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Interesting. About the method.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 15:02
by Dimas
Deep brain stimulation leads to the formation of new nerve cells
Canadian scientists have found that electrical stimulation of the brain causes the formation of new cells, reports Nature. Neurosurgeons from the University of Toronto (University of Toronto) spoke about their achievements in the meeting of the Canadian neurological Association (Canadian Association for Neuroscience), held on 25 may in Vancouver.
Scientists have conducted experiments on mice. Rodents implanted electrodes into the part of the brain called the limbic system, and then within hours was sending stimulating electric pulses (this procedure is called deep brain stimulation). 3-5 days after the procedure, the scientists saw that the rate of formation of new neurons (nerve cells) in the brain of mice was doubled. Researchers have labeled new neurons, and then through a series of tests found that their activity does not differ from older nerve cells.
Additionally, the neurosurgeons found that deep brain stimulation of two year old mice increases the rate of formation of new neurons in eight times, bringing them on this indicator to individuals two months of age.
As stated by the author of the study Skellig stone (Scellig Stone), this work will help to create regenerative therapies based on regeneration of neurons. First, such treatment is necessary for people suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and epilepsy and clinical depression.
In USA approved treatment obsessive-compulsive disorder with electrical stimulation of the brain
Management under the control over products and medicines USA (FDA) approved the use of the method of treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder with electrical stimulation of the brain.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder that is manifested by the occurrence of obsessions (e.g., fear of microbial diseases). When the patient tries to overcome the anxiety through compulsive actions (e.g. constant hand washing).

Electrical stimulation of the brain is only approved for those patients who have not responded to conventional treatments (drug therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy). The application of electrical stimulation presumably have to be combined with medication.
Electrical and magnetic brain stimulation is already used to treat Parkinson's disease and major depressive disorder. There are cases when these techniques have helped patients from vegetative state.

electrical Stimulation of the brain brings back the memory
Deep electrical stimulation of certain areas of the brain allows you to return the memory, and in the future may be used in people with Alzheimer's disease. The unexpected discovery was made by the canadian scientists during treatment of the patient about obesity.
Doctors hospital of West Toronto (Toronto Western Hospital) observed a 50-year-old man with obesity is difficult to treat with traditional non-surgical methods. Trying to reduce appetite 190-pound patient, Andres Lozano (Andres Lozano) and his colleagues implanted electrodes in the brains of men and resorted to the method of deep stimulation.
While passing a current through the hypothalamus - the brain region, one function of which is control of appetite, the patient suddenly experienced a feeling of deja vu. The man remembered, and began to describe the scene in the Park that happened to him and his girl about thirty years ago. He spoke about the people who were present at the time and could describe their clothing. Moreover, when increasing the current details of the scene became more vivid. At the suggestion of physicians, the patient underwent a series of tests on memorizing pairs of objects.
Two months later, when the patient recovered after surgical intervention, the procedure was repeated, and continued stimulation of the hypothalamus in three weeks. Simultaneously tested memory status men. According to scientists, during treatment the memory of the patient improved markedly, with the most impressive results were obtained when testing was carried out at the working electrodes. Good test results are persisted and during the research conducted a year after surgery.
Currently deep brain stimulation is used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and clinical depression. According to Lozano, this technique can also be helpful for people experiencing memory problems. Scientists have already begun preliminary tests of a technique at six patients with early stage Alzheimer's disease, reports the journal Annals of Neurology.
from the site<

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 15:21
by Dimas
The considered effects can be descriptive designated as "percutaneous transcranial electrical stimulation of the antinociceptive system of the brain stem", or abbreviated "transcranial electrostimulation" - TES. It was found that the current used features penetrates the skin, soft tissue of the head and skull and acts ultimately on certain antinociceptive structures of the brain. It is shown that after 10 to 15 minutes after the beginning of stimulation, the increased release of opioid peptides (beta-endorphin) and the increase of their concentration in a few times in the brain, cerebrospinal fluid and blood. It was also established that in the development of the TPP effects in addition to an opioid, are also interconnected by dopamine and serotonin and cholinergic neurotransmitter biochemical mechanisms.

It is shown that the main result with the help of thermal treatment is to establish normal operation of the protective (endorphinergic) mechanisms of the brain in the absence of a subsequent electrical stimulation. At this point, in particular, the increase in the duration of effectiveness with each procedure, as well as significant (from 3 months to 2 years) periods of remission. Thus, TES therapy is focused on getting a sustainable healthy condition of the body that does not require constant external interference.

