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How to make a light show using a mind machine (article)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:03
by Владимир Никонов 2
[html]<font size="-1">Jeff Laaben (Jeff Labno)</font><br><font size="-1">according to the magazine: <a href="">AVS 2.4</a></font><br><font size="-1">the translation into the Russian language: Nikonov Vladimir<p></p><p></p></font><p></p><p>One of the most popular questions I get about mind machines – the question about the light show. Where are all the colors? How is it that I don't see all the colors? Why do I see only one color?..</p><p>to answer all of these questions, you need to consider many factors.</p><p> <font size="+2">In the first place is the quality of light.</font></p><p> If you are using dim light, most likely you will see anything but a flicker. This means that you will see only a weak pulsating field of light.</p><p>If you are using a more modern Ultrabright LEDs, you get rich, rich colors and shapes. </p><p>White light usually gives a great range of colours. Red also has a powerful influence in some other way; and so you see many different colors when using red light. </p><p>as to the effects of other colors, you will observe the colors of the rainbow, paired with the color. For example, if you chose yellow, you most likely will see orange, yellow and green. If you chose blue – you will see green, blue and purple.</p><p>Incandescent white light also produces exciting, bold visual images. Synchro Energizer, developed in the early eighties, was the pinnacle in the creation of fabulous colors and images. The instrument used incandescent white light, supplied through the piece of plastic "round shape". Such method allowed to scatter the light around the eye.</p><p>There are luminous points, using the "milk white" filter, scattering the light throughout the eye, refracting it toward the center of the eye, due to the curvature of the plastic filter. The brightness of a color show, therefore, is muted.</p><p>of Course, not everyone seeks when using light and sound to see the wonderful color show. At the same time, I would never spend that kind of money on my first car, and I bought it for 8&nbsp;000, - if the light show wasn't as extraordinary.</p><p>I think people try more often to use his mind machine, if a light show that it produces, it turns out spectacular, and, consequently, they get more benefit.</p><p>the Latest generation of light glasses are designed with the use of two colors (bi-colors).</p><p><img src="/articles/pic/light-show/3.jpg"></p><p><img src="/articles/pic/light-show/4.jpg"><br></p><p>One of the combinations blue - red and the second red – green. Red – green version for some reason produces more interesting colour. The color show is more mind-bending when using white light. Most people report that the use of red – green color combination and do it with pleasure.</p><p>However, another determining factor in light show is the use of true sine waves, which creates a very moving visual images.</p><p>Traditionally, mind machines used by the principle switch on/off the light. This is called a square waveform. Sine wave, on the other hand, gradually increase the intensity to full brightness, then gradually reduced.</p><p>a Sine wave is a natural phenomenon. They are much softer effect on the eye in the process of the program. You must have noticed that, during a session for sleep, when the flickering light is very slow, sometimes there is discomfort, especially if the light is too bright. Sinusoidal waves perceived by the eye is much more comfortable, since the effect of such waves are softer and more fluid. Also, sine waves produce a more mobile visual effect, which is perhaps indescribable. </p><p>a New device Innerpulse (internal pulse) allows you to choose sine wave. </p><p><b><u><img src="../pic/photosonix/innerpulse.jpg" width="480" height="360"></u></b><br> <a href="/photosonix/innerpulse.htm">the Innerpulse mind machine</a><br></p><p> <font size="+1">the Time of day that you choose to receive a session, also affects the quality of the light show.</font></p><p> You will see more flowers during the afternoon session (held in daylight) than during the night. This is because the receptors in the eyes change the operating mode from day to night. Cones, located in the center of the eye, control the colors and most active in the daytime. When the sun goes down, the cones become inactive, and become active sticks, which are located on the periphery of the eye outside the Central area. They don't control the colors. Sticks are responsible for the intensity of the light.</p><p>You can get gorgeous colours and images in the night and better the sensation of multidimensional light show day as you do the eye exercises at the beginning of each session. </p><p><font size="+1">All you need to do is make a few rotations of the eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise.</font></p><p> the Results will impress you greatly. You will not only get enhanced color show, but the three-dimensional effect of visual images!</p><p>Another important element to improve visual images – select music to accompany your session. </p><p><font size="+1">the Music gives a very special branch of the images you see. </font></p><p>In fact, visual images are born, we are not in the eyes, they are born in the brain. </p><p>When you choose the special music that sets in motion a mechanism that "pushes the button", the quality and shape of visual images in an incredible way change. It does not matter your chosen style of music, except for the point that the sounds of higher frequencies produce a more stimulating effect on the brain. </p><p>the Sounds of keys, the third octave of the piano (located in the middle of the keyboard), higher notes "to" most sensitive to the human ear. High frequencies correspond to higher tones (or overtones). And even despite the fact that the human ear can hear frequencies up to 20,000-24,000; the ear perceives frequencies up to 40,000 Hz. So, you can sound not hear, but your ear processes the sound at higher levels.