How to be?

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How to be?

Post by Борисыч » Sat May 22, 2010 19:05

Recently found out by chance about "the Parlor". Interested.
Thinking in series about the acquisition.
But it's money for me not small I'm unemployed, I decided to see what they write.
A lot of different reviews....
Here is for example: ... henie.html

What do you say? Don't know what to think, doubtful.

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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Sat May 22, 2010 20:56

And what do you actually comment? In this opus, I did not see any thoughts...
And it is not opinion.That would something to the judge we should at least have a subject about which they write, or to study the subject,in this case, neither one nor the other.But there is a desire to write something.
If in doubt,keep your money to yourself and live peacefully.

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Post by МерКаБа » Sun May 23, 2010 2:15

Borisych go to the topic: owners Reviews of the parlor (without discussion)
That's where real, live feedback, not someone unconscious sarcasm.

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Post by Борисыч » Sun May 23, 2010 2:34

Thank you very much, be sure to read owner reviews.
I'm just at the end of the note, and Exler's even read...
Here and thought...

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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Sun May 23, 2010 9:48

Valuable opinion of those who use parlor and because of this has some kind of experience that and islahat.Or people working in energy and information technology and knowledge of the subject.Ostalnoe ,in my opinion,this exposition of his worldview,which does not fit the existence of energy-informational interactions.It can be dressed in a different shape,depending on the reading audience,but the value of all this is zero.

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Re: How to be?

Post by Фантас » Sun May 23, 2010 10:46

Борисыч wrote:Recently accidentally found out about "the Parlor". Interested.
Thinking in series about the acquisition.
But it's money for me not small I'm unemployed, I decided to see what they write.

What do you say? Don't know what to think, doubtful.
For the unemployed - time is cheap and capital expensive, so it makes sense to think about achieving the same effect without buying the various "parlor" and "bracelet of life", and their own efforts. The technology itself is nothing new and it for thousands of years - from time immemorial people have been making talismans, amulets, charms, created tulpae, thought forms, and servitors, etc., so when money is scarce and a lot of time, it makes sense to think about how to master it yourself. And the money is better left to something more important, IMHO.

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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Sun May 23, 2010 11:06

As I understand the action of the chamber benefits,this increase in the dimension of time that is raising the event.Due to the dense stream of events ahead,including towards finding new areas of earning.
Maybe Mas time,but nothing happens,no needed meetings,coincidences,do not open new sources of information.

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Post by Борисыч » Tue May 25, 2010 6:53

2 Andrey Kabakov : please Tell me, where did You get the confidence that "dimension of time" has increased and "eventfulness increased" because you have "drawing rooms" and not for other reasons?
After all, what is written by the owners of the "Parlor" - it's their SUBJECTIVE experience that is impossible to check... right?...

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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Tue May 25, 2010 9:18

Any experience with the events is subjective.
Full of confidence can not be here ever.
But if you start to use the product properties is to increase community and see this increase,then why attribute it to other reasons.In my picture of the world present Energo-informational interaction,I don't need to fit everything that happens for other reasons.Though it can be done in any situation.


Post by Кот » Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:57

Borisych, well, you bought something from the parlor??
What are your impressions?
And I wonder did "the parlor" article in the blog that the bombing "chamber"?

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Post by Смелый » Wed Jun 09, 2010 13:34