Treatment of diseases of the method of TES can be combined with traditional methods of treatment and therapy, excluding the concurrent application of acupuncture, as well as morphine-like analgesics.
the Main indications for use:
Stress condition, depression, anxiety, decreased performance.
The relief of acute, subacute and chronic pain syndromes (in radiculitis, osteochondrosis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the various headaches, including migraines, phantom pain and pain in cancer patients).
Treatment of hypertension I-II stage, hypotension, neurocirculatory dystonia.
Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.
Acceleration of wound healing, burns and ulcers (gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcer, trophic ulcers).
Acceleration of the healing of heart damage after acute myocardial infarction.
The treatment of diffuse itching dermatoses, neurodermatitis.
Stimulation of the immune system in immunodeficiency, purulent postoperative complications.
Treatment of primary osteoarthritis.
Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, alcohol affective disorders, the reduction of "pull" to alcohol.
The treatment of toxicosis first half of pregnancy.
Treatment of climacteric neuroses.
Relief of allergic conditions (polinoz, diathesis, vasomotor rhinitis).
Parkinsonism, rigid form.

Main contraindications to the use of:

Convulsive state, epilepsy (approx. - however, immunocytochemical studies conducted at the University of Texas, showed that during the TPP activity of neurons of the hippocampus and dentate gyrus, which are the main generators of convulsive discharges in brain, inhibited).
Injuries and tumors Mosca, infections of the CNS.
Acute psihicheskie disorder.
Hypertension stage III, hypertensive GRIZ.
Atrial fibrillation.
The presence of skin damage in the overlap areas of the electrodes.
Viewinig the presence of pacemakers, particularly pacemakers.
Age up to 5 years.
We recommend you to read the book "Transcranial electrical stimulation" (under the editorship of doctor of medical Sciences, Professor D. P. Dvoretsky, Saint Petersburg, 1998, ISBN 5-900786-13-7).

Preface of the editor:
Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) and its effects - is not a new problem. Over the past century the interest to this problem is manifested periodically, waned, was renewed and again declined. This was obviously due to the fact that data is received even in the Wake of the interest, had good experimental justification, and because of this poorly or even not reproduced in subsequent studies and in the hands of clinical users.
The materials in this collection represent, in my opinion, a new fruitful stage in the study of modes of TPP. The basis of the progress achieved at this stage, lies the widespread use of experimental approaches in identifying effective modes of exposure, and formulation of clinical recommendations based on the results of the study of the effects of such influences on the experimental pathological models. Overall, the General thrust of the impact of TES can be described as aimed at the normalization of different mechanisms of homeostatic regulation, that is an obvious consequence of the activation of the endorphin mechanisms of the brain.
Materials in the collection also show how fruitful for the fast implementation of experimental data in clinical practice may be close contacts of physiologists and clinicians, especially if the latter are directly involved in experimental work. For their part, clinical observations when using the method of TES put questions that require further research. For example, in the case where the identification of the significant reduction in the number of postoperative septic complications in patients after operations with the use of TPP was the impetus for the study of immunotropic effects of TES. Their elucidation, in turn, provided material for the understanding of some mechanisms of anticancer effect of TES.
It is easy to see that the results of individual studies included in the collection, partially overlapping each other, proving vosproizvodit the described effects. This is also evidenced by the available center of the TES a lot of positive feedback about the use of the apparatuses of thermal power plants by doctors of different specialties in more than 300 medical institutions of Russia and CIS countries, as well as the results of clinical testing apparatuses of thermal power plants in Bulgaria and Israel.
Thus, the collection data indicate that at the Institute of physiology. I. P. Pavlov RAS developed a new efficient method for the thermal power plant, is widely included in medical practice. You can be sure that this method has good prospect to become a routine tool for drug-free treatment aimed at enhancing protective
mechanisms of the body.
Professor D. P. Butler,
Director of the Institute of physiology
them. I. P. Pavlova ran<

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 15:35
by Dimas
Alcoholism treatment is one of the most important, but far not solved medical and social problems. For the treatment of this disease tested a huge number of pharmacological and non-pharmacological means. It is believed, for example, that virtually all psychotropic drugs have been tested for the relief of different forms of alcohol, but the use of most drugs is constantly accompanied by the manifestation of undesirable side effects especially the background in this state of damage to the liver, the cardiovascular system, disorders of neuro-vegetative regulation and higher nervous activity. Therefore, in recent years increasing attention has been paid non-drug non-invasive treatment methods that have virtually no side effects.

