The lack of effect from MM

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The lack of effect from MM

Post by домашний » Mon May 02, 2011 13:04

Listen to the alpha session for more than a month. And do not notice any changes. What could be the reason? Whether I have the brain as hard, or doing something wrong:(

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Mon May 02, 2011 15:32

Go to beta. :)

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Post by домашний » Mon May 02, 2011 16:53

Thanks, I'll try!
What are the transition rules for the beta?
1. What group sessions to listen to? Alpha is Relaxation, and beta?
2. The duration of the session? The number of sessions per day?
3. If I understand correctly, the beta tones. After how much not listen to them?
4. During the course of the beta is it worth it before going to bed to listen to the alpha? Or not to disturb? As better?

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Mon May 02, 2011 19:41

домашний wrote:Thanks, I'll try!
What are the transition rules for the beta?
1. What group sessions to listen to? Alpha is Relaxation, and beta?
2. The duration of the session? The number of sessions per day?
3. If I understand correctly, the beta tones. After how much not listen to them?
4. During the course of the beta is it worth it before going to bed to listen to the alpha? Or not to disturb? As better?
1. E.
2. No more than 15 minutes. Just one. If there is a causeless anxiety, it is best to deal with the beta in a day or two days later on the third.
3. Not later than 16 hours.
4. It is possible (if after the beta it took no less than 3 hours).

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Post by домашний » Tue May 03, 2011 5:42

Thanks for the clarification! I will try. I hope this time will work.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Tue May 03, 2011 8:04

домашний wrote:Thanks for the clarification! I will try. I hope this time will work.
It worked that time... :)

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Post by домашний » Sun May 08, 2011 11:25

I mean? Why do you believe that worked? :)
Here in the forum people describe how the MM affect them. And I didn't notice anything.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sun May 08, 2011 11:55

Because this is pure physiology that works regardless of Your faith and ability to track results. :?
I have had to slusati such claims and each time talking to the person, it became clear that the quality of sleep has improved (but ...), performance has improved (but ...), the ability to cope with stressful situations has improved (but ...), the General background mood rose (but ...). All these "but" there was some reason, which was attributed to these changes. In addition, a person very quickly gets used to good 1-3 days and it seems that has always been so... :wink:

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Post by домашний » Sun May 15, 2011 15:07

Андрей Патрушев wrote:Because it is pure physiology that works regardless of Your faith and ability to track results.
Yes, it's difficult to say something:)
But in your example, people have noticed the change. Only reason didn't want to attribute them mindmachine. I have such problems will not arise - happy to blame for improvement will confer on MM! Another thing is that people do not notice these improvements.
To soothe I want to make sure you do it right. For example, to clarify here this moment.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sun May 15, 2011 19:27

домашний wrote:Another thing is that people do not notice these improvements.
Sometimes a healthy head even analginum does not help... :? Maybe You have and so the overall level is good? It is clear that there is no perfection in the world and you always want something else...
If not difficult, share what goals You set, buying machine?

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Post by домашний » Mon May 16, 2011 17:46

I have some difficulties in interaction with people:) it is Clear that this is a more complicated issue than something that is designed MM, but judging by her description of the level of anxiety and excitement she needs to reduce. I want in life more clear head, but sometimes tired and not thinking straight. With the muscles of the neck, there are some problems, which is sometimes a headache. I thought maybe MM will help to relax them. And of course what you listed: sleep, performance, mood, etc. and indeed any positive changes. It seemed to me that for more than a month of use it is something I notice was.

Assuming that I do so well that uh I have nothing to give, then.. heh.. nothing bought, it turns out:)

Maybe true I don't notice. Although, I would have thought that after a month everyone something noticeable should be.

The idea was that you could list the bugs use MM at which it really can not work, and I try on:)
Or that's how the option will cycle through all possible ambiguities in the terms of use and Refine them. Maybe somewhere something was done wrong. Here's how the deliberation during the session. Thoughts need to calm down. And I do not always succeed. When you're very drawn to all sorts of thoughts. Maybe this somehow interferes with progress.
Here and plan to try all possible errors in use.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Mon May 16, 2011 18:04

Do with Your tasks machina had for a month, if no deal, then the effect of a issue...
Thoughts did not cause interference... While applying some extra efforts to relax still does not prevent...
The most common mistake may be the wrong brightness setting and volume. More is not better.
The second thing I would call this session. For some people, the optimal time of exposure to light and sound may be less rekomenduemyj 15 minutes. After exceeding the optimal time can sometimes be the so-called diffuse inhibition of the cortex, which felt, in the first approximation, looks like a strong newsparrot. How do You feel during and immediately after a session of AVS?
The third (judging by the description, not Yours) - try anything and everything to control during a session, instead of let it go. Usually ends with a strong headache...

