MM - first steps.....

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Post by Юджин » Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:05

well..... will continue its theme....:) Indeed - re-start..... So I took the little device in his hands during this time and the regularity was not virtually no how.. Now that's decided, everything. Begin and begin.....

The main problem with relaxation of the Internal dialogue. Problemmy at work. Fuck - heads lead me to the feeling of increased arousal emotional and often negative. Classes with discs and with sessions like that do not help... negativity builds up faster than it is removed.

Even when you do less to relax and to suppress the internal dialogue... anyway, he slips and makes a turn on the thought and strain.

This dialogue bothers me to fall asleep interferes with sleep... prevents focus....... in short all interfere. And prevents health! I'm almost always in a bad mood and I almost always evil.....

Is it possible all this is certainly to get rid of, or without so to say MEDICINSKOGO intervention here is not enough?

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:40

Session relax in mindmachine when regular use greatly help to cope with internal dialogue (assuming that You let him go and won't press). :?

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Post by Юджин » Sun Nov 21, 2010 15:09

please read more about ... on the condition that it should be released.... What is it like?

And what does greatly?.... ie to get on reception to the psychologist or the psychiatrist would not hurt?...:)

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Post by тишина » Sun Nov 21, 2010 16:59

I the psychologist with the psychiatrist did not help(( the best of ourselves the body, nobody knows!!
Today in the net I read an interesting thing (it seems communication of the DEIR) that you need to fully feel the energy of the emotion in a stressful moment and as a whole to send her in the right direction, into account for example,in active listening, or chakra, in my case makeshadow, so as not to look bewildered!! Tried it - works!))

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sun Nov 21, 2010 17:24

Юджин wrote:it is possible please on more about ... on the condition that it should be released.... What is it like?

And what does greatly?.... ie to get on reception to the psychologist or the psychiatrist would not hurt?...:)
You can let go using the Sedona method or(and) Hooponopono. Excessive concentration on anything energizes energy it is the most "anything". :?

This means that the internal dialogue is Your treasure no more, no less. :) And get rid of it should be only in appropriate contexts (e.g. when making love, by focusing on the partner, feelings and sensations), etc., etc.
The alpha state, coached with mindmachine, characterized by dual simultaneous focus on external and internal, where internal dialogue there is very little space. :?

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Post by Юджин » Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:38

As it is all confusing... Especially the first step.... Focus on the problem... then yourself... and not really clear on what I need to concentrate.

Well, in the other steps too not all is clear...

Andrew, if not difficult.... and there is time, we can give a more practical example?....A detailed description of actions... to at least by analogy you can understand......

Thanks in advance.
Practical section – release.

As described show evidence freedom Technique effective even without the aid of technical means. And yet the technical means for the mind will help to develop the process in a variety of ways.

STEP 1: Concentrate
One approach is to consider the problem area of your life – something very important and directly concerning you. It can be your relationship with a loved one, with parents, with the child; it may be your health, your job, your fears.

Or maybe you'll just wonder "What am I feeling right now?", "What emotions I am experiencing?".

You can focus in this way either before or after the start of your session. In any case, if there is a problem and you want to solve, or want to find out what you're feeling, use your device's psychophysical effects on the brain to enter into a zero state or a state of deep relaxation.

STEP 2: Make

Once you relaxed, let us consider the vital problem you want to solve. Concentrate and feel what emotions do you feel in relation to this area of your life.

Perhaps taking the first step, you have already solved this problem at the level of consciousness, now you need to solve it on an emotional level.

Ask yourself, "What emotions am I experiencing?"

Lester Levenson (Lester Levenson) shared all our emotions and feelings into 9 categories.

Many of our emotions and feelings are a consequence or a reflection of apathy. When we ask ourselves, what we feel, we can describe this state in these words: boredom, indifference, emotional coldness, detachment, the deadlock, frustration, depression, indecision, disillusionment, emptiness, confusion, futility, hopelessness, gloom, indecision, indifference, laziness, failure, loss, abandonment, negative, shock, helplessness, shock, depression, fatigue, uselessness, worthlessness. All of these feelings, according to a scientist, there are subtypes of apathy.

We can use here words such as abandoned, insulted, offended, disgusted, ashamed, sad, experienced the betrayal, the anguish, the suffering, betrayed, unsettled, helpless, heart wound, spit in the soul, rejected, lonely, lost, experiencing melancholy, remorse, misunderstood, sorry, unhappy, sad, bitter remorse, disappointment.