It is proved that in the pathogenesis of the leading manifestations of alcoholism, such as abstinence, pathological attraction to alcohol, causing a state of pathological dependence, disorders of higher nervous activity and neuro-vegetative regulation is essential an imbalance of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the Central nervous system. Along with changes in the metabolism of catecholamines here significant role is played by the deficit of endorphins. Experimentally and clinically proven in alcoholism, especially in the presence of a withdrawal syndrome, the level of endorphins in the brain and blood is significantly reduced. Production of endorphins is reduced, perhaps because the products of metabolism of ethanol to a certain extent, able to intervene in the metabolism of these neurotransmitters. In turn, the introduction of endorphins in the ventricles of the brain inhibits the manifestation of withdrawal syndrome in atanasovski animals.

In line with this, stimulation of the endogenous opioid system may have significant value as means of pathogenetic therapy. An effective method of activation of the endogenous opioid system by transcranial electrical stimulation (TES method) was developed at the Institute of physiology. I. P. Pavlov Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences. It is revealed that opioid brain structures are quasi-resonant characteristics, and within them, using weak currents of special shape, feed through electrodes on the scalp, it is possible to provide a selective stimulating effect on these structures. These data were obtained using the most modern methods (radioimmunochemical, autoradiographic, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, immuno-cytochemistry). In a large volume of experimental and clinical studies have shown that increased release of endorphins, the "hormones of joy" has a normalizing (homeostatic) effect on a wide range of disturbed functions of several systems and organs.

Pioneers in clinical-biochemical study of the positive effects of TES, when alcoholism was the staff of the Leningrad Regional Narcological dispensary, who conducted the work in collaboration with the laboratories of the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Department of psychiatry Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. Studies have shown that treatment of TES in the mode that activates the endorphin system of the brain, effectively eliminates alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and the effect of TES is superior to the effect of diazepines. In remission the treatment method of thermal power plants contributes to relief of affective disorders and pathological attraction to alcohol. With normal range of blood biochemical parameters, which are often seen as markers of alcoholism. It is important to note that all observations carried out using a double blind control, which excludes the presence of a placebo effect. According to experts, the method of TES is an important component of the staged treatment of alcoholism.

Application TPP has a limited range of contraindications, no side effects. The therapeutic effects of TES is no risk of dependency or addiction patients during the procedures, along with other positive effects, experience an increase in mood, a sense of vitality.<

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:07
by викторт
DemAs,have,finally,a conscience.And sdes TES ? What does ALTARIA have to do with TPP ? The producers of Alvaria a patent ? Is it possible to compare the apparatus with Transair ALTARIA ? Quote - Attention! Lately I am often asked about whether we offer some sites device "Alfaria" right "TES". The answer is quite simple. This unit is NOTHING to transcranial stimulation is not available at all. He does not use of electrodes typical for TES, no current, typical for TES, exposure to desired areas of the brain that are affected by the TES. That is, transcranial stimulator this unit, contrary to statements by sellers, it is not! This is the usual CES, which can have some effects, but it's not TES, developed in academic institutions using the methods of evidence-based medicine. To use it or not is your business, but it's not TES.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:15
by Dimas
Claimed as "the device of transcranial electrostimulation" on the other 9444-002-81444687-2008
as a medical product
So Your "have,at last,conscience is" unjustified :?
All documents confirming it is.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 14:28
by Альфа
Parameters Alfaria and Transair really different. But in both cases, stimulation of subcortical structures of the brain through pulses of current of small magnitude with therapeutic purposes. This method is called the cranial or transcranial electrical stimulation (TES). That is, the method involves the penetration of small quantities of current through the skull. In "Alfaria" electrodes are applied to the earlobes, which is safe and convenient for home use. Numerous studies have proven a similar effect with a similar arrangement of electrodes. Doctors who used devices ALTARIA and Transair, note the similarity of therapeutic effects.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 19:25
by Соловей
Well, Dimas, well, you and the radishes!(In any case, do not get me wrong, it with admiration!) Great information! You bought me with potrahami first post! Thank you for such wonderful news! I will save money on Alfie!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:01
by Колисто
Dimas wrote:is Stated as "the device of transcranial electrostimulation" on the other 9444-002-81444687-2008
as a medical product
So Your "have,at last,conscience is" unjustified :?
All documents confirming it is.
Yes, in Russia everything is possible to register for the medical application. Many drugs in Russia, USA, Europe and Japan are both dietary Supplements.

