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Those who do not act MM us (or are VERY weakly)

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 17:33
by Саш0к
If these people are not acts of the effect of the MM - of course there is.

Perhaps there is no effect at some specific time or when you are in a particular state.

Let's try to understand what was happening.
And it is possible to find the reason.

MM I didn't use, but I used Brian Waw generator (BWG) and not received what effect, principles of operation BWG MM and similar (Action manurially rhythms).

If that WRITE in PM.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 17:38
by Идущая вперед
it is foolish to start a topic not knowing what to say... this app sucks... try it mm - and then to reason about action and inaction....

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 18:37
by Саш0к
:wink: PT

You write:
Идущая вперед wrote: mm try - and then to reason about action and inaction....
what podumatj MM has 100% effect on all people without exception.

Идущая вперед wrote:it is foolish to start a topic not knowing what I'm talking...

We're talking about people who used(outsa) MM and not getting the desired result.

Speaking of which I often had to hear from BWG no effect.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 23:45
by Guest
Саш0к wrote:MM, I didn't use, but I used Brian Waw generator (BWG) and not received what effect, principles of operation BWG MM and similar (Action manurially rhythms).
At BWG - sea sessions, complete and everywhere -- 90% (if not 99%) is garbage.
Almost the same applies to almost all prog floating in the Internet session, type demo (or, alternatively - and here I wrote this... after reviewing the editor - I don't need a load of crap).
So the thesis of negative is incorrect.
And, of course, you need to understand that "MM is not a pill" ((C) A. Patrushev), and, accordingly, to achieve the effect, you need to work. Approximate method "works", you can collect here, but better books to read. Then "work". And then again to read. In General, if nameriniyami serious - usually something to get.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:02
by Шалтай Балтай
Саш0к wrote:Nonsense.

We're talking about people who used(outsa) MM and not getting the desired result.

Speaking of which I often had to hear from BWG no effect.
Going forward - slishlom emotional, IMHO. :)

How long did You use BVG?
How often?
anything else tried to use?
If it can be more.

by their feelings. BVG - has the effect, but ... "not"
try Hemi-sync, human+ anything of this series.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:55
by Guest
I have a MM Nova Pro use Feb effect, almost no or very little

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 13:03
by Dimas
Anonymous wrote:I Have a MM Nova Pro use Feb effect, almost no or very little
And for what purpose did You buy MM?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 15:49
by Саш0к
Георгий_19 wrote: How long did You use BVG?
How often?
anything else tried to use?
If it can be more.

by their feelings. BVG - has the effect, but ... "not"
try Hemi-sync, human+ anything of this series.
I used bwg for about two weeks tested different session that were in the kit. The only result I have noticed a headache at some sessions.

And Hemi-sync, human+ I wasn't using, I thought all these binarily the same.
Well, I'll see what happens there (Hemi-sync human+)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 17:23
by Шалтай Балтай
Саш0к wrote:
Георгий_19 wrote: How long did You use BVG?
How often?
anything else tried to use?
If it can be more.

by their feelings. BVG - has the effect, but ... "not"
try Hemi-sync, human+ anything of this series.
I used bwg for about two weeks tested different session that were in the kit. The only result I have noticed a headache at some sessions.

And Hemi-sync, human+ I wasn't using, I thought all these binarily the same.
Well, I'll see what happens there (Hemi-sync human+)
2 weeks - not years.
"headache" is the result, not as funny as it may seem :-)

play sessions
BVG - hard thing, it gives what own but claimed to be, i.e. "runout".
man is not a robot, take the session, I recommend Hemi-sync, human+

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 19:01
by Guest
I, too, Feb,everything is normal and the effect is normal.......with tablets would be dead long ago or in the hospital lying.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 23:30
by Guest
Саш0к wrote:I used bwg for about two weeks tested different session that were in the kit. The only result I have noticed a headache at some sessions.
"... especially pay attention to the sound volume -- BB needs to be heard clearly, but close to the threshold of hearing.... they try diligently to listen. The excess volume beyond that BB has never led to anything but a HEADACHE..." - from a free translation (and reference) the Handbook of the program SBaGen.
For more information about the headache and other phenomena caused by sound, can be read in any textbook on labour protection, section "industrial noise".
From yourself any of the devices and programs that make BB sounds provoke the user to listen with the volume quality for musicand it is wrong!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 0:27
by Джим
2 previous guest post-my.
(1) "The BWG - sea sessions..."
(2) "... particularly note the volume of the sound..."
A small correction:
Гость wrote:try to listen them carefully
More precisely: "... they try to get used..."
Anyway, I searched the electronic version of "Science and Life" - all that izdano in search of methods, which I studied auditory training (for my taste -- it is unmatched the entire Cube, not to mention book stalls) -- NOT FOUND -- a feeling that its vymerli... Sorry. Not lazy to rewrite here -- many questions were lifted.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:33
by Dimas
Not lazy to rewrite here -- many questions were lifted.
Would be very grateful for it!!!! :ay