Subtypes of fear include: feelings of excitement, anxiety, suspicion, cowardice, doubt, dread; apprehension, insecurity, inferiority complex, nervousness, panic, fear, instability, shame, skepticism, feelings of persecution, tension, anxiety, fear of failure and humiliation, the feeling of stiffness, ogranichennosti.

Is the expression "I Want". We can feel the irresistible attraction, desire, need, isolation from society, loss of self control, envy, greed, impatience, a need for something, embracing passion, anxiety, selfishness, anger.

We can feel the aggression, the frustration, the desire to argue, demanding, disgust, rage, imbalance, anger, impatience, hatred, jealousy, madness, rage, ferocity, brutality, obstinacy, stubbornness, resentment, anger, resentment, fury, temper, cruelty.

We can feel the arrogance, indifference, alienation, boasting, superiority, sarcasm, contempt, disgust, disdain, arrogance, condemnation of others, a sense of self-righteousness, rudeness, rigidity, self-satisfaction, snobbery, vanity, discontent.

Symptoms include the following tendencies: a sense of adventure, a willingness "to fight", concentration, creativity, determination, recklessness, arrogance, adventurism, happiness, independence, openness, receptivity, positivity, motivation to action, self-confidence, strength, energy.

We can feel compassion, sympathy, participation. To experience the "high" feeling, admiration, friendliness, tenderness, joy, openness, empathy, security, vseponimanie, curiosity.

We can feel: calmness, concentration, perfection, freedom, cloisonnist, clarity, integrity, and serenity.

STEP 3: Identify your feelings
Now, having in mind the list and decide what you feel. Open, analyze their physical condition.

Do you feel tension in your chest? In the belly? Is there a sense of gravity? Palpitations?

When you identify the symptoms of your physical condition, you will be easier to understand what you are feeling. Listen to yourself. What words come to mind?

When you think of the word, try to figure out which group of feelings it corresponds to.

Levenson (Levenson) says that the clearer you define the feeling, according to his list of categories of the senses, the more effective the process of releasing.

If, for example, you have analysed the problem area of my life and realized that I feel on this occasion doubt or anxiety, you should let go of these feelings, and you will feel relief.

However, if you watch all the way to the beginning of the emergence of these feelings, you will understand that the source of their fear. If you, therefore, will be to work on the release from fear, than doubt and anxiety, you will see that the result will be much greater. Always better to deal with the roots of the problem than clean up the top of the crown.

STEP 4: Feel your feelings
When you have identified your true emotions regarding the selected problem and found the source, try now to feel these emotions fully.

Let them possess your body and soul.

If this feeling of grief you can cry. If it is anger you will feel as your blood boils and the body hardens. That's good. It's time to go through it with all my being.

STEP 5: you Can?

Now, when you have experienced the emotions related to the selected problems in life, ask yourself: if I managed to separate themselves from that feeling?

In other words: do you feel liberated from this feeling physically and mentally? Think about it.

Feel the difference between your conscious and the subconscious, and feel, what feelings does your subconscious. Perhaps you will feel liberated emotion as energy, emerged in place of your body, but your body is not. Or as a shadow in your subconscious.

In any case, you will have the understanding that this feeling is no longer you.

As soon as you feel that your I is feeling different things, you will understand that it is able to let him go. If you still could not get away from this feeling, try again, you will feel it as an entity separate from your Ya will Come a time when you honestly answer, "Yes, I can let go of that feeling."

STEP 6: Ready?
So, did you feel you could let go of this feeling. But you can catch yourself on the fact that I have grown so used to it that you do not want to let him go, you think, "No, let this feeling better stays with me." Then wait. Think about it.

Sooner or later the moment will come when you'll say to yourself, "Yes, I'm ready to let go of that feeling."

STEP 7: When?
Once you understand that they are able to let go of a negative emotion, ask yourself: when? Think about it. There will come a certain point and you realize that now you want to do it.

STEP 8: Release
When you say to yourself: "Now", free from this feeling. Just let him go. In most cases, you will feel mental and physical relief. You can laugh.

Or feel that you are really heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Or you can cover a shiver. All this is the result of the release of the accumulated negative energy that has burdened you until you let go of negative emotions. Now you will be fine.

