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Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 23:26
by АСД
АСД wrote:
Артур888 wrote:I bought 2 years ago the Parlor. When she was still a tidy Smile After the purchase began immediately hard the cleaning process, smelting negativity from DNA, and I lay in the hospital for almost a month with the temperature under 40. But then all good and kind relations with by others began to change for the better and joyful mood. And then I decided that I don't need "crutches" and the best tool is still the human brain and broke and vacunal Svetlitsa-super.
You are right of course. The best tool is the human brain. The only question is who know how to use this wonderful tool?
Why don't you use telepathyand talking on the cell phone? Why do You use different vehicles and do not apply telekinesis and teleportation. Why do You still have unrealized desires?
What prevents You to use your brain?
On the other hand something fails. Sometimes wishes come true and thoughts sometimes veiled. Even different schools exist and give recommendations on how to learn to use their super tool to implement intentions (Transerfing, DEIR, Simoron, etc.). Does not detract from the dignity of these and of other schools and techniques. They work. Yes, not only fulfilled all the desires and all sorts of methods that work, then not work. What is missing?
Let's try to persuate on this topic and on the role of the Parlor in improving the efficiency of the brain.
As mathematicians say - for finding the solutions are there necessary and sufficient conditions. The necessary condition is that the instrument of the brain.
However, the brain — designer. It creates projects. So, the project was implemented the desired system implementation (materialization). Since some desires are realized, it means that such a system exists. But the project entered the implementation, we need a communication system between the designer and the brain and system implementation.
The presence of these three systems— a prerequisite for the implementation. However, this is clearly not enough to have wishes fulfilled.
Probably there are restrictions on their functioning. We will not go into the details of who to blame (I'll start the list, and You can continue): pendulums, energy entities, the mind parasites, karma, etc. From what we'll come up with a new name, the constraint does not become less. Think about it, why do we need limits, why they exist?<

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 23:52
by АСД
Артур888 wrote:it's been 2 years and I pulled on the Svetlitsa-Super !!! Accidentally in the parlor zakryvayutsya not have any programs for addiction ?

If in the Parlor there was a program on addiction, You would pull as soon as You have lost.
We already repeatedly wrote that there is no dependence on the Parlor can not be. They help people get rid of various addictions (tobacco, alcohol).
To good quickly get used to. If You try something tasty and again, You want to eat, then is it an addiction? Imagine that You have visited in clean good location (in Diveevo or anywhere else) and You again want to get there, it is also an addiction?

Client comes into a tour Desk, sees a photo of the Eiffel tower and says: so I saw the tower and again I want to Paris. - And have You ever been there? Asked his employee. - No, he already wanted.

Over the past two years Your habitat has become more rigorous, the environment deteriorated, the load has increased. Save up the errors and distortions of the structure. The body remembers goodwhat was once here and had a craving for Parlor.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 16:25
by АСД
АСД wrote:
АСД wrote:
Артур888 wrote:I bought 2 years ago the Parlor. When she was still a tidy Smile After the purchase began immediately hard the cleaning process, smelting negativity from DNA, and I lay in the hospital for almost a month with the temperature under 40. But then all good and kind relations with by others began to change for the better and joyful mood. And then I decided that I don't need "crutches" and the best tool is still the human brain and broke and vacunal Svetlitsa-super.
You are right of course. The best tool is the human brain. The only question is who know how to use this wonderful tool?
Why don't you use telepathyand talking on the cell phone? Why do You use different vehicles and do not apply telekinesis and teleportation. Why do You still have unrealized desires?
What prevents You to use your brain?
On the other hand something fails. Sometimes wishes come true and thoughts sometimes veiled. Even different schools exist and give recommendations on how to learn to use their super tool to implement intentions (Transerfing, DEIR, Simoron, etc.). Does not detract from the dignity of these and of other schools and techniques. They work. Yes, not only fulfilled all the desires and all sorts of methods that work, then not work. What is missing?
Let's try to persuate on this topic and on the role of the Parlor in improving the efficiency of the brain.
As mathematicians say - for finding the solutions are there necessary and sufficient conditions. The necessary condition is that the instrument of the brain.
However, the brain — designer. It creates projects. So, the project was implemented the desired system implementation (materialization). Since some desires are realized, it means that such a system exists. But the project entered the implementation, we need a communication system between the designer and the brain and system implementation.
The presence of these three systems— a prerequisite for the implementation. However, this is clearly not enough to have wishes fulfilled.
Probably there are restrictions on their functioning. We will not go into the details of who to blame (I'll start the list, and You can continue): pendulums, energy entities, the mind parasites, karma, etc. From what we'll come up with a new name, the constraint does not become less. Think about it, why do we need limits, why they exist?
Let's imagine that the person there are no restrictions on the realization of the desires of sexocasero and he turned into the Almighty. That is, of the likeness of the Creator was the Creator. Now just thinking, and then it all turned.
Can you imagine what a nightmare will begin. Why? Because people think all kinds of stuff. Everyone understands it and everyone is opposed to the materialization of this stuff. For this reason, it is impossible to use telepathy. People want to know the thoughts of others, but access to my own thoughts block. Therefore, it seems that telepathy is not. Blocked own thoughts due to the fact that it is shameful to allow the other to his head. Thoughts allow what is not allowable in the business. There is no culture of thinking (although the behaviour is too poor).
So one of the tasks of some of the Eastern schools — stop internal monologue (to stop thinking about any of that crap).
By the way, I talked to one of the advanced practitioners in the field of Oriental Praktik (cygon, etc.). He looked for a minute in our mirror of ISIS and said in surprise: "We are very much tune into the state of inner silence, and then I made up a minute."