If someone thought about the usefulness of products, at least in this plane, as I now describe, I posts not met.
We know carry our products establish or restore communication, event number, etc. between media products and external structures. But sometimes in posts is of the opinion that the products do not work or give negative effect. I would venture to explain this as follows. The connection between US and the EXTERNAL STRUCTURES. And who is the WE? Most users with this WE, in my all right. Imagine another situation: a certain man had committed energy effect (of karma, which some people in this world not a lot of this, I will not speak), for example damage or a curse. The result of which the person subjected to such exposure should occur, or strip, or full lack of money. Over time, this program (or grafting, or Maloka) feeding on the energy of the afflicted person grows and successfully executes its task, which it is programmed - that it leaves a person with no money, deteriorates the financial situation. In this respect, it is more human, because it operates in a "Thin Plan". And "Slim Plan", known to be stronger than the material.
I believe that when a person purchases the product, for example "Svetlitsa Blaga", the things might get even worse because SB is the energy-informational parasite actually for the owner and helps HIM to arrange and restore relations with external actors. But the creature has a task - to deprive of the person on which it sits, money, wealth. Here SB (or other), as well help the entity, or to neutralize both of them. After all, the task of determining the truth of the person the product is not worth it. If so, then the person whose result of the purchase of the product things get worse, you must wait for the product to the side and look for a specialist who can determine the presence of energy-destruction and able lose eliminate. Then, once again return to the use of the product. The trouble is that the true experts - units. And They still need to search. But if it's a lesson man, it may take a lot of time. Will there be enough then endurance and patience?
How about this?
Good luck to everyone!<

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Post by Дмитрий В. » Wed Jun 09, 2010 17:42

The chamber helps no one. It helps to interact with the structures.
The seminars ASD argued that the Chamber normalize. And defacing is an artificial obstacle in interaction structures. Ie Svetlitsa helps to overcome this obstacle.

The phenomenon of damage or karma, is characterized specifically as an entity (the energy-informational parasite or like that), only in order to describe this entity and give it properties and characteristics.

Understanding "parlor", the damage is a violation in the interaction of structures (you and world).

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Post by Дмитрий В. » Wed Jun 09, 2010 18:13

About topicstarter and articles.
I agree with the fact that the opinion of the writer only. The same opinion absolutely everyone who have heard about the chamber. but will attend to the matter.
Nevertheless, the people THERE is questions that have answers HERE.
I Wonder who it is clear how the extension of the temporary flow may affect the financial? :)
Well, I can understand it. We live one life. Someone that is rich, someone is empty. Take a look at successful Director. He event occurs after event, constantly. The owners of SAT increase in the time flow gives just speed up such events. T. E. wealth will be more and more often. But it is wealth, not money. Come up with the money for that to work, earn money and buy goods. Immediately the benefits are derived directly, for example (the case today) the doctor at the clinic gave my child instead of 5 minutes - 40. Perhaps saving money for an operation that would have to do in a few years.
Just to each his own.
Some are treated with icons, the other with portraits of Yanukovych, and others the "Good Parlor"
And all the same helps, if it helps.
The main thing to BELIEVE.
But the fourth is collected from the first second and third money.
So it was and always will be.
the theme of "believe" and self-hypnosis, as well as effective methods for self-programming are disclosed in the neighboring sections of this forum, it is very effective you can use for free (program rainbow arc). IMHO better than placebo or even religion. Svetlitsa works no matter you believe or not.

Just wondering what they say about manufacturers.....there must be instructions for use.....
There is all information, with links to the scientific literature. It is based on "theory of interaction of structures", which is described in the book of 800 sheets. These scientific works belong to the scientist from Novosibirsk. That is not to say that it was coming up in the further chamber. To understand, you need to read everything, not only the local descriptions of the actions of the parlor.
you Can indiscreet question?
You at least graduated seven classes?
AS a plastic card, a sticker on the windshield, or some bullshit, not
delved that, not the essence, can AFFECT engine performance???
Explain to me wild and stupid.
I would be very grateful.
On fingers to explain, but not really. Read, read and again read.
Ekonorm the "pipe wrench" product. To understand how the card affects the engine even with 2 higher educations is not real :) But ekonorm can measure up. It's almost the only thing which can prove the devices in any city at any point THEN.<

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Post by АСД » Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:08

