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Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 18:50
by Вадим Перелыгин
Started a new topic in continuation of this:
where I did sample the main ideas from the book of Stephen R. Covey "the Seven habits of highly effective people".
Think – how am I to practice the Ethics of Character as the basis of the success?
How to grow in our character qualities such as wholeness of personality, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity?

"Do not deny that these elements of the Ethics of Personality like communication skills, ways of influence, positive thinking - are sometimes essential for success. "Your attitude determines your position," "I smile more friends than of frowns", "Can achieve all that he understood and what he believed". They are useful. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. It is based on the Ethics of Character. "Pay first, then get". "As you sow, so shall you reap". No exceptions."

It is important to follow the principle of PPP – that's Right, Gradually and Continually! Only then the effort of the skill occurs. Bad habits are replaced by helpful and pleasant. :)

So, I admit that I'm a programmer, my life program (skill 1), and now begin to overwrite (skill 2) , constantly debug and implement in their lives (навык3). Here are my affirmations Personal mission in four dimensions.
Offer joint work to improve them. az

the Spiritual dimension.

Thank you GOD (Life, the universe mind of a single soul, a Thinking substance,...) for my eternal soul and love.
Like you, I have no needs, only preferences.
Thank YOU and you (part of you) for my health, for a warm house, for food, for healthy children, grandchildren, wife and family, for the family's prosperity, for the opportunity to live, to learn and create.
Under any circumstances I always have: eternal LIFE, your unconditional LOVE, KNOWLEDGE and UNITY with you.
My sense of internal security is based on correct principles that are constant and do not depend on external conditions and circumstances.
I let my fear of death. I let go of all the grudges. I absolve from blame. I love and accept myself the way I am.
I consider AC in life as an exciting adventure. Any life experience is an opportunity for learning and development.
I rise above situations, emotions and circumstances and see the bigger picture.
I like to constantly work on the only thing that I can control over himself.
My power is limited only by my understanding of the natural laws and principles and the consequences of their use.
Conscience allows us to feel our compliance or noncompliance with correct principles and lifts us to the heights of these principles.
Jokes with the subconscious is not appropriate. It materializes, grows any – good or bad, you planted the seed.
In addition to our negative thoughts, there are no obstacles on the path to happiness.

Intellectual dimension.

In unified mental field initially there are all the answers to all the questions. It is only necessary to try to enter into resonance with them.
I know I'm connected to the global consciousness.
I instantly grasp and understand useful information.
I see and understand the essence of things and phenomena.
I learn from the successful world of consciousness.
I'm sure I have a good memory and attention.
Constantly evaluate the program of his life in comparison with higher values, and goals.
I like to learn new paradigms and improve the system of principles.
It is very important to read the literature on a wide range of issues and maintain correspondence empathic contact with great thinkers.
I "know new", take responsibility and act, rising each time to a new round of upward spiral.

Physical dimension.

I am an easygoing, energetic and cheerful. My sleep is pleasant and healthful.
I really appreciate that quickly regenerate itself.
I am confident that radiate youth and health.
I daily do exercises of the body, energy and optimism.
Three times a week and train the cardiovascular system, increasing heart rate, up to 60% of the maximum rate.
Train system S. Bubnovsky. My body is 40% composed of muscles.
Muscle is the only tissue that does not take away but gives, requiring only sufficient tension and relaxation.
Patience, work, consistency ensures the return of health.
Old age is not the age, and detraining, muscle loss.
If hemodynamics has weakened, poorly vessels, joints, back pain - blame muscles. Rather, blame the owner of these muscles.
Each muscle is a mini - pump, small heart. And the better they work, the easier heart and the diaphragm.
Kinesitherapy - culture movement. Correct movement treats, wrong cripples.
Any tablet is a prosthesis of one or another functions of the body. Regularly taking the pill, we put to death your body.
To drink "for health" - the full idiocy.
Only half-full stomach can stimulate a person to action, because on an empty stomach it not do anything you can, and all you want.
Me consumed in small quantities, the food is digested faster and more efficiently. I feel joy and pride from the fact that only eat to satisfy hunger. I subtly feel the limit of saturation and immediately stop eating.
I shed excess weight easily and effortlessly. So nice to be slim.
My metabolism is perfectly level, in order to burn excess fat. I enjoy a healthy balanced diet.
I am in great physical shape. The muscles of my abs toned. My waist is getting thinner by the day. I set up my ideal weight.

the Socio-emotional dimension.

I related a free man. Try to achieve synergy in relationships with people.
I have enough money to live a free, comfortable, interesting life.
I love something to work and work at what you love.
I will always love and be loved.
I have focused on becoming a worthy partner for marriage, the source of unconditional love and support.
I allow my children to make mistakes. My children respected and loved me. I always support the interests of my children in life.
I've released my children and wife from emotional dependence.
I stopped to take offense to punish others.
Always remember that the Love-feeling is the fruit of love is action.
My decisions and actions reflect concern about both short-term and long-term goals. After obtaining the Result I care about Resources.
I do things in a timely manner is important before they become urgent.
I consciously, proactively determine the best alternative in the spirit of "I won and You won," based on our own conscience.
In relations with people I try all the time to replenish your Emotional Bank account.
A long, healthy and happy life is the result of constantly making contributions that bring satisfaction to the person and make the lives of others happier.
I can show high performance.
All my attachments are always bring a good income. Money is attracted to me. I love to receive and give gifts.
The growth of my wealth does not take away anything from others.
I'm polite, tactful, considerate, humble, friendly and respectful to people. About missing speak only good or remain silent.
Bravely clarify important expectations of the person and announce their from the beginning of the relationship.
I sincerely admit their mistakes and apologize in a timely manner.
I can easily ignore undeserved criticism, evade attacks and personal insults.
I'm trying to see and understand deeply hidden negative essential positive, pull it out and to praise.
I respect colleagues, friends and relatives.
Don't give empty promises, but data perform the necessary.
I strive to understand the interlocutor, using empathetic listening.
I'm not afraid to deviate from his picture of the world in order to take someone else's.
I know I'm smart, honest and kind.
I am sure that I love life.
Every day my life gets better and better.
I will always live well in all respects.