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Post by домашний » Tue May 17, 2011 16:18

Андрей Патрушев wrote: The most common mistake may be the wrong brightness setting and volume. More is not better.
Yes, I remember about it.
Андрей Патрушев wrote: The second thing I would call this session. For some people, the optimal time of exposure to light and sound may be less rekomenduemyj 15 minutes. After exceeding the optimal time can sometimes be the so-called diffuse inhibition of the cortex, which felt, in the first approximation, looks like a strong newsparrot. How do You feel during and immediately after a session of AVS?
During the session of sensation - weighting of the limbs, sometimes numbness (by the way, appeared after some time using MM, that is probably can be considered a positive change:)). Sometimes at the end there is some confusion, but I do not understand, either from MM or from the fact that start to fall asleep.
After the session, usually everything is fine. Sometimes sleepy, but I thought it was just when not getting enough sleep. Sometimes a heavy head. (But now it at least - can also be considered a change).
About time - I thought the opposite to try to increase, maybe then something will break:)

That is, I understand that the rule is 15-20 minutes per session is applicable to all and not just to newcomers? After prolonged use the session time increase is still not worth it?
Андрей Патрушев wrote: The third (judging by the description, not Yours) - try anything and everything to control during a session, instead of let it go. Usually ends with a strong headache...
Not quite understand how it was like to be in control. But like really not my thing. To resist what is happening not trying.

By the way, about the definition of overload from MM.
Can the state of the head to use as an indicator of successful or unsuccessful selection of the brightness, volume and time of the session? That is, if the head right, then all selected normally. If heavy or sick, it is necessary to decrease the intensity or time?
In other words, if there is no discomfort after a long session, more than 20 minutes (half an hour, for example), whether to use such long sessions? Or all the same not to exceed 20 minutes?

And one more thing, about heavy head. If it is felt this heaviness, does it mean "ineffective" session? That is, if the head is heavy, the session took place without the use? Or all confined to unpleasant sensations?
And in fact, and you can suffer for the good of the cause:)<

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Tue May 17, 2011 17:50

домашний wrote:During the session of sensation - weighting of the limbs, sometimes numbness (by the way, appeared after some time using MM, that is probably can be considered a positive change).
The characteristics for deep relaxation.
домашний wrote:Sometimes sleepy, but I thought it was just when not getting enough sleep. Sometimes a heavy head. (But now it at least - can also be considered a change).
If the head was clear before the session, and was heavy, for theta sessii it can be said, is normal (and even achieve :) ), and for alpha and especially beta - it's overkill at the time. It is hard to say how good it is, can only say that it is not harmful. :?
Time you can pick up within 45 minutes, then just useless - experiment... :wink:
домашний wrote:and in fact, and you can suffer for the good of the cause
I personally do not advocate... :?

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Post by Флекс55 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 15:56

Now listening to the Explorer for the night and the solar wind in the morning, a couple of times sporadically listened to deconcentration. Very much began to irritate any sounds. Sensitivity to loud sounds I've always had, but lately just awful, any sound as a blow to the head, all day(and night)
are on a constant edge, and generally are not able to relax in any way. Disks are all in MM yet. Do not tell me:
1. if you need to listen and what to listen to when this "patologicheskoi" sensitivity to sounds?
2. what could be the reason for such inadequate response of the nervous system to the surrounding sounds and whether this is something to do but to wear earplugs?
Thank you.

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Post by Тоха » Tue Jun 14, 2011 16:31

It will pass. I was also initially very much increased hearing. Weeks after 1.5 it went.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Tue Jun 14, 2011 16:56

Флекс55 wrote:Now listen to the conductor for the night and the solar wind in the morning, a couple of times sporadically listened to deconcentration. Very much began to irritate any sounds. Sensitivity to loud sounds I've always had, but lately just awful, any sound as a blow to the head, all day(and night)
are on a constant edge, and generally are not able to relax in any way. Disks are all in MM yet. Do not tell me:
1. if you need to listen and what to listen to when this "patologicheskoi" sensitivity to sounds?
2. what could be the reason for such inadequate response of the nervous system to the surrounding sounds and whether this is something to do but to wear earplugs?
Thank you.
Yes, it is - the problems are exacerbated to disappear. To speed up are advised to work with a 2-m track Star Wanderer (better in the morning and, necessarily, at a comfortable level), then you can fix the Massage the Brain (from, perhaps, would be difficult).