Смелый wrote:I Believe that when a person acquires the product, for example "Svetlitsa Blaga", the things might get even worse because SB is the energy-informational parasite actually for the owner and helps HIM to arrange and restore relations with external actors.
Why such a strange conclusion? This is wrong for the following reasons:
1. SB takes nothing and helps no one except the man himself. Restored when the person, not any entity. And the parasites just lose support, as they used these connections. Their connectedness with the person is reduced and their influence are diminished. This increases accuracy and increases the quality of decisions person.
2. SB increases the temporal dimension of interactions and creates prerequisites beyond the usual circle of events. But only for humans.
Смелый wrote:Here SB (or other), as well help the entity, or to neutralize both of them. After all, the task of determining the truth of the person the product is not worth it. If so, then the person whose result of the purchase of the product things get worse, you must wait for the product to the side and look for a specialist who can determine the presence of energy-destruction and able lose eliminate.
The concept of truth inherent in man and it is not necessary to separately identify. But the concept of improvement or deterioration is quite subjective and depends on point of view. From the point of view of a hare, a Fox that hunts him, immoral and amoral, and from the point of view of a Fox all the way around. Therefore, the assessment of SB, in terms of income is flawed, as it doesn't account for many other factors that may be relevant.
The notion of the Good for man determined By where he stands and deeds that he does along the way.
If a person destroys themselves and their families, their habitat, etc. in pursuit of the ruble, it is possible to say that this is good for him? If it leads a parasitic way of life, livin ' their lives and the resource, which he released, then why would he even more of a resource?
So SB is not so easy to assess.
SB creates the conditions for the manifestation of rationality and spirituality of man, but to exercise them can only be man himself. The removal of restrictions on the receipt of benefits is not a process of obtaining benefits. It is also necessary to arrange, hurry up, your wits about you. Imagine that person sitting in a locked room, which he locked with his own ideas about life, their self-restraint and stereotypes. SB helps to unlock those doors (to restore relations), and to get out of the room into another world is necessary to. In fact, many are afraid of this prospect of going outside. He was used to this closed space - time. And there new world is unfamiliar and scary. To take responsibility for themselves is solved by not everyone.
When disclosing your connectivity and increase the dimensionality of interaction is changing people and that he may not like it, or his relatives or friends. When the eyes are opened then the opened picture can be unpleasant. Necessary time and effort to change for the better.
But there is a chance to start the process. The chance to cease to cherish his suhness, and to take a step towards yourself.<

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Post by МерКаБа » Thu Jun 10, 2010 2:25

the notion of the Good for man determined By where he stands and deeds that he does along the way.
When the eyes are opened then the opened picture can be unpleasant. Necessary time and effort to change for the better.
But there is a chance to start the process. The chance to cease to cherish his suhness, and to take a step towards yourself.
:ay Really need explanation at this stage of my life.

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Post by Смелый » Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:56

АСД wrote:
Смелый wrote:
Why such a strange conclusion? This is wrong for the following reasons:
1. SB takes nothing and helps no one except the man himself. Restored when the person, not any entity. And the parasites just lose support, as they used these connections. Their connectedness with the person is reduced and their influence are diminished. This increases accuracy and increases the quality of decisions person.
2. SB increases the temporal dimension of interactions and creates prerequisites beyond the usual circle of events. But only for humans.

