Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Thu Mar 01, 2012 19:14

Some comrades, deprived of attention in real life, look for it on our forum, the theme may be anything and the answers to the questions posed here do not have special values, so I think...
Well, well, build hypotheses! I'll go to a medical forum and there is my answer, I think, smarter!

PYSY. Are you clairvoyant? Disappoint You - You are wrong. Attention in real life, I have enough, but the work will not have to ask such boltologiya you, but someone respectable! Because I was hoping to get an answer for work...

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Димас » Thu Mar 01, 2012 19:26

Good Luck To You!

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Mar 01, 2012 21:24

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:Thank you, Andrew, need to the conclusions I made for myself (in other words, I won the debatebut you never admit it).
Here is another fighter invisible front... :lol:

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu Mar 01, 2012 21:27

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:And I will go to a medical forum and there is my answer, I think, smarter!
On a medical forum to questions about achieving trance with the help of technical means offered, usually, to dial 03 and cause spetsbrigada... :?

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Тоха » Thu Mar 01, 2012 21:38

Андрей Патрушев wrote:medical forum to questions about achieving trance with the help of technical means offered, usually, to dial 03 and cause spetsbrigada...
:ay Andrew-Oh))) Let him believe he is there help)).

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Igor » Thu Mar 01, 2012 22:17

Potamotrygonidae counterproductive You have the dialogue turns out... (IMHO it's Your fault by the way) but it's Your...

A bit of explanation on the subject:
Тоха wrote:I Have no sleep, but I think that the device is confined only to one clear function. He performs and turning the brain into the frequency of sleep. It is doubtful that it is possible to use other States when the brain hollowed one frequency.
My device overlaps in the mode of electrosleep from 1-160 Hz and mode electroanalgesia 60-2000 Hz.
ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:I Have a hunch that using "Electrosleep" it is possible to achieve a stable condition of the TRANS - enough to put it on that frequency, which corresponds to the frequency of brain waves when in trance. Ask knowledgeable people confirm or deny as important for me to know!
Here's a little copy-paste from the Internet, judge for yourself:
http://www.sanvoronezh.ru/art_son.htm wrote: In the book "Electric" V. A. Gilyarovsky et al. (1953; 1958) pointed out that between electronarcosis and electrosleep there are differences. They identified 4 phases of electrosleep with different degree of prevalence and depth of inhibition in the brain. The first phase is a state of slumber, objective data of braking process in the cerebral cortex are absent, reflex stable. In the second stage, a partial braking process in the cerebral cortex with the advent of hypnotic phase of shallow sleep; conditioned reflex is unstable and appears after prolonged action of the conditioned stimulus. The third phase is the deep sleep state, significant inhibition of the cerebral cortex, reflex is missing, unconditional saved, the acoustic analyzer is turned off. The fourth phase (observed very rarely) - the deep sleep state; the inhibition from the cortex spreads to the subcortical-stem formations, there are no conditional and unconditional reflexes. The authors showed that the best results in treatment are obtained after a long stay patient in a drowsy state or a state of hypnotic sleep, not deep sleep. Even after a short sleep sessions that the patient has a feeling of vitality and improves mood. If during the procedure the patient is not asleep, night sleep is still normal. It could be assumed that the electric in the Central nervous system results in more profound changes than those caused by the natural extension of night sleep.
I think Potamotrygonidae interested in the second phase.
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Hard? - Yes, I admit it. There electrostrictive cells, electrolysis of the extracellular and intracellular fluid and unnatural shift of the extracellular potential...
A small remark about the usefulness of...
http://www.sanvoronezh.ru/art_son.htm wrote:Electric has a beneficial effect on some mechanisms of vegetative regulation: breathing becomes deeper, increasing the oxygen content in the blood compared to pharmacological and natural sleep. The indicators of protein and carbohydrate metabolism are normal, observed a small and transient increase of lactic, pyruvic acids and blood sugar.
Under the influence of electrosleep therapy manifest following a pronounced therapeutic effects of the action:
— sedative and tranquilizing (reduces emotional tension, improves mood, normal natural sleep);
— analgesic (due to the stimulation of opioid system in the brain);
— anti-hypertensive;
— hemodynamic (rebuilt the Central and autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system without negative shifts in the coronary and cerebral circulation);
— hormonal (pronounced stimulation of pituitary function);
— immunomodulatory;
— metabolic and trophic (affects the Central mechanisms of different metabolic processes in the body (carbohydrate, lipid, purine, improves the oxygen-transport function of blood));
— regeneration (if different damage processes stimulates regeneration processes).
And that is absolutely true!
Димас wrote:MM and Electrosleep completely different. Electric admirably with the problem of falling asleep and relaxation. MM this is a trainer for the brain, designed to teach the person to enter in the right state of consciousness and there is something to do or NOT to do (depending on goals).
z.s. I'd add, practice has shown 1 hour sleep(NAP) replaces 2 hours of full sleep.<

