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Side effects ABC

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 23:45
by Андрей Патрушев
Side effects of AVS
Hypnotic effect of light-sound stimulation has a tendency to enhance feelings regarding the use of this method. Thus, the unpleasant feelings will be further strengthened and can generate a strong emotional rejection.
Despite the fact that in most cases light & sound brain training is completely safe and can bring invaluable advantage, can take place side effects that, being unknown, is able to repel the user from further use of AVS:
1. Orthostatic Hypotension;
2. Headache associated with muscle tension;
3. Somatic shock;
4. Vascular headache;
5. Photoepilepsy;
6. Improving the functioning of the organs;
7. Activation of the traumatic memory.
8. Unusual sensations associated with deep relaxation and altered States.
9. Diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex.

1. Orthostatic Hypotension.
You can cite a fairly common example of orthostatic hypotension, when a person during deep sleep suddenly awakened by a phone call. Delirious man jumps up, he's dizzy and he falls on the floor (and sometimes getting seriously injured from a blow on the furniture). From a physiological point of view, in a state of deep relaxation the heart beats very slowly and arteries have a low tone, so I can quickly provide blood to the brain with such a sharp force.
Because during meditation training relaxation can be even more profound than in natural sleep, after a sound and light session, still need some time to sit with a tall spine, making light exercise to normalize blood pressure.
If You are not in a hurry, you can just a few minutes to enjoy rest and tranquillity, making the suggestion that in this condition the most effective.
2. Headache associated with muscle tension.
Sometimes, especially after the first experience, after meditation training, the person may experience headache. Most often this pain is associated with the settings too high led brightness and sound volume in the headphones. Because of too high brightness eyelids begin to tremble with each light flash. This pain is often characterized by strain and irritation in the forehead (and sometimes temples). On entering the trance state the muscles relax. Thus, the sooner a person enters a trance state, the less likely a headache after the session. When you reach a certain experience headache after the session also becomes less likely.
This type of headache can easily be avoided by choosing a comfortable brightness and volume. Red light increases the risk of headaches, white, green, and blue, on the contrary, reduce.
Sometimes headache occurs as a result of muscle tension in the neck and shoulder girdle, associated with an increased need for self-control. Such people, instead relax and let the total flow of images that arise during meditation session, trying to track every flash of the LEDs, excessive straining. Also, they largely oppose a loss of control over the surrounding reality and feeling that the mind begins to "float" have been making significant efforts and tension, to prevent this phenomenon.
Unfortunately, such people often refuse further training and experience relaxation and ability to let go of excessive self-control. But they constitute the first risk of cardiovascular diseases.
3. Systemic shock.
Systemic shock occurs when someone in a state of deep trance (meditative, hypnotic subjects, users AVS), something scared (loud sharp sound, touch). Users of AVS in addition may experience mild systemic shock when sudden changes of stimulation parameters, including from the sharp cutoff of light and sound at the end of the session. The standard situation occurs with Pets, when there suddenly the dog barks or the cat suddenly vspugnet on your lap. All modern mindmachine have the option of smooth on / off of light and sound at the beginning and at the end of the session. Also try to keep Pets can not hurt You during the session. It is useful to warn you and your household, so they do not touch You and talk to You until the session is over.
Some semblance of physical shock may experience people suffering from need to overcontrol when they suddenly realize that they are in an altered state of consciousness. For such people, it may be advisable to engage in an environment that they considered safe, and at the same time to focus on peaceful thoughts about something pleasant.
4. Vascular headache.
In most cases, this pain can take place only after some of the first experiments with light and sound devices. Some people may experience a mild headache after each application of AVS. If headaches are severe and prolonged, it is reasonable to stop further audio-visual stimulation.
We can distinguish two types:
A) Parasympathetic. The appearance of this pain is most likely in individuals who are in a constant state of stress, one of the signs are cold hands and feet. As in the state of deep meditation during a meditation session is significant, the increase in temperature of the hands and feet (e.g., from 23.8°C to 32.2°C). Thus, the arteries, used to be constantly in a state of high tone, while the relaxation can stimulate the onset of a headache.
B) Increased cerebral circulation. In 1992, using the methods of magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography have installed the enhancement of cerebral circulation by 50% in videoarticle during visual stimulation. Although the improvement of cerebral circulation can significantly relieve suffering in the presence of the syndromes of reduced attention and PMS, migraine and other related disorders of cerebral circulation disease, however, increased cerebral blood circulation, probably also can be a cause of headache.
5. Photoepilepsy.
is Itself a sound and light training promotes neither the emergence nor the development of the disease. He only can be a "trigger" for the attack, in the presence of the disease.
According to medical statistics, our population has one of the four thousand with the risk of photoepilation to 24 and one in ten thousand after 24 years. Most people tend to photoepilation, never in my life had seizures, or have experienced a seizure only once, and then subconsciously avoided the conditions under which it is possible to repeat. Typically, these conditions can be: looking at the sun glare on the water, walking through the woods when forward movement of the sunlight streaming through the trees (high fence made of vertical rods), the drive through the night-lit city or through a tunnel with bright lights, computer games or movies with similar effects. However, most attacks happen when watching TV or while playing computer games. By themselves, the attacks are not dangerous. Dangerous only possible injury in the fall.