The concept of truth inherent in man and it is not necessary to separately identify. But the concept of improvement or deterioration is quite subjective and depends on point of view. From the point of view of a hare, a Fox that hunts him, immoral and amoral, and from the point of view of a Fox all the way around. Therefore, the assessment of SB, in terms of income is flawed, as it doesn't account for many other factors that may be relevant.
The notion of the Good for man determined By where he stands and deeds that he does along the way.
If a person destroys themselves and their families, their habitat, etc. in pursuit of the ruble, it is possible to say that this is good for him? If it leads a parasitic way of life, livin ' their lives and the resource, which he released, then why would he even more of a resource?
So SB is not so easy to assess.
SB creates the conditions for the manifestation of rationality and spirituality of man, but to exercise them can only be man himself. The removal of restrictions on the receipt of benefits is not a process of obtaining benefits. It is also necessary to arrange, hurry up, your wits about you. Imagine that person sitting in a locked room, which he locked with his own ideas about life, their self-restraint and stereotypes. SB helps to unlock those doors (to restore relations), and to get out of the room into another world is necessary to. In fact, many are afraid of this prospect of going outside. He was used to this closed space - time. And there new world is unfamiliar and scary. To take responsibility for themselves is solved by not everyone.
When disclosing your connectivity and increase the dimensionality of interaction is changing people and that he may not like it, or his relatives or friends. When the eyes are opened then the opened picture can be unpleasant. Necessary time and effort to change for the better.
But there is a chance to start the process. The chance to cease to cherish his suhness, and to take a step towards yourself.
Sometimes in conversations when necessary, I propose to recall the famous movie "Aty - Baty" Leonid Bykov. There is a strong scene when the platoon commander (actor Konkin), finds the stolen soap young soldier calling in the army with osvobozhdenii territory from the occupation. Platoon begins to scold fighter and I will always remember the words the older soldier: "Ah, Lieutenant, not starving You." This is what I am. All that I have written, the result of studying different practices and the result of the experiments and their subsequent analysis. Life is made. In 2001, collapsed my regular business. And as I considered this event non-random, decided to investigate why this is so. I went into the esoteric, for that would understand, to return to business more meaningful and strong. This naturally continued attempts to generate new business or carry out commercial transactions generating one-time solid income. Because to live what is necessary, and the seminars and workshops, also require payment at night a few years went taksovat. Several established businesses has burst, and commercial transactions burst is just obscene. The biggest deal, when brokered by a friend, a contract was signed for a period of 17 months for the supply of fertilizers from Ukraine, the seller Egyptian, Vietnam. Our reward - 150 thousand dollars a month for two. He also busted when it came to issuing a letter of credit. So the expression "the Removal of restrictions on the receipt of benefits is not a process of obtaining benefits. It is also necessary to arrange, hurry up, your wits about you. Imagine that person sitting in a locked room, which he locked with his own ideas about life, their self-restraint and stereotypes" - it's not about me.
So, I bought the SS, then SAT. I perfectly understand the usefulness of SS for me in restoring my essential field or energoblock. But with SB it turned out somewhat differently. At work with the boss began terrible conflict, almost to fight, and then everything subsided. In about a month. And then I came to the conclusion that SB helped to extinguish the conflict and to hold a job. In parallel I am not being able to acquire mindmachine, downloaded from the website Veretennikova S. program "Shrink", set frequency of 7.83 and worked. A little later, in his reflections, I again buried in the karma ordered online Pci-Tehnology audio-visual program of "Purification of the vessel of karma", worked with her and in the end, it comes to me information about some very strong clairvoyant. I have seen a lot in her life but what she revealed to me, was a shock for me: "a lady (which I know and which I don't want to see the rest of his life) has ordered me rite on two Golden cross. On the crosses imposed two programs -0тсутствие money I have as long as these crosses being buried in the ground rots and the inability to live in his own apartment for the whole family. This happens for 9 years.
So thanks to the Svetlitsa Super, I have significantly improved energoblock, and she as I know, plays the role of the receiving antenna. And I finally got information about clairvoyant. About the SB, maybe I did not draw the right conclusion. Since a certain amount of money I received. But some amount of money sometimes before I received, however, very rare. I have read a lot about such programmed beings and are here to argue with anyone not going, don't see the point. I'm sorry, if someone offended, but it is. I would argue that programmed entity will steadily perform the functions for which it is programmed. Over time, becoming stronger as it feeds off of negative emotions of the person on which it is parasitic. Moreover, there are not so many specialists can identify and moreover get rid of them. But first the person has to think about his failures, look for their causes and ways of addressing them. But deciding that the security Council may adopt a parasitic essence of the true man - this is just my assumption, but it may be incorrect. Moreover, I do not have the opportunity to attend seminars, as there is no detailed description of all the features of SB. So thank you for this great quote:
"And the parasites just lose support, as they used these connections. Their connectedness with the person is reduced and their influence on human weak". Such knowledge looks like we either have to risk your hide, either in a hot debate. Return Svetlitsa Blaga itself.
And again. Please explain what You had in mind when he wrote the following sentence:

"If a person destroys themselves and their families, their habitat, etc. in pursuit of the ruble, it is possible to say that this is good for him?"

