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Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 12:02
by Любознательная
Thank you very much for the support and tips. will work. SS and SB pulled from her purse and put the purse from the passage. will be working with them)) already still have shifts,started calling with offers)) I might offer what I need)) thank You again.

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 13:51
by Ростислав
Yes, that also have a Good map of the Diamond but for 2 years of carrying it with you is something only some debts (((( and big
kreditai tortured and opportunities do not see any((((
with the benefit of gold all only really grew purchased a Diamond and it all went severely on the wane :cry:

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 15:10
by Дия
From SB I have terrible depression, as well started close people and colleagues, is a racket. Even domestic problems are unable to decide when it is in your pocket as soon as it is in the direction of postpone all solved, it is very unclear how I'm with her on the first day after receiving it to get to work - generally a nightmare. Cautious to wear it. But dreams are dream theater, not dream - new powerful film all the night.

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 16:52
by Артур888
What can be the reason ? Such exposure to the parlor ?

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 15:42
by Malvina
Дия wrote:From SB I have terrible depression, as well started close people and colleagues, is a racket. Even domestic problems are unable to decide when it is in your pocket as soon as it is in the direction of postpone all solved, it is very unclear how I'm with her on the first day after receiving it to get to work - generally a nightmare. Cautious to wear it. But dreams are dream theater, not dream - new powerful film all the night.
Surrounding feel close to them as things change all the "too shiny" , they feel uncomfortable and try to return everything back, because they were so good and comfortable.

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 16:06
by Вячеслав.
Malvina thank You very much for a very accurate and succinct observation.Really helps,and pushes to a specific revision of the tougher wording.

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:24
by АСД
Malvina wrote:
Дия wrote:From SB I have terrible depression, as well started close people and colleagues, is a racket. Even domestic problems are unable to decide when it is in your pocket as soon as it is in the direction of postpone all solved, it is very unclear how I'm with her on the first day after receiving it to get to work - generally a nightmare. Cautious to wear it. But dreams are dream theater, not dream - new powerful film all the night.
Surrounding feel close to them as things change all the "too shiny" , they feel uncomfortable and try to return everything back, because they were so good and comfortable.
This is only part of the possible scenario. We already wrote about the possibility of a transition period at the beginning of use. The bounce appears in case of accumulated stress. They should get rid of, moving to new attitudes and new actions. But the first time the user is not clear how to proceed. He used to act in the old. Therefore, the accumulated voltage is discharged through a series of small troubles. It's kind of reset the accumulated tectonic stress is not a earthquake with the destruction and the victims, but a series of small aftershocks.
This period it is necessary to wait, but not leave from problems, and trying to find the cause of the stress (a person, situation, place, etc.). Need to listen to yourself and know when there is an increase in the problems connected with it. To analyze existing cases and to consider what action should be taken to exit from this circle of problems.
Most likely already have a different scenario and he is persistently knocking at your life. Don't dismiss suggestions and ideas. Proceed actively and without fear. Good LUCK!

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:59
by Петрос
Put a new Parlor on "the pill". Such a long time of chaos in the dream was not :) . In the transition state, the sleep-Wake or the IP a few times there was a feeling that "this" is not about me... not my actions... not my thoughts... not my state, that is mine, but the other me.

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 21:48
by АСД
Гаттал wrote:took 2 months and 3 weeks since purchased a chamber. Nothing unusual or extraordinary happened. Constantly carry two drawing rooms. The promised action of the parlor is not observed. Relationships with people as before. Are conflicts. Since acquired room 3 times got on fine for violations. Which was not the case. The financial situation has not improved. Disappointed chamber. It is a pity money. I will continue to monitor for changes. :cry:
The main property of the Parlor - normalization movement to normal. Each person has their own norm. If it is the norm for him, then nothing will happen at first glance. Therefore, different people have different manifestation of the action of the Parlor. Expect that You will similarly not worth it. You are individual and unique, You have your way and its external environment. Why do You follow others?
On the other hand, the information received to the user of the Parlor, it becomes a more complete and holistic, which entails the emergence of new ideas and situations. However, stereotypes of behavior and perception prevent to use this information. Man drives away those thoughts, in no hurry to take advantage of new opportunities, believing that it works. The world is complicated and getting tougher and more aggressive. What previously got away with may not pass. Therefore, it is necessary to be more attentive, to listen to ourselves, to situations, to find new ways and solutions. The outside world declares itself loud and clear, and the "voice" of the Parlor is quiet and unusual.
To take information that has become available to the user of the Parlor, is only half the battle. Take advantage of it and take a step towards yourself - this is the second half of the journey.
Once again, read the description to the SS, note the 3 stages of using it. These stages are suitable for SAT. Experiment, act, observe changes. They are, but they are difficult to distinguish in the noise environment.
Svetlitsy - tool for active people.<

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 18:48
by Ростислав
Sergei Dinovich, how much time is needed to tune or rebuild under the SBB? Like working with her but no desired result
And the people who I gave Sbgalt no results (presented four) that's what they are about affluent :( and maybe they pull me back or I them , because a chamber of which lay together (like to work together or something)

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 18:50
by Ростислав
he can break the bond of my diamond with them goldani :?

