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Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 23:27
by Жека3000
Tell us what the results of using? A month has passed since Your purchase Alfaria. Which scheme did You use ALTARIA? Do I continue use?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 0:31
by Dimas
Eugene, ek-moth, all the answers to Your questions are in the electronic version of the manual that can be downloaded on the website, so there are indications and contraindications :) :?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 0:34
by Dimas
Жека3000 wrote:Dimas
Tell us what the results of using? A month has passed since Your purchase Alfaria. Which scheme did You use ALTARIA? Do I continue use?
Well, according to my messages You can monitor development.
In short: Sleep deep, Groovy sex, peace of mind, tangible change certain patterns of behavior, reducing the number of cigarettes (I should throw them completely), and most importantly, OVERALL EXCELLENT CONDITION! :ay :ay :ay

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:53
by Жека3000
Dimas wrote:all the answers to Your questions are in the electronic version of the manual
Ie can I be sure 100% that:

- ALTARIA safe for the heart and the head and does NOT INCREASE the risk of strokes/heart attacks even in people prone to this?

- Restrictions on age except for "5 years" no. Upper limit "to infinity"?

- ALTARIA helps in reducing dependencies(thrust) Smoking.

The use of Alfaria no disease does not worsen (given the fact that there are no diseases writing in the contraindications).

The above-described right?

Not written in the instructions:

Is it possible to hurt yourself ALTARIA in any way(you can use it every day for 2 hours on maximum power, use bezpereryvno, use in conjunction with any mind-altering drugs)? And the principle is there kakieto restrictions on the use Alfaria, for example not more than 2 times a day and each session should not exceed 60 minutes for 10 AC power or should not be used ceaselessly throughout the year, every day, etc.???

- ALTARIA in any way affects learning, memory, ability to quickly take in information, etc.?

Also not written about drugs, but drugs for "pressure"

We can assume in this case "what is not forbidden is allowed"?

And generally on what aspects of body condition, and should pay attention before applying Alfaria?(except contraindications). The issue can pokazatsya stupid, but it's not! Some people do not really like doctors/clinic/hospital and can be unaware of what that is not clearly manifested, diseases! So the question remains in force.

It is not yet clear what the instructions to alfaria written that the testimony of headaches and contraindications increased intracranial pressure. But vnutricerepnogo from high blood pressure also headaches.

About hypertension contraindications does not say anything that will mesostigmata recommendation about blood pressure, why to follow him? The instructions are not unwritten! What ALTARIA can do with blood pressure (raise/lower), what is the reason, and in what situations might this occur?

And ishemicheskoi heart disease can be used ALTARIA without hesitation and without problems???

Table of diseases made just for easy to maintain orientation in the treatment of certain diseases or is it better to strictly stick to it?<

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:54
by Жека3000
As You continue to regularly use Alvariu or from time to time if you feel the need?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:09
by Dimas
Every day use, though there are breaks (a day or two). A month poyuzat and lay then.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:24
by Жека3000
Dimas wrote:Month poyuzat and lay then.
For what reasons?
I think it is impossible?
Developer when the subject will appear to answer questions? I really need to get answers in the next couple of weeks.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:35
by Dimas
You are in a hurry... :) And postpone, because I want to see how much lasting effect. The developer is here frequently, I'm sure will answer soon.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:40
by Жека3000
Dimas wrote:You are in a hurry...
Due to the fact that the repair of my car hoisted my budget, available funds sachet deficit. On this issue in the next couple of weeks due to the fact that the money for Alfario, in the case of ignorance, you can go for something else, and I would like if the unit is standing, to buy it.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:43
by Dimas
Understand. By the way, You can come to our office to test it, so to say for sure :)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:45
by Жека3000
By the way! Offer with the purchase Alfaria disk 2 including the solar wind as a gift valid?

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:47
by Dimas
Жека3000 wrote:Dimas
By the way! Offer with the purchase Alfaria disk 2 including the solar wind as a gift valid?
Of COURSE!!! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:48
by Жека3000
Dimas wrote:Understand. By the way, You can come to our office to test it, so to say for sure
Potesta before you buy!:)
And MM is also to test because you can?
Dimas wrote:of COURSE!!!
It's good :D

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:50
by Dimas
And MM can :)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 15:07
by Филосопуло
Жека3000 wrote:- ALTARIA in any way affects learning, memory, ability to quickly take in information, etc.?
At the time of use of the device INTERFERES with the information and it.
Tried to read at the computer and at the same time did seanet. Prevents. Impossible to concentrate. The sense read escapes. The reading process is approaching the mechanical folding of letters in words.