Because when I hear such words about the "pursuit of money", I feel sad and bored and I tend to lose interest in the person uttering these words. It makes no sense to start educational activities about the benefits of material well-being on this website. And the role of the subconscious in the pronunciation of certain phrases.
Good luck to everyone!<

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Post by Маг.нет » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:11

Смелый wrote:Over time, becoming stronger as it feeds off of negative emotions of the person on which it is parasitic.
Overlapping "power supplies" weaken parasitic entity. She (essence) manifests as the "dot" application "programs", after "point", you can either unhook... or move it... or put the mirror barrier... the more weakened the entity, the easier it is to cope.


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Post by Смелый » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:20

Маг.нет wrote:
Смелый wrote:Over time, becoming stronger as it feeds off of negative emotions of the person on which it is parasitic.
Overlapping "power supplies" weaken parasitic entity. She (essence) manifests as the "dot" application "programs", after "point", you can either unhook... or move it... or put the mirror barrier... the more weakened the entity, the easier it is to cope.

To paraphrase a quote from the aforementioned film, I can only say one thing: "Ah, fellow Magician. no. Does not cling to You like the plague". But such esoteric nonsense I have been reading and supremeness. Ad nauseam. More precisely, 7-8 years.

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Post by ГОРОДСКОЙ СУМАСШЕДШИЙ » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:03

Смелый wrote:such esoteric nonsense I have been reading and supremeness

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Post by ГОРОДСКОЙ СУМАСШЕДШИЙ » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:36

Маг.нет wrote:after working with the "point", you can either unhook... or move it... or put the mirror barrier...
Methods can be scientific (Psychology), not esoteric.

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Post by АСД » Thu Jun 10, 2010 20:16

Смелый wrote:Because when I hear such words about the "pursuit of money", I feel sad and bored and I tend to lose interest in the person uttering these words. It makes no sense to start educational activities about the benefits of material well-being on this website. And the role of the subconscious in the pronunciation of certain phrases.
I do not know what "corn" I came when he spoke about the "pursuit of the ruble. However, consider it necessary to explain about the benefits of material prosperity. I believe that any developing human system (esoteric or otherwise) should raise the level of material well-being. And this is one of the criteria for the correctness of the system or the correctness of its application.
I've seen people who start to apply any practice (spiritual, cleansing, etc.) and their familiar world, which provides them with the resources starts to fall apart. Most often, in my opinion, this is due to an incorrect interpretation of systems development and attempts to purify himself from spurious relationships. If these relations one received resource (possibly in exchange of energy or information), then, of course, the resource starts as a result of decrease, and quickly. Cleaning system relations need to be combined with operator construction of new connections. Because, if he did not create bonds to replace lost, be sure to clean the trailer is still some kind of parasitic entity. The emptiness should be filled.
Therefore, SB was designed as a system of transformation of existing relations and not their purification. It's probably intuitively have created a Bold opinion on a possible strengthening of the various entities.
Explain how the system works, the transformation of the relations of SB. Every person has already established various relationships when interacting with other objects (people, organizations, social institutions, etc.). Some may be conventionally considered good and some are bad (parasitic). The evaluation criterion is not entered, so as not to confuse the issue. We assume that the parasitic coupling cause defects in the structure of man. SB creates the conditions of the restructuring and the completion of the human connections in which spurious features are reduced, and the useful amplified or occur. Though the connection may remain or even increase.
An analogy: imagine a crystal in which there are defects (dislocations, impurities, or anything else). You can try to clean the crystal (zone melting, recrystallization, etc.), and you can finish defects to the new and useful structure which will become the new master of the unexpected and strong processes. There are such figures that are formed of points in a cube of plastic. Each point - defect plastic, and together they form a beautiful ornament or sculpture.
Another analogy, common in nature, symbiosis. Former parasites are mutually beneficial. For example the mitochondria was once a bacteria and live your life. Is now part of every cell, providing energy.
The SAT, like any of our products, not struggling with anything and can not help against anything. SB helps to create the conditions most effective vzaimodeystviya and mutual support.