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:38

On health forum to questions about achieving trance with the help of technical means offered, usually, to dial 03 and cause spetsbrigada...
Andrey Vadimovich, but here I think get sensible answers? Where are they? Or your evasive replica can be regarded as a comprehensive answer to the question? Admit that You have nothing to argue on the merits, and that's all!
My device overlaps in the mode of electrosleep from 1-160 Hz and mode electroanalgesia 60-2000 Hz.
Igor, thank You, one of You here honestly say that your ten thousandth the device has an adjustable frequency of exposure, what I'm saying. Mr. Patrushev, please comment on your lies about what adjustable devices such as "Electrosleep" supposedly stand for a hundred Grand! In General, I feel, in this topic I have nothing more to do - I don't think would benefit from a malicious replica of the local "experts"!

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:43

I Think Potamotrygonidae interested in the second phase.
You're absolutely right, Igor. Thank you for understand me!

Dimas, You were electrosleep treatment. And the frequency at what You set? One? Or changed it? Or you do not know - just lay flat and sank into a deep sleep under the effect of the device?

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Igor » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:12

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:Mr. Patrushev, please comment on your lies about what adjustable devices such as "Electrosleep" supposedly stand for a hundred Grand!
Mr. Patrushev is absolutely right, because he was talking about the instruments of TES therapy, and it is quite another direction.
catalog of the instrument TES therapy You can see here: http://tescenter.ru/Catalog.aspx

A little explanation the Doctor TES-03 and Transair–03 does not have a frequency adjustment, and works on one frequency (of 77.7 Hz). Only since Transair–04 appears this feature well worth Transair–04 ~84000 R.
Last edited by Igor on Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:22, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:20

Mr. Patrushev is absolutely right, because he was talking about the instruments of TES therapy, and it is quite another direction.
catalog of the instrument TES therapy You can see here: http://tescenter.ru/Catalog.aspx
When I directly asked Patrushev about whether a simple device type is "Electric" with adjustable frequency effects the effect of immersion in a trance, he began to evade a direct answer, dragged (sorry for the rude expression) here transcranial stimulation (although I didn't ask again, I asked the only question about electrosleep treatment), then I, not restrain, quipped about what I say, then buy TPP. It was ironic... He is very unpleasant to reluctantly admit that my goals can come not only pricey TES, but the device is approximately similar to yours, Igor.

With a mind-machine I was doing for several months. Also I tried downloaded from the Internet programs of binaural beats, different psihogeneratorov and other things. Main problem: when the stimulation is only light and sound, for me personally, the effect is INSUFFICIENT. For example, I include a mind-machine, in the first few seconds she relaxes me, but then climb from the inside of consciousness is deeply entrenched some haunting thoughts, they bother me, and the problem is that the mind-machine can not to kill them. In this regard, I suspect that more than a gross impact - forced, forced blowing directly the electrical current through the brain fibres may give a more tangible effect. What is there to understand?

