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Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 0:51
by АСД
Александр_М wrote: 2. The mind refuses to accept as Svetlitsa may affect the physical processes of fuel combustion in internal combustion engines? Why not make the room that the engine could run at all without fuel (no exhaust)? or move the car with your mind?
It is right that the mind rejects as Svetlitsa may affect the engine. It has no effect. For cars there is another device - Ekonorm. Its performance is confirmed by numerous tests.
About the power of thought - go for it, as it will move the power of thought, let us know. We for You to rejoice.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 1:10
by АСД
Карил wrote: That is was carbon dioxide, but it is not. Anyway... :shock:
And I got a shock. In the Protocol the word about carbon dioxide.

We are talking about carbon monoxide. But if a molecule of carbon monoxide to add the oxygen atom, it will just carbon dioxide. If there is no carbon, then it doukissis to carbon dioxide. Or decomposed into carbon and oxygen.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 1:26
by Татьяна-Эльфа
Логик wrote: also today I felt courage and joy. Here and Lord it. It's probably from the fact that I didn't buy the Svetlitsa-super. Now plan to buy the Svetlitsa-Blaga. I think that will work in a similar way. :D
Very reminiscent of the old joke: a Boy says to his father:"Dad, today I saved five cents, ran after the bus." Fool, said his father had to flee in a taxi would have saved more.

Why not a small thing, plan not to buy a yacht or a plane. Likely courage will be steeper.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:22
by Александр_М
to ASD

Well, what about refunds, what do you say?
Goods exchange and non-refundable? For what reason?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:20
by Александр79
Okay, the joy of the arrival of the goods has passed, now important.
Received in the mail what is the plastic circle on it, pasted monochrome sticker Golden color. We expected to see quite another. It is on the website and the description looks all different! There is some runes, the symbols, and then just glued the sequins!? Why such a collective approach to the product then? I foresee the phrase, does it matter contents, etc., and I will answer you to the store come you chicken served polyomino? Why the product is decorated like a basement hastily??

Edited By Nikonov Vladimir:
The original site was a picture of another version of a Chamber.
Now picture in description consistent with the original.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:24
by Артур888
Are there any sensations from the front room? Che doesn't look on you good influence, once you're here your anger down :) It feels to me that this broken Svetlitsa time nautyamerica dissatisfied buyer. All say that the joy comes . And this buyer quietly :lol:

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:40
by Александр79
And then the anger :) I just do not understand why in advertising one thing and delivered is not clear that...

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 14:11
by Guest
Александр79 wrote:Where does anger :) I just do not understand why in advertising one thing and delivered is not clear that...
Because ponder the word advertising and what she created :wink:

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 14:48
by Логик
Татьяна-Эльфа wrote:Very reminiscent of the old joke: a Boy says to his father:"Dad, today I saved five cents, ran after the bus." Fool, said his father had to flee in a taxi would have saved more.
Well, I, too, remember something. For example the old saying. It sounds like this: "And not in the warehouse, and not in the way, podlesi the cat's ass!"
Your analogy in this case is not appropriate. Saving is the path to poverty. And I never mentioned it.
I do not see sense to pay for something that was given to me by nature, for free! Why do I Svetlitsa-super and so when I experience a lift force? Why should I silica good - when can I draw any benefits for himself in his life. And yet despite the fact that the performance of these parlor under a big question.
Татьяна-Эльфа wrote:So not a small thing, plan not to buy a yacht or a plane.
Oh and remember one saying - " the prompter .... for the cheek."
It is not necessary to give advice to those who didn't ask them. I like something he will understand what to do. Without prompters!

PS Sayings quoted me - just sayings (and therefore quoted). Please do not take them literally. However, as you wish....