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Аларик » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:07

The effect of the device is rather positive, but certainly not all of them are equally good and fast acting.

I now exclusively session Andrei V. helped, with the built-in NovaPro 100 worked the first few times was impressive, seen from the unusual and unaccustomed sensations, and then hitch did not.

Was placed into session Patrushev, listened to two months, mainly just one – Mind Healing.
Became more calm, pacified, ceased to break over nothing, even almost got rid of Mata and other negative emotions that were causing experience from external stimulus. The sport became more "savvy" :) - went from emotional losses, failures, began to pay more attention to what and how to do it, and once the results have improved :)

Only now I want to have some productive activity to engage in, not just to be "absolutely quiet" nihilists in life :)

What will advise to go when you work with MM?
Beta session, apparently at me not very fruitful act.

I would like some mystical experiences, something like how the feelings that I had experienced when occasionally practiced meditation and other mystical practices, the vision of inner light, a sense of expanding space around itself, slowing down time, etc.

And the question whether it is possible doing with MM at the same time to perform certain meditation exercises, combining MM with its own mystical practices, where you take a more active role than just passive listening sessions?
If Yes, then how to combine these things, because meditation is necessary to exclude the effect of external distractions, and MM is in itself a strong uvlekatel :lol:
Last edited by Аларик on Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:20, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:00

Аларик wrote:And question whether it is possible doing with MM at the same time to perform certain meditation exercises, combining MM with its own mystical practices, where you take a more active role than just passive listening sessions?If Yes, then how to combine these things, because meditation is necessary to exclude the effect of external distractions, and MM is in itself a strong uvlekatel
Machine only :) provide a certain frequency response :) for the brain (individual capacity), everything else will depend on what you are doing in life. After sufficient brain training period of training with sessions and discs (2-3 weeks) you do not combine them with other classes, I mean just to do something different. But if you want to continue to do, the rule is simple - at least 3 hours break between the session (the disk), and meditation (or other classes).
If a disk or session puts You under a certain influence, helps to achieve some state which you would like to bring into your meditation, it is possible to anchor just through posture, breathing and other ritual techniques that you used for his meditations.

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Аларик » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:41

Andrey Makarevich, the fact of the matter is that dealing with MM, I do of employment, besides the positive effect, which is described by the post above, don't get any other positive or progressive aspects.
And I want some diversity and progress in subsequent lessons, so to speak to bring colors in life.
To devote time and attention from teaching and MM separately on meditation practices I have, alas, is not obtained :?

With MM I'm trying to practice regularly, at least every morning, after waking - Mind Healing and possibly something in the evening after coming from work, usually Lucid Dreams at bedtime :).

To leave with MM and go to "self-education" it is hard for me, I'm afraid can not do without such a crutch as MM and the achieved effect is not fixed, life will return every "emotional gibberish". Yes, and it just uneconomical
Андрей Патрушев wrote:After sufficient brain training period of training with sessions and discs (2-3 weeks) you do not combine them with other classes, I mean just to do something different.
– I'm a considerable fraction of its budget was given not in the hope that it's only for 2-3 weeks, and there too it sometime :oops:

But to do as You say:
Андрей Патрушев wrote: If a disk or session puts You under a certain influence, helps to achieve some state which you would like to bring into your meditation, it is possible to anchor just through posture, breathing and other ritual techniques that you used for his meditations.
- I have, alas, not work, because, like can't find/catch common ground between those States that range from passive listening sessions/disc and the positive, but, alas, bit the experience that I had in the past from different practices.

And conditions special in fact I'm listening to MM is not – they lie and listen like a log, plus sluggish color flare behind closed eyelids see – and want, as stated above, the progress of bright colors and impressions :)<

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Aug 25, 2011 16:07

Аларик wrote:has Become more calm, pacified, ceased to break over nothing, even almost got rid of Mata and other negative emotions that were causing experience from external stimulus. The sport became more "savvy" - went from emotional losses, failures, began to pay more attention to what and how to do it, and once the results have improved
Аларик wrote:the fact of the matter is that dealing with MM, I do of employment, besides the positive effect, which is described by the post above, don't get any other positive or progressive aspects.
No, I certainly like your approach... :wink: Other whole life for this to come can't, and then for three months... :?
Apparently, you are from 100 sessions we tried only 10, well, 20... Experiment with different...
Once again I want to notice that machine and drives "only"multiply individual potential. But if this potential is not implemented in any activities, he will remain only potential.