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Igor » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:28

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:With the mind-machine I was doing for several months. Also I tried downloaded from the Internet programs of binaural beats, different psihogeneratorov and other things. Main problem: when the stimulation is only light and sound, for me personally, the effect is INSUFFICIENT. For example, I include a mind-machine, in the first few seconds she relaxes me, but then on the inside of Osmania climb deeply entrenched some haunting thoughts, they bother me, and the problem is that the mind-machine can not to kill them. In this regard, I suspect that more than a gross impact - forced, forced blowing directly the electrical current through the brain fibres may give a more tangible effect. What is there to understand?
I think the electric in this regard will disappoint You. If You think that electric will paralyze your thinking you are wrong. During the procedure electrosleep is very similar to what you describe condition. Ie
climb deeply entrenched some obsessive thoughts
I think You should just go somewhere course electrosleep to understand that this is not what you expect...

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:34

I Think the electric in this regard will disappoint You. If You think that electric will paralyze your thinking you are wrong. During the procedure electrosleep is very similar to what you describe condition. Ie
climb deeply entrenched some obsessive thoughts

I think You should just go somewhere course electrosleep to understand that this is not what you expect...
I have the assumption that they will climb, but will not cause EMOTIONS (as the cortex is inhibited). That's what I want to quietly with these thoughts to work on. korchevate them. Admit it, Igor, is that right?

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:46

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:Andrei V., and here I think get sensible answers? Where are they? Or your evasive replica can be regarded as a comprehensive answer to the question? Admit that You have nothing to argue on the merits, and that's all!
Yes, I tried, as much as, specifically, to answer Your vague questions. If that was unclear, so just to ask again or clarify. :wink: And, mind you, I never even said, just ask and agreed. :) To electricity I'm negative and specifically wrote You why. 8) Your job is to take this into account or not, You can't pull. And, moreover, I'm not arguing with You, - "I told You about the goat, and You tell me about the cow" - that's our whole conversation...
I can only say that You advance, even in my first post, for some reason, started us all here something to suspect. This may have added a bit of irony in my answers... :oops: But I, again, came from the fact that we are dealing with an adult and self-sufficient man who is joking, and as they say, pedegral You...

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:54

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:He is very unpleasant to reluctantly admit that my goals can come not only pricey TES, but the device is approximately similar to yours, Igor.
What makes You think that I don't like it? Just a kindergarten-then lit... :? On the contrary, I am very pleased that the human mind does not stand still, and in the market there are devices available for people, but as they say "one Cannot embrace the unembraceable" and "for all will not follow" :?

By the way, Igorthere in the instrument the pulse duration automatically to the frequency sequence set, or there is a table in the user manual?

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:57

But I, again, came from the fact that we are dealing with an adult and self-sufficient man who is joking, and as they say, pedegral You...
Prostte if we don't understand each other. But, unfortunately, I'm not kidding, but for me really this question is very important. Sorry if clumsily stated.
With a mind-machine I was doing for several months. Also I tried downloaded from the Internet programs of binaural beats, different psihogeneratorov and other things. Main problem: when the stimulation is only light and sound, for me personally, the effect is INSUFFICIENT. For example, I include a mind-machine, in the first few seconds she relaxes me, but then climb from the inside of consciousness is deeply entrenched some haunting thoughts, they bother me, and the problem is that the mind-machine can not to kill them. In this regard, I suspect that more than a gross impact - forced, forced blowing directly the electrical current through the brain fibres may give a more tangible effect. What is there to understand?
I Have the assumption that they will climb, but will not cause EMOTIONS (as the cortex is inhibited). That's what I want to quietly with these thoughts to work on. korchevate them. Admit it, Igor, is that right?
Here I clarified your question, I think!

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Igor » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:00

Андрей Патрушев wrote:by the Way, Igor, where in the instrument the pulse duration automatically to the frequency sequence set, or there is a table in the user manual?
Can be set automatically(default), it is possible and manually.
I use the defaults because not much delved into what it affects.