Photosensitive people are more likely to experience a seizure during photostimulation with my eyes closed than open because the eyelids play a role of a lens, involving the perception of more nerve endings. Most researchers of photoepilation inclined to think that the red light and the pulsation frequency of about 15Hz more likely to cause seizures than other colors and frequency. The most secure in this regard is the blue light. Also, in laboratory conditions, it was found that the presence of blue light is able to completely suppress the ability of the red to cause seizures. In the device AVS "Navigator" can be specially set blue color, regardless of color in the session.
The researchers suggest that pulsing sound, under certain conditions, probably also can cause epileptic seizures, but experimentally it is not confirmed.
5. Improving the functioning of the organs.
Currently, dysfunction of internal organs as a result of stress, reliably and repeatedly documented, and no one doubt. When a person begins to apply on a regular basis sound and light training, the result is deep relaxation, a violation of the functioning of the organs disappear. What is the problem? The problem may be associated with the dosage of drugs that people used before the start of classes ABC. There are repeated evidences of improvement in the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands and associated risk of drug overdose, which usually continue to take the usual quantities. Therefore, people began to regularly engage in ABC and with any chronic disease, it is possible to strongly suggest that increased medical surveillance.
7. Emotional activation of a traumatic memory.
Some of us have very painful memories about traumatic events that occurred in the past, the memory of which in varying degrees had been pushed into the subconscious. However, this memory constantly haunts people for life, manifesting itself in irrational outbursts of anger (or even violence), irrational fears, sexual dysfunctions, low self-esteem. Certain smells, sounds, touch, taste sensations associated with these events, can suddenly resurrect that memory, causing vivid hallucinations. Meditative practices and hypnosis are also able to resurrect repressed memory in the mind. Same goes for light-sound brain training. Due to the deep trance States that occur during meditation session, this repressed memory is suddenly and rudely break into consciousness, causing very strong emotions. And although these deep trance States can do much to assist in the processing and integration of traumatic memory, nonetheless it would be prudent to conduct this work in the presence of a qualified therapist.
Our body also stores the memory of trauma, so sometimes, during the AVS session, you may experience pain (or, indeed, any other) sensations in places of the former fractures, severe bruises and injuries (as well as phantom pain in the missing limb). But it usually passes quickly. Method AVS is also very effective for getting rid of phantom pain.
8. Unusual sensations associated with deep relaxation and altered States.
When playing with mindmachine the following effects. Due to the synchronization of bioelectrical brain activity with light and sound rhythms designed for relaxation, the body begins to deeply relax (sometimes deeper than regular sleep). At certain stages of relaxation every person experience various unusual, sometimes regard them as unpleasant, feelings. For example, the person can hear your own snoring, appear itching, tickling (tingling), drawing, etc. sensations in various parts of the body, sensations of falling (flying) somewhere, "tremors", or(and) pulsation in different parts of the body, sensations of heat or cold. The man begins to hear and feel the beats of their own hearts, which often mistakenly perceived as palpitations, and sounds in the room around him. This means that You have reached a fairly deep degree of relaxation and a few classes You will have to get used to all these sensations, to be able to move on. Sometimes the aggravation of all (or some) of sensory systems takes place some time after sound and light stimulation.
In the relaxed alpha state, a person begins to feel all of the pain zones and points in the body ("pain that hurts"). This does not mean that mindmachine caused You pain, and therefore, reflected kind of Your old (or fresh) somatic problem. In this case mindmachine acts only as a diagnostic tool. Often, with regular practice alpha relaxation happens self-treatment of most problems that are often associated with excessive stress.
9. Diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex.
Effective lessons with mindmachine very individual. Recommended time of 15-20 minutes at a time, with a break between the times at least 3 hours. In General, after 45 minutes, the brain refuses to act on any incentives and you may have unpleasant (for most people) stunned asleep, sometimes with palpitations, the cause of which is the so-called diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex. But for some people even a 10 minute stimulation (rapid rhythms of beta-band) may lead to razlitom braking, therefore, do not get involved in long classes or(and) to put successively the different orientation of the session - no good it can not lead. In mindmachine provides specifically for the possibility of reducing the duration of the session two times (in increments of B1/8). The same applies to too high of a volume and brightness.
Remember - for sound and light stimulation, MORE is NOT BETTER in all respects. First of all, listen to your feelings.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:00
by индеец
Interestingly, while the cases of loss of long-term memory was? ;)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:36
by Андрей Патрушев
Индеец wrote:Interestingly, while the cases of loss of long-term memory was? ;)
Why would it? Memory both long-and short-term on the contrary is improved.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 14:42
by ШДен
GEE Here You have side effects ABC :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 15:32
by Андрей Патрушев
ШДен wrote:
GEE Here You have side effects ABC :roll:
It's more side effects regulatory statistics than AVS. :D
According to statistics up to 24 years in the population there is 1 person in 4000, prone to photoepilation, and after 24 years - 1 person in 10,000. In Japan, pokémon was much worse (there are people much more), but 10 people is not "massive epileptic seizure."