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:36
by Димитрий
And most interestnoe that no one was able to clearly write what they wanted and what MM didn't help... After all, MM well it's not a cure - but a TOOL-assistant to achieve a certain state... and a mustache... Well, as of Boxing paws, it is possible to demand power and a PROPER strike, it is necessary to turn out probably, right? all IMHO...
When only brought MM home - the first two or three days, except the circles in the eyes saw nothing-felt... And the fourth, under the alpha (sound and light at a minimum), as if to have fallen through himself... and away we go... Good odnofernoe not leave one :wink: . So, those friends, or Guests !!!IMHO!, before you write :) try still through the forum, because many of the hands went down (with all despite the fact MM isn't a cheap thing), write those in a PM (or forum), someone on the forum literally cried - "HA...BUT these MM"- and then just began to understand (damn, well, I like... :oops: )... Just not interested, believe me, to read the message that "MM doesn't help, just did not help - patamu chta I AO not clothed"...... :wink: Literally always willing to share my tiny experience, so to speak...

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:38
by Димитрий
If you have the desire and the opportunity - please let down all of us to learn, if you can find... az :oops: az

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 15:44
by Андрей Патрушев
Димитрий wrote:And most interestnoe that no one was able to clearly write what they wanted and what MM didn't help... After all, MM well it's not a cure - but a TOOL-assistant to achieve a certain state... and a mustache... Well, as of Boxing paws, it is possible to demand power and a PROPER strike, it is necessary to turn out probably, right? all IMHO...
When only brought MM home - the first two or three days, except the circles in the eyes saw nothing-felt... And the fourth, under the alpha (sound and light at a minimum), as if to have fallen through himself... and away we go... Good odnofernoe not leave one :wink: . So, those friends, or Guests !!!IMHO!, before you write :) try still through the forum, because many of the hands went down (with all despite the fact MM isn't a cheap thing), write those in a PM (or forum), someone on the forum literally cried - "HA...BUT these MM"- and then just began to understand (damn, well, I like... :oops: )... Just not interested, believe me, to read the message that "MM doesn't help, just did not help - patamu chta I AO not clothed"...... :wink: Literally always willing to share my tiny experience, so to speak...
bi az :o

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 19:33
by Саш0к
By the way, I have already stumbled upon "Activation and balancing of both hemispheres of the brain", but began to try only today.

Here is the link : ... mozga.html
на сайте представленном выше wrote: No special techniques of activation of the resource of the brain of man is doomed to extinction, because the left hemisphere is highly ENERG.... blah blah blah read on the website who need.

Please note:
Listen to the first disc within two weeks once! a day. After 14 days, listen to the first and second disk within 5 weeks.
Important! To listen through the headphones!

Title:Activation and balancing of both hemispheres of the brain
Author: team
Genre: psychoactive audio programs
Format and quality: MP3, 281 kbit/s, 298 kbps
Duration: 60 min.
Size: 131 MB (+5%)
I especially like "Author: staff" :lol: - it inspires confidence.

If someone knows, please prokamentiruyte, so..and such :) .

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 23:01
by Джим
Dimas wrote:Quote:
Not lazy to rewrite here -- many questions were lifted.

Would be very grateful for it!!!!
Unfortunately, the original materials anyway buried. I have to stay some writing (in current terms -- a list of affirmations, divided into groups according to the levels of the classes), but they still need to find, and I can't reproduce the author's comments. IF I can find their records And find the time to translate them into email. the form -- somehow lay.
Саш0к wrote:If anyone know, please prokamentiruyte what it's for..x and such .
Such nonsense very much-in most cases it's not worth the time searching for Mr. potential Pearl Grain.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 0:55
by Агент Смит
Джим wrote:an electronic version of "Science and Life" - all that izdano in search of methods, which I learned to anger management
Perhaps it was the method of Schultz - at least her first published 70 years (personally, I read in the journal "Physical culture and sport"). Search in Yandex on request "auditory training Schultz" immediately gave the link there is an archive for download.
Unfortunately, I have not finished these classes to any decent result, but dropped out in his youth years :oops: Maybe now with the help of MM will be back.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:26
by Джим
Агент Смит wrote:Perhaps it was the method of Schultz
Perhaps cu. as very closely related. The method of VAW does not qualify for most of the items (directly), but was more thoroughly chewed in the sense of exercise ("formulas" :) ) entry level.
I, unfortunately, never found.
In General, they are all closely related, including the "Wave" to them. Bob Monroe (although they all suggested to go for the first 2 exercises, and relaxation (after the head-neck) is supposed to be done in the reverse order.
Strongly suspect that the source of all was how each of the authors has worked (if any) in his own right.
In General, cool link -- especially if you do not claim that all that is written, will be obtained from a half-kick.
Thank you, Mr. Smith. :o

