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Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 17:13
by Альфа
Interest in electrical stimulation of the brain began with studies in France, held in 1903, and S. Leduc (electronicos). To date, TPP has conducted more than 300 clinical studies in humans, 50 animal studies, and written approximately 500 review articles. The negative impact on the body is not revealed.

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 18:56
by Алив
Namely with cerebral palsy was anyone working?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 23:41
by Сергей л.
Альфа wrote:Sergei L.
I think a little incorrect to use the term "any stimulation" as any electric shocks or magnetic field. Effect depends on current strength, frequency, waveform, location of electrodes, etc., the body's Response to electrical stimulation depends on the initial state of the cells. The cell is in a state of "biophysical depression" will respond to electrical stimulation of restoration of its function. The cell is in a state of "biophysical crisis" will answer electrostimulation the Vvedensky parabiosis, that is, "biophysical stupor." Depression, which is struggling ALTARIA, is the result of depression, reduced bioelectric status of the neuron and the use of the device leads to recovery of function of the neuron.
Yeah I'm not arguing because I have no idea about the subject.And the opinion that "any stimulation" belongs to A. Patrushev and it is easily seen by following the link in my post.I even do not mind the damage, I wonder how it is irreparable.And thank you for your reply I will think

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:23
by Серго
Fifth time used Alfaria along with a mind-machine at the first relaxation. Stimulation of the pineal gland is felt through the powerful color performance and sound. Loved the "wealth of images",but "fever" is very long. About a day I needed to bring the brain to its original state.CONCLUSION:ALTARIA is not a toy,and medpribor with side effects.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:35
by Альфа
Cerebral palsy in-depth studies so far nobody has held, however, was the experience of using with good effect.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:42
by Dimas
I have no aftereffect, the wife too...hmm...what kind of sickness is that feeling?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 16:33
by Серго
The comedown after drinking alcohol(in my head stirs).

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 17:33
by Dimas
And without the mind-machine the same effect?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 19:12
by Алив
Альфа wrote:Aliv
Cerebral palsy in-depth studies so far nobody has held, however, was the experience of using with good effect.
Here I am going to try another experience. In General, cerebral palsy is almost the same stroke, only in childbirth, or not at all?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 19:30
by Серго
Rather it was the cumulative effect of five applications. Mindmachine neprichem.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 0:39
by ниска
Hello. A couple of questions to developers and owners.
In applying this device you can also reach relaxation and enter a meditative alpha waves, which are described in the books of Jose Silva. And the second question is not will there be, so to say, effect the 'pendulum' after using this device. That is, anger, mental disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, and everything else, from what he treats?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 15:02
by Альфа
Good day! The effects of the "pendulum" after using Alfaria was not observed in any patient, in any clinical study. Observations were conducted over several years during and after application.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 20:06
by Миф
About a week use ALTARIA, for 20 minutes daily for 10. No improvement in mood is not observed, it seems that on the contrary became even worse. In some methods there is such an effect, I do not remember how is it called that before improvement first comes the deterioration. If there is any effect at Alfaria or just me not working? You may want to increase it to 60 minutes?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 21:00
by Dimas
Please explain what "no improvement,it seems the opposite has become worse". Is it depression, anxiety, hyperactivity or on the contrary apathy?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 23:18
by Миф

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:33
by Андрей Патрушев
Миф wrote:Depression.
You see depression depression can be different. When the present depression in the frontal lobes just dominated by alpha rhythm, so ALTARIA can strengthen symptoms...
Then it all depends on which paradigm You adhere to... 8) If the healing - "the wind blows on the trees sway", the alpha range is necessary to remove (i.e. ALTARIA contraindicated) if galicheskaya - "all that is, to something", the alpha range is compensating for something, but the compensatory efforts of the organism for some reason not enough, so the body that need help - it is necessary to continue to engage with ALTARIA and in the end all will recover... :?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 19:41
by Миф
"if galicheskaya - "all that is, for something to""
Do not quite understand what you mean) If not difficult will explain please what you mean in more detail. Have in mind that with this type of depression takiya pens? I mean people are looking for meaning in everything, finds what is the cause of depression?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 21:00
by Андрей Кабанков
If we consider the cause of depression the alpha range in the frontal lobes,then amplify it alfaria not necessary.If we assume that the alpha range is the body's response to the depression,alfaria this helps the body to fight.This was meant.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 22:51
by Штиль
Curious as to find out with this alpha rhythm is the cause of depression in the alpha rhythms or not? And whether to use this device?
And if the alpha rhythms are not recommended, it turns out the Conductor/healing and the alpha session is not worth to listen to?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:40
by Андрей Патрушев
Штиль wrote:Curious as to find out with this alpha rhythm is the cause of depression in the alpha rhythms or not? And whether to use this device?
And if the alpha rhythms are not recommended, it turns out the Conductor/healing and the alpha session is not worth to listen to?
Every paradigm contains a basic set of unprovable axioms and postulates :). So find out You will still fail (if you succeed, You at once solve all the problems of Humanity :wink: ), so it remains to take what You like... :ay

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 14:02
by Dimas
Tell me please, do I have to adhere to the recommendations given in the instructions regarding the number of days (rate) of use of the device? Is it possible,for example, to do 2 times a day for a month?
The effects: irritability gone, not "boil" under extreme sytuacjach, sleep is VERY deep, a high degree of concentration.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:11
by Альфа
No, not necessarily. As current exposure and duration of treatment are selected individually. The instructions given to General recommendations. You need to focus on their own health, their feelings. If necessary, you can carry out several cycles in a row.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:13
by Dimas
And how do you know what batteries it is time to replace?:

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 17:59
by Альфа
You should see the symbol "SB" on the display. This is reflected in paragraph 6 of the section "Preparation for use and operation" in the Instructions for use.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 23:24
by Жека3000
A question to all competent, especially to the developer.

- Is it safe Alfaria for the head and the heart (stroke/heart attack)?

- Are there any restrictions to use by age and health status, except as described in contraindications(e.g. ishemicheskoi heart disease, hypertension, etc.)?

Is it possible to hurt yourself ALTARIA in any way(you can use it every day for 2 hours on maximum power, use bezpereryvno, use in conjunction with any mind-altering tools, medicines, etc.)?

- If ALTARIA helps to reduce the dependence(traction) Smoking?

Is there any acute illness when using Alfaria?

- ALTARIA in any way affects learning, memory, ability to quickly take in information, etc.?

And generally on what aspects of body condition, and should pay attention before applying Alfaria?

Plan to purchase a couple of weeks, if I get answers to my questions, very important to me because in the case of acquisition to use it not only for me, but also for the parents, and they have not 20 years, it is not difficult to guess, with all the ensuing consequences.