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Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 22:14
by Михалычъ
Read the forum and do not stop to wonder, do people finally invented a miracle... or I'm wrong...

Machine interested for a long time, but after a long search in the wilds of the Internet and could not find a detailed review of this device, and that's what alarmed me:

1) among the many zametka describes only the positive sides and not a word about his faults or futile;
2) is full of sites offering to buy it (oddly enough the price is the same everywhere), but the office address of the manufacturer is always different;
3) and finally, the last it seems to me that the device that actually performs the functions according to the manufacturer should be worth significantly more and be absent in the free market....

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 22:17
by Михалычъ
P. S. in conclusion, I would like to know is it possible to take the unit Alfaria for hire. If so, how much it will cost.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 22:33
by Жека3000
Михон wrote:2) full of sites offering to buy it (oddly enough the price is the same everywhere), but the office address of the manufacturer is always different;
Here is the news! Address of the manufacturer of 10th and Park,18. As written in the registration certificate! By the way next to my work, but buying is more profitable in the psychotronics as in the attached gift 2 any disk A. Patrushev!
Михон wrote:3) and finally, the last it seems to me that the device that actually performs the functions according to the manufacturer should be worth significantly more and be absent in the free market....
Want more, no question! Type in Yandex something like "machines of TPP" or "TPP" or transcranial electrical stimulation and it will give sellers of instruments the price of which(devices) 60tyr and more.
Михон wrote:PS conclusion, I would like to know is it possible to take the unit Alfaria for hire. If so, how much it will cost.
Camera Alfaria you can test away for free in the office psychotronics and in some clinics, the address and the name of which is specified at the office. the website Alfaria!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 22:52
by Dimas
Rent one its impossible, but you can try at our office.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 13:09
by Тимур
Please tell me if anybody had experience of the "treatment" of this device for dystonia ?
If so, it would be nice on the results and sensations to learn.
2 years already gets this "disease", but part of smyptoms went with the sports.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 13:51
by Dimas
Well, actually, the indications are vegetative-vascular (neuro-circulatory) dystonia. A course of 6-12 sessions 1 time a day for 20 minutes.
All my life I suffered from headaches when the weather changes after injury and I was diagnosed with dystonia...Now I forgot already about it, right now it is very difficult to understand what was so helpful,everything is possible in the complex.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 14:14
by Тимур
Yes, I read the testimony, I would like more fully to those who device used for this purpose. :)

I have a much more difficult than just headaches.
November, 2007.double load at work made itself known - palpitations, panic, fear of death, nebula, shortness of breath, first once the ambulance arrived, gave me something, then another 2 the second time was taken to the hospital, there was pricked with phenazepam, that I slept the day, was advised to take a vacation.

then six months on the pill, in a deep depression, the doctors scared me, though, when the ultrasound showed that the internal organs are completely healthy, I began to doubt that I had some disease and gradually began to calm down.

April 2008.somehow I found the strength to get off of phenazepam(can sleep without him I could not), was to go to work for 2 hours, 3 and slowly recovered to a full day.

In the period from April 2008 panic, I covered only once from lack of sleep. But then a couple of minutes with it myself, without any help.
Six months ago began to harden, pour cold water, do powerlifting.
Improved, sleep, appetite, just have all sorts of obsessions occasionally, thoughts unclear, hazy consciousness, tired of work not as fast as in the period of the disease, but the strength is not so much as to diseases, because the work is not physical(system administrator I:) ), you have to give yourself constant shaking.
And most importantly, I want to get rid of the feeling of the heartbeat, i.e. a normal person it constantly feels, as I do every kick in the chest feel, though, I noticed that the whole body often is in a state of static tension.

By the way, after school physical activity these symptoms disappear :)
Sorry, from Moscow are far away, I'd love to test the device before buying :)
By the way, parents use a device "DiaDENS" he, I suspect, based on similar principle of impact, but in the case of ALTARIA, the organ is the brain)<