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 20:39
by инна
Prompt,please,as you can use a mind machine if I had a head injury,was carried out craniotomy,consequences:cysts of the brain and poor blood supply ?

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 22:21
by Князевский
Инна wrote:Tell me,please,and you can use mind machines,if I had a head injury,was carried out craniotomy,consequences:cysts of the brain and poor blood supply ?
Inna, I think you should contact your medical. doctor. Explain the effect of the device. Given the fact that you can be severely hurt himself. Although, if you believe the reviews, my brain starts to "grow". But what will happen in your case - is unknown.
I think we should not ask this question to regular users of the machines.
health to you

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 22:31
by Pavel
>Tell me,please,and you can use mind machines,if I had a head injury,was carried out craniotomy,consequences:cysts of the brain and poor blood supply ?

Oh, ina, you first had to do hydrotherapy. You have the blood circulation to recover, since it depends on volume of blood and volume of blood depends on the amount of free water in the body. If you're interested, the link in my signature.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 23:18
by Андрей Патрушев
Инна wrote:Tell me,please,and you can use mind machines,if I had a head injury,was carried out craniotomy,consequences:cysts of the brain and poor blood supply ?
From my experience, most likely the application mindmachine in this case is due to the constant excruciating headaches. Not sure it's good or bad, because the blood circulation will strive to improve, but it will prevent physiological factors. Than it might end, perhaps even a good doctor will not say.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 14:40
by Князевский
Inna, and you try to download to the beginning of those tracks that data on the website for free. URL ... system.mp3
Me this thing hurt very well. Listen to her. Deterioration will not perhaps will the machine look at the ears to listen.

But just go easy on the Delta, 5-10 minutes before going to sleep.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:39
by Ална
And begin to use the mind machine and the discs can be directly in the postoperative period? As I understand it, if you remove the psychological tension, the recovery will go faster. Or better not to do it? What do you think?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:47
by Андрей Патрушев
Ална wrote:And begin to use the mind machine and the discs can be directly in the postoperative period? As I understand it, if you remove the psychological tension, the recovery will go faster. Or better not to do it? What do you think?
In the General case You are right, but, despite what the operation was...
If not on the head, it is definitely possible, if head (or was accompanied by severe bruising, concussion), no earlier than a month.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 18:00
by Ална
Андрей Патрушев wrote:in General case You are right, but, despite what the operation was...
If not on the head, it is definitely possible, if head (or was accompanied by severe bruising, concussion), no earlier than a month.
Andrew, the operation has nothing to do with the head. The surgery itself is not complicated. And in the hospital, I will lie only for a week. But the operation will take place at the Oncology center. Annoying place of stay. I am the teacher, is directly connected even with Psihologiya, so see a threat primarily to its own mental state. Of course, the first day after General anesthesia no devices generally cannot be used, it is clear. But the remaining days we will all need to relieve stress, sometimes insulated from what is happening around. So I think with a machine to take. I think it's out. What do You think?