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 21:28
by Илья Гор
Hello, please tell me chamber a round shape with a gold sticker in the middle is a legacy option?

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 22:10
by Андрей Кабанков
Илья Гор wrote:Hello, please tell me chamber a round shape with a gold sticker in the middle is a legacy option?
Yes, a few years ago sold these.

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 23:41
by Илья Гор
Andrew, thanks for the reply.
Ask the seller to change to a newer version

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 19:38
by Хеллен
Can a person get used to the front Room, losing their own energy immune system ... kind of like if you frequently wash hands with soap and water, but also antibacterial, the human body does to defend ... or if you wear overly warm clothes, the body forgot to fight the cold ...
so here to wear a Room and the body itself will cease to structure the space around and inside, like re-arranging the front Room :)

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:02
by bofara
Hellenin my opinion , in Your case, Yes.. Otherwise maybe Yes and no, depending on the person-user Room..

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:24
by Акела
Хеллен wrote:Can a person get used to the front Room,

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 13:42
by Хеллен
Thank you!
I decided to try a temporary Parlor :)to understand how it affects me :)
For energy recovery helps me nature ... forest, rain ... bike, ski ... the feel of the world changes just like a new life :) ... I wonder how will the Parlor ... maybe I'll be able to expand the borders ... that would be super! ... will test :)

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 14:39
by Вячеслав.
Хеллен wrote:Thanks!
I decided to try a temporary Parlor :)to understand how it affects me :)
For energy recovery helps me nature ... forest, rain ... bike, ski ... the feel of the world changes just like a new life :) ...
Just before God... :o
An active lifestyle is Yes!Svetlitsy "IMHO"speakers add,only manage to turn :).However ,sometimes I want zavitsa in the area,with some interesting book,and lain a few days in a row.Something has changed in the world,people (or is it subjecting...).And no need to blame everything and everyone,slowly and surely "stretch and squeeze"...))

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 14:58
by Хеллен
:) ... if you add speakers, it would be very good! :) since I have the initial opportunity not so great (what type of marathon it's not for me) ...
... and I feel "at home" when I'm out in nature :) ... and all around my and I :)as if complete identification with the world and no boundaries :) ...
... but sometimes at home, you find yourself accidentally in some unknown wave and I want to be just "hiding", wouldn't go anywhere to be happy and to think (to promote) some good idea :)

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 21:06
by Новенький
The summer heat, we wear shirts, and sometimes none at all..I Have a SS front room is on the neck on a rope...And then people, friends see the Room and ask: What is it? Tortured answer that it Svetlitsa type of amulet protects, brings good luck, blessings, etc! Some lag behind, and some think it's icon and ask if I read the Bible...and some ask questions at the Bible to me.. :lol:

Like other users of Parlor things are going with these questions???
And what are You telling people, friends, if they saw You have the Room???

For share your experience....

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 0:42
by львёнок
A question to ASD

This question was asked back in June, but the answer is not there
I repeat it:
You wrote that the product "designer body" can be washed by hand, i.e. direct contact with water will not destroy it, and in the instructions to the SS says that you can take a bath with her - does this mean that Svetlitsa Super is also not afraid of direct contact with the water? And if you still "afraid", how do you then recommend to protect it? Laminate or something else?
Svetlitsa purchased as a gift, and now the owner had these questions, he wants to take a bath with the SS, so constantly picking at me with a question: "What the developer said about this?" .

With respect :)

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:15
by Ростислав
well, take and laminate that prevents it
nothing will go bad somewhere in the topics discussed already

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 15:44
by львёнок
Ростислав wrote:well, take and laminate that prevents it
nothing will go bad somewhere in the topics discussed already
Yes, it's been discussed, but there was some nuances of uncertainty, therefore, there is a need to clarify this at the ASD, as the author, because the answer to this question is a guarantee of the correctness of the action :?

And you use your SS for bathing?

With uvajeniem :)

Re: About the parlor

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:14
by Ростислав
Yes I use sometimes
not the cards, and the like that circle - it is in this regard easier
but I think card will be nothing if no shampoos and bath salts well, or all laminate