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 16:14
by Олег555
Александр79 wrote:Okay, joy the arrival of the goods has passed, now important.
Received in the mail what is the plastic circle on it, pasted monochrome sticker Golden color.
I the same came, I called and asked - whether it is necessary to unstick and where are my runes said it's all right as it should be :)
And before that he wore it for an hour, and then something looked at the picture and thought maybe we should peel it and it does not work - here I very much was upset, because for an hour or so felt a real surge of strength and some peace of mind - and so I thought after a label, it was all auto-suggestion ))))
3 day carry, what can I say - I'm happy with this purchase! :)
I think this is a heightened feeling should leave, this certainly can not last long - it would be all too beautiful )))
BUT I think these first days and budaragina brain - this is from the change in state is can be compared to how they live in the gray Moscow for a long time and go on holiday to some sort of great resort the first week at vzryv emotions from the situation, from the clean air, the freedom from positive emotions, but it takes a week and already the air is not dizzy, feeling Boucicaut be smooth and positive - but this does not mean, what's gone fresh air and stopped to have a positive effect on the body as well as other factors, ALL continues just smoothly and quietly. I think it will be with svetlicos is the original strongest feeling will go away (in fact it is stronger, which was farther from the norm in its structure), but the holes on GDV this will be no more - just a man accustomed to be the norm.
I'm the last 1.5 years for 12-15 hours I spend at the computer with one day off max a week is very I was Vymetal, loss of strength, the strongest, the mood is zero, a cold picked up on time, the last time it reached the point that sitting for an hour or two at the computer - I go there to the thread and what you touch - electrocute (well, as neelektrolitov) - I think already soon to me to connect the wire it is possible and safe to run generator ))). So from the norm I seen was long gone by the time these feelings are the strongest. Last 3 days have dreams every day - this is in the normal state is also there, but the last six months, the dreams were fragmentary, not bright, and 1-2 times a week! Also a positive point I think, because when I was normal it was the same with dreams.
Generally for me it's a breath of fresh air, thank you very much.<

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 16:21
by Логик
Олег555 wrote:ALL right, just smoothly and quickly. I think it will be with svetlicos is the original strongest feeling will go away (in fact it is stronger, which was farther from the norm in its structure), but the holes on GDV this will be no more - just a man accustomed to be the norm.
Well, it's just to check - it is necessary to remove the room for a day or more and look at your state of health.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 16:35
by Олег555
Логик wrote: Saving is the path to poverty.I do not see sense to pay for something that was given to me by nature, for free! Why do I Svetlitsa-super and so when I experience a lift force?
Somewhere 10 days ago I bought mindmachine - the main thing that it wanted is a quick buildup to a workflow and continuous efficient workflow - from nature, we too can tune in the desired brain waves just before I rocked for a very long time simply due to the fact that I'm sick of this job, but should last 3-4 month leap to make, and the forces are less and in the same period, work time less and less - and now I'm working wave for 10 minute session of turbo.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 17:28
by Логик
When using mindmachine - 10 days no period, in order to draw any conclusions.

And again, to Work on unloved work sucking all of the power and use it to shake stimulants (in this case mindmachine is used as a stimulant) - vicious path leading nowhere. Eventually the dose will have to increase because it is addictive and forms a new relation (of stimulants). No matter what you use - coffee, alcohol, tobacco, heroin or lidmasinu and drawing rooms.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 18:20
by Олег555
Логик wrote:Олег555
When using mindmachine - 10 days no period, in order to draw any conclusions.

And again, to Work on unloved work sucking all of the power and use it to shake stimulants (in this case mindmachine is used as a stimulant) - vicious path leading nowhere. Eventually the dose will have to increase because it is addictive and forms a new relation (of stimulants). No matter what you use - coffee, alcohol, tobacco, heroin or lidmasinu and drawing rooms.
I work to 3-4 months to start to live how I want without thinking about the money and the need to do what I don't like, I think 2 years of rape itself in this sense is justified 8)
I don't draw conclusions from 10 days of use mindmachines, I concluded after a 10 minute session of turbo on the Nova Pro 100 - where I'm coming from amoebic state moved to the excellent and for the day made 40-50% more than usual :) I would be very happy if the effect will only grow with time :)

PS never found the information soklko is good briliant, prompt...