There are a number of reasons why our designer is insulated from the system implementation. They disassembled in various esoteric literature. Most of them lies in the field of communication systems. Briefly, the project(intention), developed by our constructor can not enter the implementation for the following reasons:
1.Not enough energy
2.Not enough time
3.Projects are not coordinated with projects of other designers (other people)
4.A lot of noise breaking the connection (interference, both natural and man-made disasters).

For all these reasons, the Chamber can help.
1.Svetlitsy increases energy, increasing the quality of illumination. As our communication system in first light, and improving the quality aura increases the marketability of our desires.
2.Svetlitsy improve the quality of decisions and optimize the time costs of a person. More accurate activity increases uspeshnoi on the principle — came at the right time in the right place — success.
3.Since all the drawing rooms of the same type are mines of the same structure, between users of the Parlor, there are further connections that are vzaimosoedinenie intentions. This reduces the risk of suppression of the intentions of other players in the space and enhances the power of intention due to the emergence of new of superplayer - collective intelligence.
4.System adapters, which is what a Chamber — reconcile man with surrounding systems and reduce the influence of noise on the communication system. On one hand, it increases the efficiency of the designer - brainthat better uses information to improve the quality of the project (intention) with the intention of another without distortion enters the system implementation and voploshaet entirelyand not fragments, as happens in the presence of interference.

Therefore, realizing the benefits that a Chamber is given in the strengthening of their own capabilities, start to use them effectively, as do many users of our products.

For example, the user Markab wrote:
"I have Good gold. For me it works as a tool for enhancing the quality of decisions. Constantly come up with different ideas how to make money. Moreover, never before in the head, such ideas did not come. Now, please, "do not want to take". Come across these ideas are totally unexpectedi.e. I'm finding them not involved. Like snow on the head!
Told one idea to a friend who has a worthy business and in this business understands. He said that the idea was super and added that perhaps the room really works, because such ideas just never come.
I believe that this is the most complete, undistorted information from the world. For me personally, no matter HOW, it occurs to me that this is happening. It's very simple".<

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 19:46
by ВитАлекс
What happens to a person after he has ceased to use a front room (after long time using)? If it doesn't turn this thing into energotamir, etc.?

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 20:22
by Акела
ВитАлекс wrote:in energotamir
I wonder how it is You imagine...

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:28
by ВитАлекс
There was posted a link to the website which are versions of the parlor:

Because of the above-proposed website like nobody supported (judging by their forum), we would like here to learn about comparing the effectiveness of these parlor with the efficiency of a chamber-super:
If there is a difference in value (890r. and 3740р.), there must be a difference in efficiency.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:43
by Акела
I assume that this initial model, if they are still doing it is not http://www.***/index.php ... =3&lang=ru here advanced product.
ВитАлекс wrote:If there is a difference in value (890r. and 3740р.), there must be a difference in efficiency.
I have the parlor there, so you can be confident in those that I propose here. For a more detailed answer write ASD in PM or in topic viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5034

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 14:46
by Стасевич
Good time of day.wear BJ 2.1 08.10.12, wet from September 2012.With 25.12.13 wear 2.5-2.8 and 3.0 n.
16.03.2013 did GDV images.Please comment on result...Atoms at the office Alexander was a little short on interpretation... ... 9/s-50.PNG ... 9/s-51.PNG ... 9/s-52.PNG ... 9/s-53.PNG

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 14:48
by Стасевич
This is no parlor...BJ only...just at the time of purchase of the SS.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 22:06
by Стасевич
Please someone chakra in a column...I died :lol:

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:35
by АСД
Стасевич wrote:please someone chakra in a column...I died :lol:

Chakra in a column - evidence of a good energy balance at the time of measurement. Overall, judging by the aura, also a good result for the luminosity.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:38
by Стасевич
I understand...Thank Sergey Dinovich...And after a period of time from the beginning of use of SS,it is advisable to go re-diagnostirovanna)?To catch increase/decrease luminosity,and energy imbalance...Zone "breakdowns" of the edge as it is possible to restore(technology,practices,or technomage)?

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 20:05
by Стасевич
Chakra in a column - evidence of a good energy balance at the time of measurement. Overall, judging by the aura, also a good result for the luminosity.