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:05

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:is INSUFFICIENT. For example, I include a mind-machine, in the first few seconds she relaxes me, but then climb from the inside of consciousness is deeply entrenched some haunting thoughts, they bother me, and the problem is that the mind-machine can not to kill them. In this regard, I suspect that more than a gross impact - forced, forced blowing directly the electrical current through the brain fibres may give a more tangible effect.
I'm not in vain asked You first - why You need it and what You going to do about it. And instead of sponge blow, and I suspect everyone here for his own sins, you could explain that and why.
Electricity will not help You. First and foremost, you need to change your approach to the "war" on sincere research. Do not need to kill to push to uproot, etc., etc., In the limit it leads to schizophrenia - who with whom struggles? It is good that "thoughts climb" (much worse than their absence :wink: ). Just watch them, not getting involved, marking the start and end of each... Admit it, in the end. They climb on and that You did not want to recognize. :wink:

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:08

Igor wrote:Can be set automatically(default), it is possible and manually.I use the defaults because not much delved into what it affects.
I asked that there is some failure when the pulse duration can in principle not match the frequency of...

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Igor » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:09

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:That's what I want to quietly with these thoughts to work on. korchevate them. Admit it, Igor, is that right?
I don't know, I used electric for the treatment/prevention of depression, and frequency I put in 77 Hz to obtain the maximum number of endorphins. But working with thoughts I had not planned, so can not say anything.

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Igor » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:11

Igor wrote:I asked that there is some failure when the pulse duration can in principle not match the frequency of...
I think You will give more information instruction manual.
I as a layman can something make a mess.

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:13

Ah, thank you!

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by ПочемуТолькоРусскими » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:14

It's good that "thoughts climb" (much worse than the lack of them ). Just watch them, not getting involved, marking the start and end of each...
Let's say I do it. But they will not disappear. Say I have a parasitic chain of internal dialogue that takes place on a subconscious level - I remember the Bob - I don't like it - the surge of emotion the type of "I can't live in the world, when there are such nasty people - depression (as a result). To break needed, not agree with You, brute force. Enough for me to vilakati a bottle of vodka, and all is presented in bright colors, these experiences are forgotten. Mind-machine this does not. If stultifying me another powerful incentive, like electricity, which roughly forced me to be immune to emotions, and consciously rooted in cystocoele, it can eventually root in my psyche, and depression will disappear. But to observe the thoughts can be infinite, but the trouble is that my personal experience shows me that one that they can't disappear forever!

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Re: Mind-machine in comparison with medical devices

Post by Андрей Патрушев » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:32

ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:let's Say I do it. But they will not disappear. Say I have a parasitic chain of internal dialogue that takes place on a subconscious level - I remember the Bob - I don't like it - the surge of emotion the type of "I can't live in the world, when there are such nasty people - depression (as a result). To break needed, not agree with You, brute force.
Brute force against oneself, a loved one (and in most cases, and to others), no good cause can not. Neither AVS nor electricity is not pills and vodka. For You, they will not do anything. But You, as I understand it, do not want life vodka or pills to eat...
Your parasitic chain is "only" :? one day a learned behavior. So how much would You just so no lying even with the AVS, even with electricity, though the vodka or drugs, but do not give it. Need to consciously change this behavior by setting another chain, like, "Yes, there is such as "Bob", but there is also Peter, Vova and Masha, etc., plus a bunch of good "things" and truly enjoy it. Moreover, it is impossible to get off again to "Bob". That is, no matter how many times this "Bob" is not remembered, so many times it is necessary to continue this chain of good events in Your life. With AVS and electricity (IMHO, to a lesser extent :?) it can be done much faster, but for about 2-3 weeks. A particular negative with the "Bob" should be further developed (in order to remove the too strong emotional intensity) with the techniques of TAT, EFT, and peat (which is more like it). If You have enough determination and courage - you can handle yourself, if you feel that there is - find a good specialist in NLP.

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