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 18:29
by Логик
Олег555 wrote:PS never found the information soklko is good briliant, prompt...
I don't know, ask the ACD. But I think more expensive room good -gold.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 20:12
by Олег555
Tried with water to feel the difference with the parlor. There are 2 filters for the water pitcher and the faucet is worn the second. After purification using ngranny water completely loses the taste of the water with these impurities. After the pitcher - smack remains after boiling just disappears. Poured in 2 cups purified water jug under one put the Svetlitsa super for 40 minutes. Expected that the water will become tasteless after nakanogo purifier. But this did not happen :cry:

p.s. I'll try with menthol cigarettes tomorrow - the reviews kind of wrote that removed the taste of menthol :)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 13:19
by Guest
Alexander. the effect of the room is or not ?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:00
by Димитрий
Гость wrote:Alexander. the effect of the room is or not ?
+1. Huh? There?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 14:25
by Guest
I'm sure you now the sellers say no :lol:

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 20:57
by Глан
Here, again, did diagnostics "aura" in the center of energy ( 3 times = before, a week later and two ), the trend is as follows:
main color: yellow/yellow-green/blue
The size of the aura: 90/80/60% - is that a seal of aura is :shock:
Obviously, I become more and more inspired, and so want to stay longer :cry:

Note: Before breeze - C ( just below the solar plexus, that way you can see feature III chakra, 2.5 months. use )
A week later and two breeze - With window-With ( at the middle of the sternum )

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 21:56
by Гостья
Глан wrote:Here, again, did diagnostics "aura" in the center of energy ( 3 times = before, a week later and two ), the trend is as follows:
main color: yellow/yellow-green/blue
The size of the aura: 90/80/60% - is that a seal of aura is :shock:
Obviously, I become more and more inspired, and so want to stay longer :cry:

Note: Before breeze - C ( just below the solar plexus, that way you can see feature III chakra )
A week later and two breeze - With window-With ( at the middle of the sternum )
Glan, and how to understand these numbers ? This interest ?
The first value is before, the second week and the third in two ? Or Vice versa ? Because it turns out that the indicators have deteriorated, MLM-what am I not understanding ?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 22:06
by Глан
Гостья wrote: Glan, and how to understand these numbers ? This interest ?
The first value is before, the second week and the third in two ? Or Vice versa ? Because it turns out that the indicators have deteriorated, MLM-what am I not understanding ?
The numbers - the level of energy in the chakra ( column - 100 max )
Level to reach the figure depends on the total "size" of the aura and it has a tendency to decrease.
The first value is before, the second week and the third after two or so ( read literally, as I wrote ) :)
Performance deteriorated on the energy level, but the quality is noticeably better and if so it will go soon I will go to the astral plane, although maybe I do it ( the parlor ) broke. Was you know the case when I accidentally put the head on it, and occipital protuberance were the center of gold disc. Head way is not easy. Now I think, what if I crushed it, answer from ASD all no. Although no obvious injuries and that does not cracked and the inside doesn't rattle. However, I'm worried :cry: However the results shows that the chamber continues to "work" as if nothing had happened and is not going to change direction.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 22:18
by Гостья
Sorry, it turns out that the indicators have deteriorated or just energy redistributed between the chakras ? And the color was better in 2 weeks ? And what 100 is the norm for humans ? Maybe it's the phenomenon of interference is (when usaine dampen, not amplify, depending on the phase) ? Sorry to ask a lot of questions - she bought the Parlor and ordered somewhere else the other 3 harmonizer - don't know what happens.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 22:32
by Глан
Energy is indeed redistributed: from the area local to the location of Breeze-S in the direction of Chamber-S, which is especially noticeable in the second measurement. But the energy remained unchanged, and decreased, judging by the size of the aura. One could say that the front room more harmoniously distributes the energy, but the aura is reduced, and the uniformity is not so uniform, it turns out - the peak of saturation now where is Svetlitsa ( this is clearly seen on a huge color spot on the photo of the aura in the projection room. Previously this was a spot where there's a breeze C ) 100% in the column of the chakras as I understand is obtained when the size of the aura by 100% ( total energy ). So for example the demos of almost all the columns under 80-90% ( because of the size of the aura ), and the primary color yellow ( demAs sorry, if not, not as I can see ) and energy level ( or rather the frequency of vibration as I understand it ) up on another chart 400000-500000 ( i.e., yellow no longer available ). I have this 600000-700000 level ( ie, basic color cyan-blue ) which was achieved over 2 weeks. :)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 22:38
by Гостья
I wonder why, after a sharp increase of energy of the 4th chakra then there was a sharp decline ?