There is such a fight - Aikido is called. Masters of this struggle, always use the opponent's energy with minimal cost to achieve your goals. SB - an informational Aikido.
You can help yourself and strengthen the action of the security Council. But it is important to understand the principle is to transform existing relationships, to complete them to the next level of interaction when the parasitic essence of communication disappears, and the complementarity appears.
In fairy tales are often given a similar model of transformation. In the tale of the sleeping Princess, the original conspiracy to the death transformered into a kind of death - sleep, with the advent of additional wonderful details - Prince, love, happiness.<

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Post by АСД » Thu Jun 10, 2010 20:41

Смелый wrote:moreover, I do not have the opportunity to attend seminars, as there is no detailed description of all the features of SB.
At the seminars we give some of the practices and technology to enhance the capabilities of the products. Train simulation and expert-operator interactions. Maybe they could use You expanding Your already large enough knowledge.
Opportunities can be created. Why not think about organizing a fall workshop in Vladivostok? When we in April got to Krasnoyarsk, it was an idea to continue the journey to Vladivostok, but there was no response and we did not go. Think. If there are concerns about the workshop, write.

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Post by Смелый » Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:24

АСД wrote:
Смелый wrote:don't know what "corn" I came when he spoke about the "pursuit of the ruble. However, consider it necessary to explain about the benefits of material prosperity. I believe that any developing human system (esoteric or otherwise) should raise the level of material well-being. And this is one of the criteria for the correctness of the system or the correctness of its application.
I've seen people who start to apply any practice (spiritual, cleansing, etc.) and their familiar world, which provides them with the resources starts to fall apart. Most often, in my opinion, this is due to an incorrect interpretation of systems development and attempts to purify himself from spurious relationships. If these relations one received resource (possibly in exchange of energy or information), then, of course, the resource starts as a result of decrease, and quickly. Cleaning system relations need to be combined with operator construction of new connections. Because, if he did not create bonds to replace lost, be sure to clean the trailer is still some kind of parasitic entity. The emptiness should be filled.
Therefore, SB was designed as a system of transformation of existing relations and not their purification. It's probably intuitively have created a Bold opinion on a possible strengthening of the various entities.
Explain how the system works, the transformation of the relations of SB. Every person has already established various relationships when interacting with other objects (people, organizations, social institutions, etc.). Some may be conventionally considered good and some are bad (parasitic). The evaluation criterion is not entered, so as not to confuse the issue. We assume that the parasitic coupling cause defects in the structure of man. SB creates the conditions of the restructuring and the completion of the human connections in which spurious features are reduced, and the useful amplified or occur. Though the connection may remain or even increase.
An analogy: imagine a crystal in which there are defects (dislocations, impurities, or anything else). You can try to clean the crystal (zone melting, recrystallization, etc.), and you can finish defects to the new and useful structure which will become the new master of the unexpected and strong processes. There are such figures that are formed of points in a cube of plastic. Each point - defect plastic, and together they form a beautiful ornament or sculpture.
Another analogy, common in nature, symbiosis. Former parasites are mutually beneficial. For example the mitochondria was once a bacteria and live your life. Is now part of every cell, providing energy.
The SAT, like any of our products, not struggling with anything and can not help against anything. SB helps to create the conditions most effective vzaimodeystviya and mutual support.