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 21:23
by Ашот
About the electrodes.
I am now going through physical therapy for the nose - electrophoresis.
Carried out as follows. In the nose, in each nostril, inserted a tampon soaked with natural solution. To protruding from the nose end of the tampon is connected to the electrode. Another electrode is placed in a certain area on the neck, or rather, almost back. And serves electric current pulses. The doctor increases the amperage until you feel a metal taste in your mouth. But the feeling in the head. Almost the same as from Alfaria. Asked to give a little more. :) During the pulses the flash Golubogo color :wiz . Feeling as if Alfaria even a little stronger. :roll: After the procedure, the mood was more cheerful and bursting pressure in the region agny similar to that which occurs after a certain concentration on her singing and vibrating the mantra Om.
That's me in the background of these procedures, it dawned. What if you connect the electrodes Alfaria to the nostrils, the wings of the nose. :) ... I tried... So the nose pakalolo, but the sensations were not special. Then I tried to connect the electrodes as follows. One electrode to the earlobe, the other to the nostril... :) The feeling was stronger than when connected to the lobes and interestingly had the same vpiski light. in front of the eyes. Also customise feeling in the region between the eyebrows. It seemed that the nose clears like electrophoresis.
And if you connect to the ear and the nostril on the same side, then flash in the eye of the same side, and the impact is felt more on the same side.
But if the opposite, then flashes in both eyes and the effects on both sides. 8)
In General, the feeling and impact on silnee if one electrode be connected to the opposite earlobe and protivopolojnoe nostril.
I would like to know from alphahow to safely connect the electrode to the neck and generally to the nose. Because the effect is interesting, but the question of safety for health is not interested in less.
Thank you.<

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 23:08
by Т@ня
Acquired Alfario. Friend brought me from Moscow! She bought it to get rid of VSD (manufacturers say it helps). I really like it. every day. Anxiety does not go away, particularly strong changes are generally not noticed...Except that PA was not, well, thanks for that! Though I hoped for more serious results...can't say that much happy with the purchase.:(

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 0:47
by Тимур
Please keep me informed of events and results, it is very important to me.
I think if the instrument is valid, then the week - a short time for recovery. let's see what happens in 2 weeks. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:49
by Т@ня
OK :) I'd like to believe that this is not just a beautiful is!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 15:28
by Dimas
The week is really quite a short time. You may want to increase the session time. Waiting for the doctor from Alfarim, tomorrow he must leave leave and promised to advise on the product.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 17:48
by Альфа
Electrophoresis and transcranial electrical stimulation are 2 completely different methods and are used for different purposes. Electrophoresis is a method of introduction into the organism of medicinal substances in the form of ions through the intact skin or mucous membranes with direct current. The imposition of electrodes on the nostrils by transcranial electrical stimulation was not applied and has not been investigated, therefore, to ensure the security of the application, we can't.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 21:52
by Альфа
The resulting impact of restructuring the energy balance of the bioelectric processes in the brain in the form of lower slow-wave activity and stabilization of the alpha rhythm positively affects the activity of the vasomotor and respiratory centers, as well as suprasegmental structures of the autonomic nervous system. This is accompanied by normalization of hemodynamics, stimulation of trophico-regenerative processes, improving the overall resistance of the organism.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 23:39
by Т@ня
Thanks, of course, but it would be more understandable language....
I just don't see any is written that should just be (or during the session or after it, or the next day). Can do not yet....maybe the right course...and yet, even energy has not increased..... :(

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 0:01
by Т@ня
But I WONDER...why on the official website Alfaria appear only positive reviews?! Tried your leave - but no, the machine you need, or praise, or not to hope that your review will appear!!!
It can't be that right all love it!!! It leads to weird thoughts..........

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 0:11
by Dimas
A feature of most official websites - posts they are moderated, as it is not the forums and the websites of several others. Here You can let loose :)
Yes, one more thing, don't forget a physiological pattern - the farther the person is from the norm, the more time it will need to return to it :)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 0:17
by Dimas
I agree with T@nyamost people here are unlikely to have a medical degree, if not hard, can I set the date a bit? So to say more everyday language
:? You see, the simplification and reduction leads to distortion of meaning, but still... :o

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:46
by Тимур
Dimas wrote: the further from the norm, the more time it will need to return to it
I agree with that 100%!

So let's wait for the report on the application in the fight against IRR :)

And how long have You had this disease ? and how is it manifested ?
if no trouble, of course :o

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:49
by Т@ня
To tell tired, to be honest! First, like everyone else, running around to doctors, lying in hospitals. I couldn't figure out what's wrong with me! I think many of the "brothers" familiar with the situation. The pill..No good. Doctors are not particularly bother - or appoint an AD, after which I have a little "angel" did not....either offer a "learn to live with it". So we have to learn!
Really don't want the makers of this "miracle device" just played on the hopelessness of the situation, people like me! Because it is clear that we are ready not only 8 thousand, and 80 to give...just help!!!
Still hope that the device will work..maybe later!!!!
I WISH EVERYONE good HEALTH - and the rest we will buy

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 13:49
by Армен
Hello! First of spatio huge Dima told about it and persuaded me to try in store!I have five years of work, became angry, ill remember everything at night should definitely drink good to sleep a little bit. Use Alpari a week and a half, was much better. on the third day, quit drinking alcohol,sleep tight,settle down. I want ask, can this device give quite an elderly woman, she had high blood pressure.