STEP 8: Repeat
When you release negative feelings, you will want to test themselves, not it all the same, at least partially. If you find yourself inside some signs of that feeling, repeat the whole process again. Often the process of liberation similar to that which rises from the ground spring – you are exempt from feelings, and they appear again.

This is because our emotions can be very deep in our subconscious. Repeat the process of liberation again and again until you are sure that you really had no signs of negative emotions.

Many people, starting the process of liberation from negative emotions, notice the very rapid decline of the nervous and physical strain. They feel more relaxed, calm, harmonious. Due to the connection of emotions with the physical body, these people, freed from their oppressive emotions, and relieve much of the physical tension.

This results in the reduction of stress of any nature. Learning how to get rid of negative emotions by asking yourself questions, you then will discover that should you only be aware of the existence of such emotions, and the release happens spontaneously, naturally. Having mastered the Technique of Liberation, you will carry that skill throughout his daily life.


At the end of the practice of releasing negative emotions in the course of your session, moving from superficial emotions to the emotions that generate them, and releasing them, you may find it valuable to go even deeper, to the source of your emotions, to deepest desires of your ego, to your "desires".

According to Levenson (Levenson), all the dissatisfaction in life that we experience in the form of nine major categories described above emotions, originates from our desires, specifically, from two main types of desires – greed for possession and lust for control.

But the fact of the existence of these desires, says that they are not satisfied. According to Levenson "desire implies the absence of the desirable."


To explore these desires and to get rid of them, apply known to you the impact of technology on the brain, sign in to a state of relaxation, find out how you feel, and ask yourself the question:

Is this feeling the result I want? Whether it is with the desire of possession? With a desire to control?

For example, when I write these lines, I experience the painful process of divorce and fighting for the rights of the child.

In the first months of this struggle, I felt like I was getting overwhelmed with huge waves of grief, anger, fear, I missed the son who was thousands of miles from me. When I began practicing the Technique of Liberation, I felt relieved.

Each time when waves of negativity rose up within me, I felt more calm, strong and confident. Even work to release the negative without the use of instruments psychophysical effects on the brain have been effective. When I connected the devices, the efficiency is greatly increased.

My own practice of the Technique of Release using the devices of the psycho-physical effects on the brain involves the use of devices of light and sound stimulation, cranial stimulator, "the unified field" (out the ganzfeld), flotation (flotation), the EEG, biofeedback, and a series of psychoactive records that I designed, using the latest technology, the generation of sounds.

I felt the release of negative emotions and discharging occur most effectively in a state of relaxation, as well as when the brain waves are at the most balanced state, for example, alpha or theta.

Now I am sure that the high effectiveness of the Technology Peniston-Kulkosky based on alpha-theta biofeedback, due to the release of negative emotions with this place.

As practicing liberation from negative emotions using technologies and instruments of the psycho-physical effects on the brain, I have noticed that the life energy in me is coming. Emotions arose, I felt it was freed from them, and were release of energy. Then the liberation from the negative was to happen outside of the special sessions, and day by day I increasingly felt that they no longer depend on the intensity of their emotions, and worked on a book with more energy.

Release the negative emotions obviously had a calming and EnergoPolyus impact on me. Then I felt ready for the next step: liberation. Now I noticed that the source of my grief, anger or fear was my inner desire: I wanted a proper and fair verdict, I wanted to be with my son, I wanted my ex-wife obeyed the court decision on the rights of the child, I wanted to keep my son safe, I wanted to be able to control their emotions more effectively...

When I analyzed these desires, I realized that all of them are this or that kind of desire to control the situation. When I realized the root of his frustration, I felt that I was unable to get rid of his desire to control the situation.

Every time I felt a wave of emotions rose up within me, I was able to realize that a big part of what I feel comes from my desire to control the situation. Freed from this, I felt a sense of peace and confidence.

You may be thinking, "what's wrong with the desire to control the situation?" As pointed out by Levenson, wanting and having are two different things. When we say that we wish for something, it means that we do not "desire implies the absence of the desirable."

We may want ice cream, but when we got it, the desire goes away, we are already into the process of possession, the sense of taste, having fun. As soon as we want something, it's a sign that we don't have. If we want something, we don't have, to be sure.

Often, our desire to possess something that keeps us from the real possession of it. For example, if we want riches, our desire for possession acts in such a way that paralyzes our ability to achieve this. If we are obsessed with longing for someone, this longing plunges us into such a condition that this person does not want to be near us. Releasing or letting go of our desire for possession or control, we actually take a step to ensure that them to have.