There is such a fight - Aikido is called. Masters of this struggle, always use the opponent's energy with minimal cost to achieve your goals. SB - an informational Aikido.
You can help yourself and strengthen the action of the security Council. But it is important to understand the principle is to transform existing relationships, to complete them to the next level of interaction when the parasitic essence of communication disappears, and the complementarity appears.
In fairy tales are often given a similar model of transformation. In the tale of the sleeping Princess, the original conspiracy to the death transformered into a kind of death - sleep, with the advent of additional wonderful details - Prince, love, happiness.
Great! Thank you. Something to think about. Moreover, as soon as I put it in my pocket SAT, the evening began carping on the part of the boss, but my reaction to them now was different. I haven't snapped and tried to defend their place under the sun. I was purple. It took several calls, one of them with a proposal. Moreover, the proposal is no different from that which I received from this person a couple of years ago and then somehow I earned him 50,000 rubles. But probably most important is the transformation of the existing relations and the development of new. Parasitic to me the essence yet there is although already in a weakened state, and soon I force of habit, when several years of attempts to build new ties to anything did not lead, do not try to develop them. Used to always work on himself, and here since September last year got a job with a decent salary and which requires action in a certain direction and probably relaxed. The swamp sucks. True say: "Excess resources - corrupts. Only poverty makes you do things, teach philosophy."
So thank you. And the "corn" you didn't come. Just because of the nature of his character used to be full of opinions about people that we encounter in life.
On the occasion of the seminar. I'll think about it. Moreover, before thinking about the creation of a center for conducting various trainings with the invitation of various leading, but as it went into the sand. Other ideas swarming in my head. If you can, please send any material plan of the training, its financial justification. I don't think we in the city there are many people having these products. I personally know one person and she took the products to my feed. I can offer the idea of holding a similar training in one of our centres, having gained a good clientele of people who want to develop and with whose leadership I have a normal relationship. They have to do everything. Why him and not myself. There are professionals in this area (although I do know how much) + the accumulated customer base. And any such event must be a financial payback. So, waiting for the materials for the training. Read himself, and very clearly conveyed to the people who have the physical capability to organize and hold such an event. Thanks in advance.
Good luck to everyone.<


Post by Фёст » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:55

As You have here is interesting...

"About topicstarter and articles.
I agree with the fact that the opinion of the writer only. The same opinion absolutely everyone who have heard about the chamber. but will attend to the matter." --

Why... "a writer" is even in the essence of the matter penetrated.
It is quite cool. If to perform.
Respect. Unwound is not a bad thing.
Hack loot pieces of plastic - it's cool.
Almost aerobatics.
The steeper Akademik Petrik.

"The same opinion" as I am absolutely all who have a brain not eat Cthulhu.

By the way, dear producers of the "Parlor" I am ready to experiment.
Ready poyuzat some time wonder device.
I solemnly swear by the health of your cat in the presence of a REAL effect to recognize this fact and make a public apology for the article, as a rebuttal to write a huge article about how to me the whole thing helped and how wrong I was.

Weak, Lord, such a scientific-practical experiment to carry out?

Clear the stump. what is weak, no doubt...


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Андрей Кабанков
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Post by Андрей Кабанков » Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:49

Such experimentation on the forums have already been held,if you bother to read the forum,you will find.
You can poeksperimentirovat with you.
Although a few strannye you approach first to write about the products the article,and then conduct their testing,it seemed to me that is the opposite.
Since you graced us with his presence,and wrote that penetrated into the essence of the case,please explain how this understanding has occurred.On the basis of what was originally written?
For me, visible for two reasons,a certain rigidity of thinking,when something does not fit into the usual picture of the world swept aside as impossible, and promote your content.
After testing, your opinion will be interesting to him - not read, but condemn!
It would be interesting to give a test the know-it-all,not having anything the slightest doubt.