It seems it was trying to understand the complex text in a state of "tipsy".

But what the results are after it is not yet clear to me.

One only until it is clear that during seance how the device operates. And what results from this work are not yet clear.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 17:19
by Альфа
During the session, are encouraged to promote relaxation: take a comfortable position in an easy chair, lie down, listen to music. The results You will feel after the course, preferably within 21 days.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 17:20
by Жека3000
And my questions will be answered?????????

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 17:22
by Альфа
Жека3000 wrote:- ALTARIA safe for head and heart and does NOT INCREASE the risk of strokes/heart attacks even in people prone to this?

- Restrictions on age except for "5 years" no. Upper limit "to infinity"?

- ALTARIA helps in reducing dependencies(thrust) Smoking.

The use of Alfaria no disease does not worsen (given the fact that there are no diseases writing in the contraindications).

The above-described right?
All of the above is true. Learn more Your questions will be answered by the doctor within 2 weeks.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 17:24
by Жека3000
OK! I'll be waiting!:)

A couple of additional questions:

- It is known that diabetics have a high risk of complications at a certain stage of the disease. Some of them are connected with the Brain(stroke), nervous system(a very scary disease names). So that's how Alfaria affect diabetics? Not protivopakazano them?

- There is a method of Zhdanov visual recovery, it is created by the method of the American oftalmologia(can't remember his name). It tells of the causes of visual impairment.
Cause of myopia - clamped the muscles of the eyes that are unable for some reason to relax.
The cause of astigmatism with a clamped eye muscles that can't relax but not all muscles, and some of which the eye becomes round and twisted.
The reason of far-sightedness - the weakened muscles of the eye.
(description of gross but the point passes)
And using the "gymnastics of the eye," vision is restored. gymnastics is the tension/relaxation of the eye muscles + in the process of this type of exercise is relaxing with parallel representation of the positive memories, that is, to relax the muscles of the eyes need with positive emotions.
So here's the question: If ALTARIA helps to eliminate muscle clamps(claimed score - relaxation), it is likely that the muscle clamps eyes she can eliminate. Can this be? And taking into account other claimed properties(improved mood with all the consequences) can, in theory, ALTARIA to help in the restoration of vision by this method(assuming that method 100% working)?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 19:04
by Тепло в пустоте
Previous message was inspired by one thought... And if you attach Elektroniki to the upper eyelid eye?! :) I do not know about the view, but in this case, the pulses to the brain also postukivanija no worse than when the earlobes are catchy! It is likely that to it to ocheretuvate earlobes and eyelids. :?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 20:29
by Dimas
Heat in the void
well,if we follow Your logic, then the electrodes can be hung on any paired organs, men in General would be fun :wink:
Seriously, other than earlobes, nowhere to hang the electrodes strongly recommend that!

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:14
by Жека3000
Dimas wrote:men in General would be fun
Women also have scope for the imagination! :)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:50
by Тепло в пустоте
[quote="Dimas"]Heat in the void
well,if we follow Your logic, then the electrodes can be hung on any paired organs, men in General would be fun :wink:

We are talking about organs located exclusively on the head, as in this case, the path to the brain is much shorter and less loss of efficiency. :)
But Your idea is also interesting... :)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 0:15
by Жека3000
I beg you to answer my questions until next Friday (30.10.2009 g). Really need to make a decision by Friday!
Thank you for understanding:)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 14:51
by Андрей Патрушев
Тепло в пустоте wrote:
Dimas wrote:Heat in the void
well,if we follow Your logic, then the electrodes can be hung on any paired organs, men in General would be fun :wink:

We are talking about organs located exclusively on the head, as in this case, the path to the brain is much shorter and less loss of efficiency. :)
But Your idea is also interesting... :)
In fact, in older devices "Electrosleep" stimulation went through the skin of the eyelid. There is also a technology for the treatment of certain eye diseases in a similar way. However, I would not recommend to experiment on yourself and relatives... :?