I saw that my own suffering is rooted in the power desire: desire security and happiness for my son, arising out of my untold love for him. It was the desire to control the situation, longing to be beside him to protect him.

But this desire that I felt gnawing at my every nerve, was due to the fact that I don't have. I realized that my desire for possession and control prevents I had desired. My desire to protect my son so tormented me that the suffering I was paralyzed and was not allowed to take adequate steps to really protect it. If I could get rid of this desire, to get rid of his constant oppression, limiting my actions, I could more intelligently and energetically to do what must be done to save my son.


We understand the origin of all our emotions from the nine major categories of feelings, which, in turn, stems from two types of our desires. Now, according to Levinson, we are able, ultimately, to identify and root of these two main desires, namely the desire of protection or survival instinct.

For every emotion, desire control or possession is only one deep desire of protection of life, the voice of our ego, screaming: "I want! I want!"

Again, this is a situation where our desire emphasizes the lack of what we want to have. It's wonderful to have a sense of security. But people who are too absorbed with the desire of security, spend too much energy and strength, seeking his, and in the end they only hurt themselves, losing the protection that we have, like the rat that stalks its prey in the attic of a burning house. Here is the paradox: you need to let go of the desire of security to this protection really need to have, you need to surrender to win. This paradox is as old as the world. To be born again you must die.

Now, working with your emotions or desires, search for the reason underlying the desire for security, in the passionate desire of his ego, and then, freed from this desire, let him, you will feel filled with light and freedom, as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

I for example felt that freedom when I get rid of emotions that poison my life. I continued to write this book to lecture, work in Studio, to develop the record and to do everything necessary to fight for the rights of his son and for his well-being.


Security itself is not a bad thing; and the possession and control of the situation. And did you notice that the categories of negative feelings in his description contains some very positive words: courage, acceptance and peace.

You may wonder why to get rid of these feelings. Everyone would like to have them. The answer is: Yes, it is a positive feeling, but Levenson found that to be free we must be able, even from the very good emotions: peace, tranquility, curiosity, love and courage. Because these feelings are hidden deep desire and passion of our ego. When you get rid of these feelings, you feel the same mental and physical relief, as if released from the negative.

What is the basis of good feelings, there is something much better. What Levenson called equanimity.

Equanimity is the quality possessed by many great spiritual masters, the ability to look equally good and evil. Wisdom, on which rests all of our life. Rather, it is not a feeling but a state. "Everything comes and goes", said Gautama Buddha, "If you understand this, you are not subject to the sorrows. This is a shining way."

In the practice process of letting go of emotions you may find yourself staying in this state of equanimity. At first, it quickly swims away. But, according to the testimony of Levinson and thousands of people practicing this technique, it has a cumulative effect. Gradually more getting rid of negative energy, you will feel that all are more likely to experience positive emotions. Your life will greatly improve. But sooner or later you will see the wisdom of letting go and positive emotions too. You will understand that in any case you've moved forward only one condition – equanimity.


Release of benefits and the effect when practiced consistently, in all circumstances of life. Thus it is useful to have an external reminder that will signal to you that it is time to release your emotions. You can use the session to associate the signal applied by the timer, clock or Motivator (MotivAider) with an intuitive reminder to release your emotions. In the first days of practice the signal is often – every 5 minutes. Gradually you will notice that the process of liberation from emotions has become an integral part of your life.<

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Post by Стейси » Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:34

Privetstvuyutsya!!! :D
Can I join bleachable???
I understand this topic is for beginners :oops:
I read Your forum for a month now, and was waiting for his parcel a week, I must say that week was tedious and exhausting, in terms of expectations. But today, or rather yesterday, she came and began other of torment :roll:so I want to try everything at once, and 30 minutes per day seems enough :cry:. I already attended 2 sessions:
1. There is something to cheer :)because I was off after a sleepless night, as the track showed that the parcel is in my city. Of course I knew that the machine can't compensate for lack of sleep, but all the same I came in half-hearted feelings of cheerfulness.
Immediately say, that I already tried a mind machine on therapeutic, as much as 1 times so knew what to expect, as I thought, was cooler...
2. Deep relaxation, decided to restore the force asleep all night, I thought I would 42 min baldet, and fell asleep in 5 min, so it was a shame, oddly enough woke up after 3 min after the end of the session, then drinking a Cup of tea went to bed, and do sit in 4 hours of the night all awake and writing this message :?