I'm talking about something that died accidentally wrote...the night before the GDV of the picture was something...In General sleduushee vision...I would be here, and dream(TRANS during the blink MM disks Patrushev is the TRANS(in the mind) and not sleep), Feeling lying on my back on his bed and before the eyes of the picture(the trees in the Park in some sky, a gray cloud,the atmosphere of autumn,damp, cold)is not my eyes the view is from the prone position,the image as a pause or as the computer crashed...And watching this is starting to feel the pulse gradually disappears,and the respiration becomes frequent short surface(like someone's knob them to zero gradually unscrews),I realize that this is death...panic,your heart rate goes up and in this seascale disappears with the breath to a complete absence of...all...dead...then I just hung the picture...then I flipped to the right side...and then...a voice...COME on FASTER!!!-it's already here(in my room)...I almost jumped on the bed from lying position...the Voice isn't familiar and the command was...I Live until one brother left,and he was expected back soon,and besides him no one else...I think I'll pretend didn't hear anything...and if the second time will tell then we'll see who is to visit me walked in,without invitation,if the fear can be overpowering...but the second time it was not until the morning...Here's hranica :? Further, the timing I did and here is the result :? This may have a connection with the GDV.
PS I take the bandage Obviously with 08.10.12 at this point, she was on me as usual...
As the square of the luminosity is affected by sexual abstinence,asana,mudra?


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 17:29
by Гуфест
I'm Probably the transfer was not looking,he meant that it is useless to glue these modulators on device,as they are NOT ABLE to remove it is the electromagnetic radiation. And in THIS he is absolutely right.
You are right and there is someone.Electromagnetic radiation can be removed,but the phone stops working,you can change the radiation and it will be beneficial or neutral.BRM verdelite (not everyone) on my phone neutralized the aging for 6 years brought him to zero,the impact on the biological age of the phone ceased to show he was neutral.This study was conducted on the equipment IMEDIS-the expert.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 21:05
by Екат
Evening, everybody.Question.When wearing a chamber is to improve the aura!?Right?People used svetlicos,and tested the aura.The Aura showed the breakouts.,in the chest and right eye.Explain why???

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 22:19
by Акела
Welcome! And before the purchase of the parlor, "tested" and which method and device have been used? And maybe try somewhere else to check the luminosity, for comparison? :?

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 0:35
by Екат
I'd like to come to the lab ,where they produce a bright room.View,analyze,and then to go and do the aura photo.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 0:35
by Екат
I'd like to come to the lab ,where they produce a bright room.View,analyze,and then to go and do the aura photo.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 0:38
by Екат
Aura Was Testing You.At the Institute in Moscow.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 0:42
by Екат
I'm a man tempered)))sensitivity 0)))do believe my eyes.

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:21
by Акела
The chamber contributes to the restoration of light that radiates, that's a fact proven by years of observation and reports from various specialized laboratories. On the other hand, the structural characteristics of a particular person the same individual, one interaction occurs transiently Parlor, and the other have "TIME" to accumulate for positive change.

Personally, I understand You, because I remember how not just using household logic to find the answer to a question like "why do I have this not working?". And the parlor is not a panacea, but a tool for change. Want to work with her using techniques(on this website) , and you want to wait for manna from heaven. For me development and the knowledge itself, the thing most difficult. Good Luck To You!

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:50
by Екат
Light???What light???5 years the man was wearing it !Name address where tested these drawing rooms,and show how they are charged?All of it???Your answer is vague!

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:51
by Екат
Let's visit your lab???check in laboratory conditions all a chamber,and place this work on the forum!

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:24
by Акела
About how much energy, Yes to peace, dear ECAT, I am just a user of these parlor like You, personally, I had to go a couple of times on workshops to test these products.

And ASD is probably the only developer on this project which is testing in independent laboratories of their products and a few reports posted on this website.

Want, take note of them and check for yourself. On how to get their lab did knock on the closed door and maybe You'll get it, write personally to the developer about the desire to bring it to clean water.

As part of the external world in the dynamics of susceptible, maybe You have a negative impact and it offset the impact but You have decided that this thing's not working. Maybe You have it all does not work, SDA, the seminar was described a case in which a person convinced I don't that shouldn't affect the tests showed no change in luminosity. But his wife and daughters such changes have been recorded, began to understand, was that this man is by profession a Prosecutor and a conviction, and apparently it's a very strong part of his professional activities.

Here's an example of how beliefs influence not only on reasoning but also on the luminosity. Light Mind You and a reasonable grace!

Re: Aura and drawing rooms

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:53
by Варахаил
Use of room (I wear constantly with him) more than 2 years. In my opinion the effect is zero. Have the room good conventional (and activated the 3 key to it), Svetlitsa super 108, the constructor body (been trying a year to charge its water and wore a bracelet on the wrist) but half a year ago I had to quit, because of the complete futility of this process. I wanted to lose weight, all I could think about wearing a bracelet and drank the "charged water" - only better. Was Svetlitsa super-leader, gave her a companion when he went on important negotiations, no particular success in the negotiations, and the next day he lost it. There is also a front room, the Cup of joy, put it under the plates of food appetite is not decreased, thirst for wholesome food appeared. Presented at the Svetlitsa-super 108, as soon as they came out, three close friends and two Svetlitsa Blaga (one also activated her three keys) no progress in the friends do not notice how sometimes drank alcohol and drink two of those friends have quit Smoking one year, the other half again. No flow no good not for me not for friends not collapsed.