive tract, where in the end directly opens the valve and water goes into the intestine, softens all sorts of rubbish stagnant and finds the appropriate hole (the anus). And so to the full, as long as what we clean from top to drink, will not get as clean of us at the bottom. All in all it took me an hour odd, and there were those lucky (and we did it in nature, near water), which had ruled before (I mean while the "first" was not the hole), and then it went like clockwork: water - exercise - SNiP-bunch, water-exercise - SNiP-bunch )). After the execution all dispersed to their tents to rest - I myself was feeling wildly tired, but then after a rest it was awesome: easy, face blush, like a baby, and strength :) in General, it was great, but there were those whose podskachila pressure and trouble with the liver, i.e. not all in a row this practice can be done. Anyway, prakshalana is some kind of test, not easy ))