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:40
by Птица
Soit can open a separate topic as it helped MM in life that would like the message did not reappear?

I helped MM?
1. After moving to the States I have over the years had disappeared the condition of the nihilists(in a good way) that I have accumulated over the years. If the problems I was struggling a lot, then I became them zatsiklivaytes, and as a result in my life having a vicious circle("without light"). After purchase mindmachine for 2 months as volatiles( more specifically, strassoldogasse increased, and this is a very big difference, to the point that you don't control the situation / people, and Vice versa!) During the month found the job of my dreams - to work and study at the University, be a doctor of applied mathematics and statistics.

2. Happens breakthrough in the development of mental abilities - as the light began to remember the dreams. If earlier to get myself to work(discipline) was impossible, and when zastavlyal(all the same, the method of the pendulum V. Levi can do wonders), prizvoditelnosti was just awful, constantly making mistakes and all the working time was spent to find and fix them( who worked as a programmer-freelancer will understand what a hell is not doing what you want to get a new project we have to finish old - and not as not possible. Swamp word). Currently working with a pleasure, and the attention can't complain!

3. Have restored the natural cycle of activity. I zhayvoronok - Wake up early and go to bed early, for me it is fast and a pleasure to work, get a huge charge of positive mood (do not want to use the word creativity, it's painful, it spoiled humanitarian - was empty). The last three years, the cycle was deep in the owl lived in a fog, and change it as failed. And MM is easy vozrastal cycle in the right direction.

4. A positive effect on linguistic abilities. In the Russian - ceased phalatse anglicisms, even noburo there was an inverse tendency. In English - the rate of learning new words increased, he prervalas chain I think-translate-speak, turned think to say. Understanding sovsemi miracles are happening... hard to explain. Some people think that we think in words... balshoe misleading. When I hear English, understand directly, bypassing the stage of words. If asked to repeat, word for word can not only the essence, no matter in what languages. (Don't judge my spelling - I was with her since childhood such problems that the current number of errors in the meager use of written Russian for me, a lot of progress, even porownaniu with school, when I wrote every day.)

So MM definitely helps in everyday life as mind. About the synthesis of endorphins generally silent, those who never Wake up with that smile in your sleep hardly realize.<

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:11
by Андрей Патрушев
I tried to make Mankind happy and handing out your CDs and tapes for free to your friends and acquaintances... :? Very often I had to hear something like: "Your shit doesn't work on me"... at First I was offended, :( then, vsilu viedomosti nature, began to try to understand. :wiz The results showed that those who said that, actually listened to about five minutes, then put it all on the shelf and never never touched... :?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 14:22
by Идущая вперед
performing this simple exercise at least 10-15 minutes a day - arguing such miracles....
the main thing - to overcome laziness :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 0:35
by Джим
Андрей Патрушев wrote:I tried to make Mankind happy and handing out your CDs and tapes for free to your friends and acquaintances... Confused Very often I had to hear something like: "Your shit doesn't work on me"... at First I was offended, then Sad, vsilu viedomosti nature, began to try to understand. The results showed that those who said that, actually listened to about five minutes, then put it all on the shelf and haven't touched it... Confused
Andrew, who hurt You? If I -- I'll kill the villain... If someone else -- don't understand at all -- Your creativity is widely acknowledged, including outside the country where the citizen of the Russian Federation to recognition, generally speaking, difficult. In any case Your name is known, and therefore Your work is in demand. Those who can/want to.
So I don't understand the point of the post, just in case taking on your account.

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 22:06
by Андрей Патрушев
It was long ago... Now I am very hard to offend... :?
And this post just on the topic - why can not operate these technologies. Because mashinkami similarly as for the discs... :)