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 14:37
by Альфа
[quote="Жека3000"]- is it Safe Alfaria for the head and the heart (stroke/heart attack)?

After a stroke and heart attack Alfaria you can begin to apply at the end of the acute period of stroke and heart attack in the so-called "cold" period. Cause a heart attack or stroke, the apparatus can not.

- Are there any restrictions to use by age and health status, except as described in contraindications(e.g. ishemicheskoi heart disease, hypertension, etc.)?

All contraindications listed in the instructions provided with the machine.

Is it possible to hurt yourself ALTARIA in any way(you can use it every day for 2 hours on maximum power, use bezpereryvno, use in conjunction with any mind-altering tools, medicines, etc.)?

Harm the device can do nothing: it generates microcurrents, will not damage the living tissue of the body. But any remedy should be used in an optimal manner specified in the attached instructions. The device can also be used in combination with any medication and with other physiotherapeutic apparatuses and procedures.

- If ALTARIA helps to reduce the dependence(traction)

Helps what is specified in the indications for use.

Is there any acute illness when using Alfaria?
> About hypertension contraindications does not say anything that will mesostigmata recommendation about blood pressure, why to follow him? The instructions are not unwritten! What ALTARIA can do with blood pressure (raise/lower), what is the reason, and in what situations might this occur?

The use of the device does not directly affect blood pressure, but it does affect biophysical processes in the brain, normalizing them. This normalization may manifest and the dynamics of changes in vascular tone, so, for example, if the patient suffers from dystonia, him when using the device, it will be useful twice a day to measure blood pressure and to clearly see how the normalization of biophysical processes of the cerebral cortex will lead to the normalization of vascular tone. Hypertensive disease is a contraindication to the use of the apparatus is not, on the contrary, the application of the apparatus will block the neuro-psychomotor development component of hypertension.<

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 14:42
by Альфа
Жека3000 wrote:- it is Known that diabetics have a high risk of complications at a certain stage of the disease. Some of them are connected with the Brain(stroke), nervous system(a very scary disease names). So that's how Alfaria affect diabetics? Not protivopakazano them?

On the contrary, the use of the apparatus shown directly to diabetics as normalization of biophysical processes in the cortex of the brain definitely responds better overall health.

- There is a method of Zhdanov visual recovery, it is created by the method of the American oftalmologia(can't remember his name). It tells of the causes of visual impairment.
Cause of myopia - clamped the muscles of the eyes that are unable for some reason to relax.
The cause of astigmatism with a clamped eye muscles that can't relax but not all muscles, and some of which the eye becomes round and twisted.
The reason of far-sightedness - the weakened muscles of the eye.
(description of gross but the point passes)
And using the "gymnastics of the eye," vision is restored. gymnastics is the tension/relaxation of the eye muscles + in the process of this type of exercise is relaxing with parallel representation of the positive memories, that is, to relax the muscles of the eyes need with positive emotions.
So here's the question: If ALTARIA helps to eliminate muscle clamps(claimed score - relaxation), it is likely that the muscle clamps eyes she can eliminate. Can this be? And taking into account other claimed properties(improved mood with all the consequences) can, in theory, ALTARIA to help in the restoration of vision by this method(assuming that method 100% working)?
Yes, the device can help in the treatment of lesions of view, as the normalization of biophysical processes in the cerebral cortex, can not lead to improvements of the visual analyzer in occipital part of the cerebral cortex. Again, and relieve muscle tension of the eye muscles the use of the device is going to help.<

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 14:49
by Альфа
Жека3000 wrote:And ishemicheskoi heart disease can be used ALTARIA without hesitation and without problems???

Yes, you can.

Table of diseases made just for easy to maintain orientation in the treatment of certain diseases or is it better to strictly stick to it?
You do not strictly adhere to and repeat the course if necessary.

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 14:57
by Альфа
Т@ня wrote:Purchased Alfario. Friend brought me from Moscow! She bought it to get rid of VSD (manufacturers say it helps). I really like it. every day. Anxiety does not go away, particularly strong changes are generally not noticed...Except that PA was not, well, thanks for that! Though I hoped for more serious results...can't say that much happy with the purchase.Sad
It is recommended to repeat the course 2-3 times. The disappearance of PA per week - this is a very good result.