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Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 13:06
by Акела
The request of the holders of C-Gold to share his impressions, he bought it. With products LIK experience in cooperation With Super and Body felt immediately, but Gold, well, if only for some individual characteristics. I sincerely appreciate the ideas!

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 13:18
by Ростислав
the most important thing to think only about good things and to set goals far higher than I possess!!!

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 13:23
by Ростислав
gold compared to conventional very large leap , you start to treat everything as if to look at all the problems and all the troubles which had seemed enormous from the top down (my personal feeling) and see the simplest ways to implement them without much effort and strained!!!
Congratulations on the purchase of such an instrument to change reality for the better)))
but don't expect that tomorrow you will fall good for everyone and all again depends on what you consider good

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 16:05
by АльфМ
Discount in the store got on sports.pants Adidas for 30% of cost bought! I about such dreamt, but there was no place to buy..)
Bought 2 pieces, the other, too, so he touched the abundance..)
SB gold thing! treat her with deep respect.
Somehow all this is a coincidence or not, but I bought a home one device for acupuncture, a new, familiar sold with 40% discount!
I thought that until you can afford it.
Try "programming" SB gold.
A year ago, barely took the SAT, I wanted to change something for the better, but did not succeed himself.
And, even health has improved, I thank the distinguished ASD!
This year I was able to take SB gold without any tension, it's just wonders for me.
And yet it turns out to help as many people as I wanted.
I started to wear the SBG, immediately felt that this thing is a different dimension than the SB, already gives a different feeling, as if the scale changes, or something..
Svetlitsa super gave a sample to a friend, he is just crazy about her, good sensitivity in humans.
And the key to the SB, too, is said, has become more stable to be in a state of meditation.
I myself changed in a year, the parlor made me feel light inside, as if joy , coming from inside, the joy of the spirit how to describe it..

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 18:38
by Ростислав
Yes, I also wanted to write this:
Svetlitsa Blaga reveals only the stream to which they are constantly striving (as it reveals to us the ordinary people's eyes which had been closed for many years and we have not seen those things for us just to see and understand in order to obtain certain benefits) and happened to me before, I could not escape from the bondage of credit and debt put on me and my family by our dear powers that be and the bankers but now, I help people to get away from all this to see the light in the dark and to break out of this slavery)))) Thanks to Sergey Dinovich and another whose name is Sergei on this forum to call is strictly prohibited - yet
Thank You We Are Changing The World ))))))

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 15:54
by Фиолет
Yeah :-) We Can Do A Lot :D

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 18:44
by Акела
Thank you for the useful replica, I really thought that no purpose of the topic was opened.
How SBG started wearing, immediately felt that this thing is a different dimension than the SB, already gives a different feeling, as if the scale changes, or something..
-It seems I have the same experiences!
Try "programming" SB gold.
But then I think of the meaning, to program yourself! :)

And that th, straight plot 8) 8) 8)
and another whose name is Sergei on this forum to call are strictly prohibited

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 18:45
by Ростислав
SPM :ay

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 0:20
by froddo888
oops, I also have SPM in the resistance)))

Svetlitsa Blaga worth it?))

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 0:57
by Ростислав
Yes worth it 100%
We Can Do A Lot ))))

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:46
by Акела
froddo888 wrote:oops, I also have SPM in the resistance)))

Svetlitsa Blaga worth it?))
In guys give, just like Potter - "the Man whose name you can't pronounce is back! Voldemor Voldemort?" The elbow brushing! However az SPM unknown to me, but if he is one of the arbiters of the parlor and my thanks to him!

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 17:00
by Андрей Кабанков
Take sillico good (I'm really a diamond) when you need to get a discount when buying something.
The other day when the car got a share from the manufacturer to 309 thousand discounts, plus the salon threw in another 80,in the end, the total turned off 389 thousand,which I was very glad. :ay
The truth had staff call the Director of the dealership,as at the level of the head of sales of more than 10 thousand additional discounts is not out,and I was persistent :)

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 19:06
by Акела
Lol! :roll: bi Remains for me to understand what is happening between man and reality when they inter the room I guess? :wiz

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 21:03
by Андрей Кабанков
Modestly I really wanted I threw 589 thousand, but it was not real, because it happened below the purchasing dealer prices. :?

But it turned out that I came at the right time, as the plan of sales because of the may holidays are done and the cabin went on the price.

And all this was preceded by an interesting event, I planted the son in his previous car, and say, look, sit down , how do you like it? He was sitting in BJ's 3.0 and panacea says of course like, well, say, like buying a new car, you give this.
Leaving the next day from the garage, I didn't see the car at the exit to the left onto the road and was found with a small Pontiac that was costing me at the door.And by tradition ,after the accident I part with the car, so son drop my old car, and I the next day bought a new one.
That's the story.
I should add that the old car had insurance and repair costs will be free.

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 22:21
by Андрей Кабанков
In the mail I received a letter:
If this room brings financial gain, then when why You
sell, especially for 858000 rubles? Use her myself and let
You flow any good, and if You do well, give it
anyone who needs it. Or exactly the mechanism of supply of money
in Your understanding - to sell one of the plastic cards cost
the manufacture of 20-30 RUB for 858000, thereby obtaining the same inflow
for yourself?
Maybe the more people give, the more his mind will be
the significance of this piece of plastic? The more thoughts that this works
and the more inflow of wealth?
No one person will change but himself, he chooses the tools
for my changes, maybe with people over the net in work
mechanisms of life, to show that everything that happens in their lives
only happens to them in their final hour. To do them
independent, free, and to experience more of this light,
sincere feelings and thoughts.

p.s. Not depend on whether You're from this piece of plastic?


Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 22:32
by Андрей Кабанков
I'm not a fan lead paraisko individually,so I will answer here.
Products are sold and not given away,as on their development and the further development of technology spent a lot of money by the manufacturer,and 12 people involved in the project calculated to get a monthly salary.
I,as the founder of this project with the benefits of all the good,think not that I have any special abilities to the business.and because we're going in the right direction,the world likes it and he supports us.
That kasama RF good deeds,participate in charity to the next branch,and get the Room for free the Diamond is from the manufacturer.
That someone who really needs it,I give the product at your expense,but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it for everyone.
All products sold on this website are TOOLS in the hands of their owners.Oglyanites around,look how many tools a person is using in its activities.We sell products that are tools to improve the quality of life.To abandon them,that would be to make the handles,think it is wrong,and not everyone can do without the tools,try to do at least a simple stool with their bare hands.You'll need a saw,hammer,plane.Why not use the tools to influence the world at the level of Energo-informational technologies?

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 0:37
by -Сергей-
Андрей Кабанков wrote:I'm not a fan lead paraisko individually,so I will answer here.
Products are sold and not given away,as on their development and the further development of technology spent a lot of money by the manufacturer,and 12 people involved in the project calculated to get a monthly salary.
I,as the founder of this project with the benefits of all the good,think not that I have any special abilities to the business.and because we're going in the right direction,the world likes it and he supports us.
That kasama RF good deeds,participate in charity to the next branch,and get the Room for free the Diamond is from the manufacturer.
That someone who really needs it,I give the product at your expense,but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it for everyone.
All products sold on this website are TOOLS in the hands of their owners.Oglyanites around,look how many tools a person is using in its activities.We sell products that are tools to improve the quality of life.To abandon them,that would be to make the handles,think it is wrong,and not everyone can do without the tools,try to do at least a simple stool with their bare hands.You'll need a saw,hammer,plane.Why not use the tools to influence the world at the level of Energo-informational technologies?
Greetings to All members of the forum!

For the development and further development of plastic cards are spent... Yes, some money. Sold at the highest price 858000 rubles. Yes, you have a layer of clients, who believe in a toothpick, if you pay a million for it. While you with a benefit all right.
So you just use the unconscious stratum of society which benefit all right, and declare that you are going in the right direction for peace???
And you're right.
Create Svetlitsa-Blaga-consciousness with the price of 8 580 000 and you will not rebound from customers.
But if you're right, standing in front of a mirror, in which the eyes of all your truth... wouldn't You like something more to take the next step that will reveal something more to you. And let's not talk about money with money you can buy food but not appetite, a bed but not sleep, pills but not the health, of the woman but not love....
You have come to yourself and, I hope, you understand me.
If you know can reply to the email.
If all of this nonsense - just delete this message, all the time.

Sincerely, Sergey.<

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 4:43
by Легенда
-Сергей- wrote: Greetings to All members of the forum!

For the development and further development of plastic cards are spent... Yes, some money. Sold at the highest price 858000 rubles. Yes, you have a layer of clients, who believe in a toothpick, if you pay a million for it. While you with a benefit all right.
So you just use the unconscious stratum of society which benefit all right, and declare that you are going in the right direction for peace???
And you're right.
Create Svetlitsa-Blaga-consciousness with the price of 8 580 000 and you will not rebound from customers.
But if you're right, standing in front of a mirror, in which the eyes of all your truth... wouldn't You like something more to take the next step that will reveal something more to you. And let's not talk about money with money you can buy food but not appetite, a bed but not sleep, pills but not the health, of the woman but not love....
You have come to yourself and, I hope, you understand me.
If you know can reply to the email.
If all of this nonsense - just delete this message, all the time.

Sincerely, Sergey.
That would use SB Briliant, you need to learn to use the entire range, which gives a gradual development of the energy channels. And how to make that the client used the line as intended ? I'll tell you. Limit budget. And that was done. And before you piss on people, at least read the forum, and then refuse that barrel roll up the hill.

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:07
by Андрей Кабанков
-Sergey-I think you've been reading esoteric, and are under the influence of one of the currents.To take steps in this direction I have no desire.
With gusto, love and health I'm fine and I sleep like a baby.
Where did you get that money this way? Allow the money to lead an interesting life, give us the freedom to do what you want, be where we want to be.There are people for whom the very process of earning becomes an end in itself, but I'm not one of them, directly into the business I spend a couple of days a week, no more, the rest of the time just enjoying life.
I would not want to waste your time communicating in the format of the correspondence by e-mail if you have thoughts you want to share, you can do so here.I think it might be interesting and different.

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:12
by Акела
are unconscious stratum of society which benefit all right, /
Oh, I would sylochku on a man who in sober mind and clear memory would buy me a box of matches for a million. Really it's more like patronage, not people with benefits "on myakish" not up to snuff. :(

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 13:09
by Андрей Кабанков
Such clients we have, those who buy the device for hundreds of thousands know how to count the money and come to buy consciously, checking the performance of products on a budget options. These clients that are willing to buy everything, looking not only exist in the imagination of people far from the real business.

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 21:48
by Ростислав

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 21:49
by -Сергей-
Andrew, nothing personal, as I understand, and well, spirituality too, well...Poo. And I'm very happy for Your Sleep and Health. )) And no restrictions with the money, on the contrary!, my offer still stands about the Svetlitsa-Blaga-Consciousness for 8 580 000, the scale should BE!.. and then, the next layer was left without attention.
But I still feel a little sadness and regret about your naslyshany...
This will say goodbye, with all due Respect to All Forum users!
I wish You All victories on the money front.. and back home from the field of battle Alive.


Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 22:25
by Акела
Well thanks for that, but then I thought "Александр79" No. 2 appeared! Good luck! :)

Re: Svetlitsa-Gold

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 0:47
by Ростислав
Yes, quite a while no one blew up the forum(((( Gaal