Having read the forum, thought really come some fluency device, I was very surprised the appliance features sturdy and heavy and generally... :ay

I am very davolno his gift for, and grateful to this online store and its staff, work quickly and accurately. I just keep quiet about the work of our Russian mail :evil:because of the site she has nothing.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sun Jan 30, 2011 17:15

A typical example. :?
If you need to cheer up after a sleepless night, it is better quickly to deeply relax by using deep alpha relaxation than to put invigorating session, as invigorating session may even lead to razlitom braking. But if bad Wake up after a normal sleep, it just suits very invigorating session.
Good luck!

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Post by Стейси » Mon Jan 31, 2011 19:23

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :)
But I do Wake up sooo hard.
By nature I am a night owl and waking up is difficult, and then after 3 days, it became easier for me to tawati, so unusual :?

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Post by Стейси » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:25

Use m\m W-iy, only vtroryh alpha...
Took m\m for many purposes, but in order to uludshat their artistic skills, actually bothers to paint a General stiffness inside, the fear of the story line nor there, and the lack of spatial thinking.
In the diary each day write down carefully how it affected me after listening to a certain seciii. Including at the end enter:
deysvtie intuition is something
-the action of drawing this
-and what was dreams, recorded in the morning.
I was very surprised :shock: that after listening to S. R04, hand paints freely and vyderzhivatjsya all the proportions, if there is an error I see it and know how to fix this, it's so amazing that no words, because this issue was already not the first year, and spodarek was not :?

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Post by Глада » Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:13

Hello everybody. Just want to thank Andrew Kabankova for the work accomplished by sending MM Nova Pro 100. After two months of waiting I got it. First impressions were Wow....... You ... came and a but still working ( the path is certainly not close) resembles a typewriter 70-80 years and in the wires can be confusing , but at the same time it seems adinoyi inspires confidence .Demonstrate how not very difficult ( although reading the reviews of the goat "dense forest") , but When you walk into the session, let the relaxation r01 r02, etc. in order after 10 seconds otweta button resets on sleep . Is this normal or I something do not right click? And I want to know . Drives Patrushev connecting to MM such as the file Explorer, you can listen to MP 3 or not?

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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:28

Hello,thanks for the gratitude :)

Based on your message,in the form in which it is written ,readers have the impression that within two months you wanted us to deliver the goods.
Nova About sending EMS mail to France was immediately after the explosion in Domodedovo and she was not accepted on the plane.Land route took a long time,as we were notified of EMS mail,and you were aware of the situation.
Sending to other countries had no such problems.

After a ten-second reference light in front of the values of beat frequencies (located opposite to sleep,reading the description will give the answers to the question),listen to the Conductor when uncompressed.

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Post by Глада » Sat Mar 26, 2011 23:14

Hello. Thanks for the quick response. Please enlighten.What does it mean to listen to uncompressed ? Listening to MM for 3 days of the alpha relaxation. Listened to MM disks Patrushev . Very happy with the results although it took very little time. I have a question. While listening where are the sessions? Let's say I turn on the relaxation go down to paragraph 15 (deep relaxation) after 10 seconds burns figure 13.0 and the program is 45 minutes .

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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:22

In nsiatom form,it means the router's CD.
On the display you can display many values,and the duration of the session including all of this information is in the description of the user.

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Post by Глада » Sun Mar 27, 2011 21:33

The question was : is it Possible to listen SD Patrushev on MM via MP3 . or MP3 is suitable only for theta programs. It is actually great that you can ask a question directly and get answer. And one more question: what you need to listen to a program from motion sickness? ( if there are)

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sun Mar 27, 2011 21:50

Глада wrote:the Question was : is it Possible to listen SD Patrushev on MM via MP3 . or MP3 is suitable only for theta programs. It is actually great that you can ask a question directly and get answer. And one more question: what you need to listen to a program from motion sickness? ( if there are)
Can and MP3, but only in WAV format.
Motion sickness help Star traveler (2nd track) and Massage of the Brain - in two weeks of regular classes.

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Post by Глада » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:21

Hi Andrew. Explain please what is WAV format.