You try a thread in these countries register the device as a medical product.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:57
by Dimas
I agree, then by Your logic, it is possible to doubt all devices and medicines sold in Russia :?
did You try a thread in these countries register the device as a medical product.
he did not see,but one client told me that in the States there is such (the same principles work), and registered health, called the alpha stim (if memory serves), but is 3 times more expensive.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 14:51
by Колисто
Dimas wrote:Kalisto
I agree, then by Your logic, it is possible to doubt all devices and medicines sold in Russia :?
Well, without it anywhere, I doubt every time. Have to find the relevant research.
Dimas wrote: he did not see,but one client told me that in the States there is such (the same principles work), and registered health, called the alpha stim (if memory serves), but is 3 times more expensive.
Hmm, really is

and plagiarism from Alfarim on the face. And where you can see the shape of the signal issued by this wonderful device Alfaria to finally see the Scam??

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 15:26
by Dimas
Well, without it anywhere, I doubt every time. Have to find the relevant research.
You all are studies that consume? :) right pathological mistrust of the outside world for some :?
and plagiarism from Alfarim on the face.
Who said plagiarism? Then pennicilin and orbiting satellites also plagiarism 8) And even if we consider the factor of "brain drain" to the States, then do not clear who is who we still have to figure out who came up with this method :) and the waveform is unlikely You will show, suddenly You will want to speciticity :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 15:53
by Колисто
Dimas wrote:Kalisto
You all are studies that consume? :) right pathological mistrust of the outside world for some :?
Well, not all of it is consumed, and only drugs and dietary Supplements.
Dimas wrote: Who said plagiarism? Then pennicilin and orbiting satellites also plagiarism 8) And even if we consider the factor of "brain drain" to the States, then do not clear who is who we still have to figure out who came up with this method :) and the waveform is unlikely You will show, suddenly You will want to speciticity :lol:
Well, at least the fact that the device in the United States applied in 1995, and ALTARIA was registered in 2008. It was invented by the Americans, who were engaged in electromedicine since 1972, so that the brain drain is eliminated.

Strange so People in the US are not afraid to show the waveform, and Alfaria chickened out immediately.

Well nacetem letter to Americans. Let their lawyers handle it. Good to measure the signal waveform is not so difficult.

compare page


isn't it similar images. Plagiarists are bad.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 16:22
by Dimas
Well nacetem letter to Americans. Let their lawyers handle it.
We will monitor the situation and inform us please!
A picture really the way,there are significant differences (even at first glance)...on the alpha incentive the current pulse from 10 to 500 µa in alfarim from 35 to 520 µa and the alpha stim no autocorrelation in alfarim is. I think the guys from Alfaria not fools,that in black lick everything, and then dragged through the courts..serious office,I think they rolled up everything and just took the idea of the clips on the ears,that's all...and the picture,thank God, it there is no copyright..
so before you swear, You should first understand,and then I see You somehow it is very close to the heart perceive everything that happens on this forum...

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 16:42
by Колисто
I don't know where to get specs to Alfarim, on the manufacturer's website they are not.

alpha-stim 10 to 600 µA continuously adjustable. I suspect this is autocorrelation.

Well, clearly that is not stupid, stole the idea, stole the idea, a little something could be changed so that's not particularly to complain about. And let's churn out to sell. Yes, some in the Russian courts on this issue why are you so on guard was if anything.