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Aug 25, 2011 16:21

Still would like to see about apathy. Yes, people involved in the alpha brain training, much calmer start to respond to every life "husk", but the ability to strongly and clearly feel (without long-term attachments and grasping for these feelings) they have multiplied and quality of life ("taste of life") is also, accordingly, improves...

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Аларик » Thu Aug 25, 2011 17:10

Андрей Патрушев wrote:No, I certainly like your approach... :wink: Other whole life for this to come can't, and then for three months... :?
Well, I approach what it is, do not blame me :?
I just think that this effect from MM, it's not something extraordinary, but only what it is expected of a normal, healthy person, as the saying goes – "in life". And spending money on MM I was hoping at least to achieve this effect.

Before, dtsat years ago, I felt much better than it is now – even after yuzanya MM.
So that I don't understand why for some to go all my life, I only returned the minimum, so should be with me by nature :) and back then, not yet in full measure, as they say – everything is relative :)

Just, apparently the events of the last years of my life, fun to make fun of cognition and consciousness, and now these parts of the individual just trying to go back to my minimum standard.
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Apparently, you from 100 sessions we tried only 10, well, 20... Experiment with different...
It's true, but the experiment always carries some degree of risk :)
And risk need to be prepared ;)

Here in my head and there was a couple of leading questions: :)
1. Why all the articles talk about the stimulation of alpha, beta, theta, and Delta waves, and about the stimulation frequency zone Gamma are very fragmentary information?
Do you have the ready session for stimulating this zone?

2. In one of the posts I remember have read that one of the users experimented-experimented, and was faced with a very negative effect on certain sessions – all kind of dirt they say climbed, like a Pandora box.
You Andrei V. even commented it like this – say, each individual has his own area of frequencies, which are usually recorded the most negative aspects of life.
Therefore, another individual may pick a certain area of frequencies, which will be recorded the most positive aspects of his life?
If Yes, what is the easiest way to implement such search?
Well, not in the editor sessions to write to the session in order, sorting out the individual frequencies and in turn listen to them, trying to find "your zone"?
Or another way for an ordinary user MM not?<

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Aug 25, 2011 17:37

Аларик wrote: why all the articles talk about the stimulation of alpha, beta, theta, and Delta waves, and about the stimulation frequency zone Gamma are very fragmentary information?Do you have the ready session for stimulating this zone?
if you believe the classics, the brain is able to follow only in the frequency range 8-25 Hz (alpha-beta). In theta (uncontrolled) it is also possible to "drive" the special techniques. Therefore, existing machine (except Navigator) do not provide for this possibility. D. Thompson has two drives: Gamma and HyperGamma. I personally, besides the pleasure of the music, I feel... :?
Аларик wrote:In one of the posts I remember have read that one of the users experimented-experimented, and was faced with a very negative effect on certain sessions – all kind of dirt they say climbed, like a Pandora box.You Andrei V. even commented it like this – say, each individual has his own area of frequencies, which are usually recorded the most negative aspects of life.Therefore, another individual may pick a certain area of frequencies, which will be recorded the most positive aspects of his life?
In my opinion, this assumption is quite close to the truth, but we must realize that man is quite complicated skotinka :) and not so clear. For cats, for example, 7.5 Hz - fun, 15Hz - aggression.
Аларик wrote:If Yes, what is the easiest way to implement such search?Well, not in the editor sessions to write to the session in order, sorting out the individual frequencies and in turn listen to them, trying to find "your zone"?
Why not? Only has to be done slow enough (about 15-20 minutes on the passage) scanning frequency (8-25Hz) there and back, pre-experimenting with notes in different octaves to choose the most favourable carrier... Then turn the session with his hand on the button "start" and make two cut-off (first one way, then the other), when "clapped" :) And then to do a session specifically for the resulting range (additionally there changing the duty cycle and phase).<

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Re: Lack of effect on MM

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Aug 25, 2011 17:48

Аларик wrote:That's true, but the experiment always carries some degree of risk And for risk you need to be prepared
What risk are You worried about? Or is this from the series: "I would like to become better, but afraid of losing yourself"? :wink:

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