</p><p>However, the use of standard headphones limits the frequency level, first, because the electronics inside the headphones is not able to handle lower and higher frequencies. Of course, you can buy headphones in 10&nbsp;000 dollars, but I recommend to try Sennheiser headphones. It headphones with good amplitude-frequency and high level of comfort (<font size="-1">approx. recommend <a href="">headphones Ultrasone</a></font>).</p><p><font size="+1">Still the best technology to achieve a high level of frequency is a vibration emitter. </font></p><p>Regardless of the headphones you attach to the forehead, two transmitters with head bandage. Tactile information is processed in a completely different part of the brain, and the vibration brings more exciting feelings focused in your session.</p><p><img src="/articles/pic/light-show/1.jpg" width="500" height="375"> </p><p><img src="/articles/pic/light-show/2.jpg" width="500" height="375"><br> <font size="-1">the Use of Echofon. The photo <a href="">Elena Paul Lapshin</a></font></p><p>Vibration also enhances the perception of high frequency harmonics. A special effect you will receive at frequencies above 20,000 Hertz! <a href=" ... ейрофон</a> and also <a href="">Echofon</a> is a very suitable system for the application of this technology.</p><p>When you enter the higher frequencies of light and sound sensations, you enter the realm, which is called "synesthesia". Synesthesia is a mingling of the senses. You can see the colors, hear the sounds, or hear sounds when demonstrating colors.</p><p><font size="+1">CD-ROMs, created by technology <a href="/audiostrobe/index.htm">Audiostrobe (AudioStrobe)</a> specifically designed to enhance the synaesthetic sensations. </font></p><p>Not all machines constructed under Audiostrobe, but you can still get these discs a real pleasure, as music should be a light show.</p><p><font size="+1">the Incredible synesthetic sensations can be caused by the use of aromatic substances during a session. </font></p><p>Research using the instrument of the Mind Mirror (the mirror of consciousness) showed that the aromatic substances are very quickly and efficiently affect brain waves.</p><p>Try to use any flavor during the session, and you will immediately feel a change in the colors and forms of visual images that will lead you to the world absolutely other sensations.</p><p>the Music you selected for the session affects the light shows are different. If you decide to use during a music session, in order to cause it to "flash" the memory of generations past centuries - select popular music. </p><p><a href=" ... горианские chants</a> good to throw you in a religious or contemplative mood. Music in the Baroque style will help you to organize, put in order your mind and energize you. Classical, impressionistic and romantic music – a great way to transition to the creative States of consciousness.</p><p>Not all the aromatic substances of the same qualities. High quality fragrances you feel as if you keep fruit or flowers in their own hands, inhale the smell of these fresh fruits and plants. You do not feel any chemical substances. Quality scent is also felt longer, the effect remains even for some time after the action of substances, as the flavor is concentrated. </p><p>If you inhale the scent of fresh lemon, the effect lasts only about 30 seconds. If you inhale the aromatic substance with a smell of fresh lemon, the effect lasts five minutes!</p><p>It offers hundreds of different smells, which one to choose? It is better to give preference to one any smell, not a mixture of flavors. Usually men prefer the scents of the lower parts of the plant such as the bark of a tree, while women prefer the odors of flowering plants, trees and flowers. </p><p>the Scent of citrus usually excites, energizes, while the smell of lavender, for example, relaxes, soothes. There are fragrances that create a romantic state, for example, the smell of Gardenia, rose, ulang-ulanga. For concentration often used the scent of peppermint. You can even cause a state of joy such fragrance as, for example, Wren (<em>note: varieties of oranges</em>).</p><p>Try to queue a few different flavors for my travels in the world of sound and light. </p><p><font size="+1">Here is an example of how to increase the session "romantic type". </font></p><p>Prepare aromatic substances, selected by you previously to achieve certain effects in the exact order, and put them in the way that you feel comfortable to use them when you start the session with a mind machine. Breathe in every scent in the order you specified, let stand for about five minutes, before inhaling another scent. </p><p>For a romantic session first, use the lavender scent to relax and let go of all thoughts; then take the flavor of peppermint to concentrate on the personality type of the person with whom you would like to meet in the world of your inner images; the aroma ulang-ulanga will help to trigger romantic reactions to this man; and finally, use incense for meditation on the desired result.</p><p>You can perform a lot of different sessions if you use your creativity. Choose romantic music to create a certain mood for your session, and, finally, select the sound and light program for setting the proper state of brain waves.</p><p><font size="+1">And select foods that will help enhance your experience.</font></p><p> How eating orange or drinking a Cup of coffee affect the visual images? You never know until you try it for yourself, but in any case, it will strengthen the synesthetic experience.</p><p>Food for different people has different effects. Below you will find some examples based on my personal experience of how food affects me. You will have to figure out what works best for you, but in General I can say that ripe, fresh, unprocessed foods are better for use.</p><p>For a session of concentration, try to drink a Cup of espresso! For a romantic session – try tropical fruits. Fresh ripe apricots are a stimulant, as an aphrodisiac. When I drink fresh juice of ripe, freshly picked oranges from the local trees, I feel an extreme burst of energy.</p><p>so that's briefly about ideas on how to improve the visual images of your sessions light and sound.</p><p>Nice session!</p><p><font size="-1">Jeff Laaben (Jeff Labno)<br> according to the magazine: <a href="">AVS 2.4</a><br> translation into the Russian language: Nikonov Vladimir</font>[/html]<