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 18:03
by Андрей Патрушев
Ална wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:in General case You are right, but, despite what the operation was...
If not on the head, it is definitely possible, if head (or was accompanied by severe bruising, concussion), no earlier than a month.
Andrew, the operation has nothing to do with the head. The surgery itself is not complicated. And in the hospital, I will lie just days a week. But the operation will take place at the Oncology center. Annoying place of stay. I am the teacher, is directly connected even with Psihologiya, so see a threat primarily to its own mental state. Of course, the first day after General anesthesia no devices generally cannot be used. But the remaining days we will all need to relieve stress, sometimes insulated from what is happening around. So I think with a machine to take. I think it's out. What do You think?
It is! According to foreign research the speed of healing is greatly increased. Only three days after General anesthesia wait... you Can Supplement classes-programming for vyzdorovlenie. During a session, repeat your affirmation (calm and even slightly lazy voice): "I heal real fast, I'm perfectly healthy in all respects". That You can do before the surgery (falling asleep) and immediately after (without cars).

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 19:15
by Ална
Thank You, Adrey! Indeed, positive affirmations are always a good influence. Will. The main thing - remember this! :)

How to get rid of excess saliva?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 0:50
by Александр_М
Now I use session to r7, on the recommendation of drinking a glass of water before a session, but there was a problem - the excessive secretion of saliva during the session, we have from time to time to swallow and it does not give deeper relaxation.
How to get rid of this problem?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:05
by Идущая вперед
in-in... I also listen to the session with a breathing simulator Frolov of the current... stop breathing so the whole mouth saliva is clogged... running to spit and rinse his mouth... but still I take the spoon and scraped from the tongue of bacteria that Tama has accumulated from Smoking say... useful life of 5 years extends...

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 14:30
by Александр_М
try not to drink water before the session - it helps, saliva almost there, what do you say about this Mr Patrushev?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 16:47
by Андрей Патрушев
Александр_М wrote:try not to drink water before the session - it helps, saliva almost there, what do you say about this Mr Patrushev?
Trance is a normal phenomenon, soon get used to it. Water to drink is necessary. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 17:02
by Александр_М
Thanks Andrew, reassured :)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 20:17
by Guest
Try it with opened mouth. The teeth are not worn. Relax your face and Sabat about the mouth and tongue.

Finish the session with dry trees :D Which always appears, for example, during sleep.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 20:20
by Guest
Going forward
A Fig for the saliva to spit out??? Her to swallow. It is the elixir of life, according to tiganesti. 8)

Language to clean it properly az

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 20:22
Guest it's me. The Osho dynamic meditation with an open mouth doing "lying down". The saliva have been cases - with open mouth - it's all right :)

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:01
by Василиса
Идущая вперед wrote:and escho I take a spoon and scraped from the tongue of bacteria that Tama has accumulated from Smoking say... useful life of 5 years extends...
So Smoking also reduces that way 10. What's the point? A step forward towards longevity and 2 ago?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 15:19
by Идущая вперед
if you smoke 3-4 cigarettes a day with the least amount of nicotine it is unlikely to ruin your health... just when everyone at work smokes the whole office and go to smoke - socialize and take a break in sedentary work or be alone because get calls and other crap... like excuses....
about the saliva... when you hold the saliva in her begin to leave all sorts of toxins from the body...
there is a method of purification of the body - take the oil (olive better) but it is possible and sunflower... start it there in your mouth lamiti back and forth (but in any case not to swallow) so AFTER 10 MINUTES of such intensive rassasyvanie so MUCH of STUFF FROM the BODY BEGINS to STAND... and she goes all with saliva...
SO I think that the saliva necessary to spit the mouth wash and in any case do not swallow it back :D :D :D