Yes, I just love to criticize :)). For this device though is the scientific basis of foreign scientists, in contrast to disks Patrushev.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 16:57
by Dimas
CD Patrushev also not so simple. There are studies of the impact of binaural beats on humans, there are studies of the method by Alfred Tomatis (the method of interleaving the high and low frequencies-the electronic ear device)-it is also implemented in the works of Andrew P., there are studies of human exposure to pink noise, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis (disk Explorer)-if you prefer, you can easily find I wouldn't indiscriminately criticize the work Patrushev...on the other hand, You yourself tried? It's not my rules, but You could download from the net to review any program would advise Massage of the brain and Guide, and see (roughly, as downloaded) how it works. About the placebo effect here and there can be no action of the purely physiological.
P. S. It is better to discuss is not here but in the appropriate forum thread.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 17:08
by Альфа
Yes, the machines are equivalent in their effect and method of applying electrodes. The basis of both models on the method of transcranial electrostimulation, which is widespread in Russia, and the United States. Draws copyrights when creating the device Alfaria not broken. ALTARIA with digital control today is the most perfect model of a portable device of transcranial electrostimulation.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 18:51
by Колисто
Альфа wrote:Alfaria with digital control today is the most perfect model of a portable device of transcranial electrostimulation.
And of course you have a comparative review which you kindly provided the link huh??

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 18:32
by Экко
I think it would be interesting to see how it looks with signal Alfaria. The owners offer the following items: to connect the machine through a resistor to the Lin. the sound card input and record the signal as wav. The signal can be viewed in the audio editor. If write, lay out, please.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 22:23
by Жека3000
Экко wrote:to connect the machine through a resistor to the Lin. the sound card input
Likely that someone put some thought into it if about a resistor and a wiring diagram would be written in more detail...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 23:27
by Нетрезвый Сурдопереводчик
Колисто wrote:
Well, not all of it is consumed, and only drugs and dietary Supplements.
I suspect that there for pills....

Well nacetem letter to Americans. Let their lawyers handle it. Good to measure the signal waveform is not so difficult.
isn't it similar images. Plagiarists are bad.
as we have said,the red army "and you write a letter to Reagan"...more nakataya a letter to the Chinese comrades,their unit "need a doctor"(sorry,in Chinese I don't know much),in General one to one "ALTARIA"...first agree with waistmy of interest,disinterested "work" as something patterico az

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 23:41
by к-13
Экко wrote:I think it would be interesting to see how it looks with signal Alfaria. The owners offer the following items: to connect the machine through a resistor to the Lin. the sound card input and record the signal as wav. The signal can be viewed in the audio editor. If write, lay out, please.
Yeah, and then to reproduce in a sound system, with wires from the speakers connected to the ears :D

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:08
by Guest
And,by the way,a variant.... But it would undermine sales of "alfaria" on the website. So the theme of the stall slowly. 8)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:52
by Экко
Likely that someone put some thought into it if about a resistor and a wiring diagram would be written in more detail...
to connect the two electrodes via a resistor to two conclusions Lin. log. That's the whole scheme.
Yeah, and then to reproduce in a sound system, with wires from the speakers connected to your ears Very Happy
and by the way, Yes, or take powerful amplifier (in alfarim like 50V on the output)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 17:51
by Андрей Патрушев
Колисто wrote:
Dimas wrote:is Stated as "the device of transcranial electrostimulation" on the other 9444-002-81444687-2008
as a medical product
So Your "have,at last,conscience is" unjustified :?
All documents confirming it is.
Yes, in Russia everything is possible to register for the medical application. Many drugs in Russia, USA, Europe and Japan are both dietary Supplements.

You try a thread in these countries register the device as a medical product.
Method thermal power plants have been invented and widely used in medicine in the USSR in 50-ies (by the way, all sellers on the foreign sites on this link :)). Only this made it possible sertifioitu different devices of thermal power plants in the United States. :? For example, a method ABC(Rus.) so far in the US there the FDA does not certify medical including because there anywhere counterparts (read the log ABS(English). - you can find online for free).
Only recently the guys from Mindplace has been able to certify the method ABC with feedback on EEG (EEG-driven stimulation - EDS) as a medical, due to the fact that they learned to treat with this method specific (also one of the requirements of the FDA) disease - post-traumatic paralysis.
In Russia of analogues is also not enough variety and form of signals to stimulate long been proved in various scientific articles (in Russia) and hardly can anything new be expected from the Americans. Take, for example devices of the Russian company "magnon" - there used probably all forms possible, and each for its specific purposes.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 16:15
by Александр79
Колисто wrote:
Альфа wrote:Alfaria with digital control today is the most perfect model of a portable device of transcranial electrostimulation.
And of course you have a comparative review which you kindly provided the link huh??
Yeah, dreaming.