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Post by Грицько » Thu Apr 14, 2011 16:00

Hello. Acquired "Inner Pulse"& Color Track Glasses. Began to study the manual. There are questions that cannot answer. 1. How to make the choice of tone? 2.- To experience the binaural rhythm is possible using the LFS. How do I set the difference of frequencies F1-1.0 hz and the frequency of R1 to 128.
3. How do I get a sample dbb tone?;4.How to choice height? 5.How can I make the frequency selection? 6. How to select phase? 7. And what is that hole in the side panel, between the button "Op" and output "L"? Ladies and gentlemen -Andrew Kabakov and Andrei Patrushev, speaking to you. You as the creators of the website and translator of the user can help me with answers to my questions. I would be very grateful. With respect Gritsko Grishchenko.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Apr 14, 2011 19:31

Глада wrote:Hello Andrew. Explain please what is WAV format.
This is an uncompressed audio file format.

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Post by Грицько » Sat Apr 16, 2011 3:30

Hello,good Sirs.Can I something not understand? But somehow, it is strange you have it works. The product is sold, and on the issues related to manual do not want to answer. Or do you answer only the appropriate questions for you? If you do not want to answer directly so can at least indicate where on the forum have the answer? And the forum is huge yet you will find. :wiz

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:50

Hello, Gritsko
Please explain what's the problem? What steps, according to the instructions, You are doing and what goes wrong?
If You figured out how to enable session?

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Post by Грицько » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:22

Hello. Yeah,I figured out how to enable,select the desired session. Can even share the results. But this is where my quantitative experiences will gain more qualitative form. Question 1. Pitch selection.Below is a description of the 8 choices sound a pulsating tone.I absolutely do not understand how to choose them and adjust.T.e. there is a name there is a description . How to achieve them is not clear.
Question 2. To experience the binaural rhythm is possible using the LFS. I set the mode ODP. How to set the difference of frequencies is not clear.
Вопрос3. Sample dbd tones.How to set the Tone in dbd well idolise whose names are neither on the panel nor on the display.
Вопрос3. The height range. How to choose 30 the ratio of the frequencies?
Вопрос4 Selection phase. How to choose?
Вопрос5. On the end panel where the button and the connector plugs. There is not a closed hole.The impression that there are not enough buttons or connector. What's this hole?
Well, that's all. I hope I have clearly stated my questions. Looking forward to the answers. With respect Gritsko Grishchenko.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:39

When You are in the LFS, the parameters themselves are selected by SELEKT button, and their values by pressing the UP or DOWN (according to the instructions :?)

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Post by Грицько » Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:37

Hello. You that, joke decided to make a joke? Or do not understand what I'm asking? I'm not asking how I can set the manual mode! In this mode, use buttons up\doun Select! I'm interested in Question 1. Pitch selection.Below is a description of the 8 choices sound a pulsating tone.I absolutely do not understand how to choose them and adjust.T.e. there is a name: PFr;PSu;PCh;bb;bbs;dbb;dsb there is a description . How to achieve them is not clear.
Question 2. To experience the binaural rhythm is possible using the LFS. I set the mode ODP. How to establish the difference of the frequencies : F1-1.0 Hz and the frequency of R1 to 128 it is not clear.
Вопрос3. Sample dbd tones.How to set the Tone in dbd well idolise whose names are neither on the panel nor on the display.
Вопрос3. The height range. How to choose 30 the ratio of the frequencies? In this section you do not understand how to set the parameters of the TONE ; FreQUENCY F=1 well, etc. have the text in the instructions.
Вопрос4 Selection phase. How to choose? How to choose PF,PS,PC u bbможно to change the PHASE parameter,....Further below in the text instructions nothing is clear. Some of the eye/ear,cross,in phase.....
Вопрос5. On the end panel where the button and the connector plugs. There is not a closed hole.The impression that there are not enough buttons or connector. What's this hole?

Андрей Патрушев
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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:04

Грицько wrote:Hello. You that, joke decided to make a joke? Or do not understand what I'm asking?
Unfortunately, I can't understand what You do not understand. :?
So I read the user manual:the SELECT Button you select. Use UP DOWN to change value. (Flashing led indicates which parameter You are changing).
1. By pressing the DOWN button to select the oPc mode, click PLAY, starts the countdown, during which the SELECT button to enter the mode change time of the session (and then it only displayed but cannot be changed), the PLAY button, the countdown continues and we enter the manual control mode,
2. Led blinking frequency F1, the UP and DOWN buttons to change to the desired value
3. Click SELECT to select the next parameter, etc, etc. :)
In some it is necessary to enter the submenu pressing the optional PLAY button.

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