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Revolution in mind cars.The project on kickstarter

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:33
by Юра88
Hello.Want to know the opinion and to share interesting information at the expense of news mindmachine!On kickstarter, was successfully completed campaign to raise funds for the instrument for meditation which is based on the principle of magnetic induction to transfer the brain in the desired frequency range
According to the authors, testing, help with an EEG, sensors, their device successfully operates better than the devices light and sound stimulation are still not comfortable with a bunch of wires..goggles and headphones.
Interesting to know the opinion of experts who know!Expect myself to enjoy this poeksperimentirovat
with pomoshu with an EEG, a device with this new device and the inner pulse.)

Re: Revolution in mind cars.The project on kickstarter

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:09
by Михаил_
... finally I don't usually write in other topics :) but often go with the first page and they sometimes see something funny and it catches my attention ....
this is a remark like that. Generally in MM then obviously I'm not an expert, but according to 3M reasons below, I decided to write.
1) kickstarter, the theme of the day for me as working (you have to interact a lot in other businesses, guys like adequate, the money collected, the goal was a small and quite modest (20K total, I would be easier out of pocket to get it, but often kickstarter put a completely different meaning - proov of concept + attract the attention of investors), has collected much more, just 3.5 times = OK had a bunch of cases when you collect many times more than and die or hang for a long time are not ready for such volumes of production (in China to deliver a series of expensive and time consuming and there must live a few months for this, along with project engineers and process all serico).
T/e is a chance that starts about on time shipment = great.
There are also cases when the money was going and yeah (was not able to run manufacture).
T/e/ no opinions LIVE I would not take. Wait until the whole thing goes into the stage of sustainable shipping people. I ran across this pre-order form on another ministerii - 8mes waited, then sent accident free (no pomylili map);
2) I used a lot and people gave products Shiva/Shakti with magnetic stimulation. I suspect that they are steeper because there is a lot of transducers and arrangements long ago they studied. Here in the chatter somewhere the theme is. I ordered from them, is otmorozennogo behind a pile of coils on the wires + audio-USB cards, awkward, crooked BUT it WORKS. But mm does not compare. It is COMPLETELY different. Hard. Effective, but hard, not relax.
So for those guys a lot of data for example, that magnetic stimulation is not effective during solar storms, and not every day etc. Although there may be quite different things - I don't know, maybe really worth a try.
3) In this plan view it is better to lipetskoye counterparts alfaria from former kickstarter projects. They are interesting. I think if Andrew will bring and put on sale to be correct.

ps about Shiva/Shakti I once wrote here on the old forum - there's all the money for their session supplied and they probably are worth more than, but it really is not relaxing and couldnee, just a lot to move ahead according to their abilities.

Oh yeah, and finally in the same topic:

- it is interesting to describe ( I now monitor the projects kickstarter really those in another segment, because encountered), but from the description up to practice far ) and the funny:

Funding Canceled

Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator 1 day ago.

Guess why?.... this is a rhetorical question, there is a description follows, certification and so on and all in all he realized that will not pull, incorrectly calculated the budget and more. HE collected MORE than was necessary and REFUSED the money (clever, then it was possible for the courts to obtain).

PS treat kickstarter more artistically, the fact that the money collected doesn't mean a thing, and the fact that the product claimed too. A couple of years after production (when the production company was born and is stable) we can say that everything is OK.
I to You as a historian say, though it is not directly my area of expertise, just a lot of other projects with the theme of this overlap.
A wise man told me that he believes in all those projects on kickstarter that really do not come for collection of money (which it would seem he made) and fame, and the money there may already be, or from the rear pocket of the founders to be get.
Such is the lyrics.
Buy Shiva better yet, maybe she has progressed, it's been so long since I last looked.

Re: Revolution in mind cars.The project on kickstarter

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 19:40
by Зозерхат
The idea of magnetic stimulation is not new. And electric (directly through the electrodes) is also pretty beaten up several start-UPS.
Open a small secret, if kontatiruyu fact that most of these projects trumped by programmers who in physics, physiology, electronics - boom-boom. Well, maybe just a little clueless. But for PR, to make a little money, they, of course, not averse. I am very respectful of people of this profession, but there is a bad trend: many are beginning to count programmers (or programmers of MK) radio engineers that they are, in fact, are not. They would not like to be the opposite. The lack of fundamental knowledge of electronics, skills of designing complex electronic devices and appliances, leads to the fact that in this direction there is a complete sham and amateurism bordering on obscurantism. There is a substitution of notions, when instead of the rather complicated and expensive high-frequency devices, it is proposed to turn some of the spiral coil, and they "podmanivaya" crystals, brains, and items. Instead of 2-3 MW transistors gorditsa a certain scheme on a microcontroller, to which cling the pieces otfonarno other diagrams from the Internet (in the best case - from the datasheets), some "coils" and declared that, say, the "effect" on the brain.
Another problem is that the "preferatele" of these systems and their followers, trying to feel some kind of "radiation", something supposedly "feel". But "feel" they just surprise your body, which radiates a kind of stupidity. But does not some "subtle fields". And, being accustomed to this kind of surprise, considering causing their disposition of radiation and fields "correct", people become hostages of substitution of concepts. Begin to consider working, for example, the so-called "coil Mishina," coppery H. Clark and many other crafts.
The world population is growing and everyone wants to eat. And the projects on kickstarter are convinced "hungry" and stupid that people know what they are doing. And then... stupid, hungry, greedy and lazy start to think: "am I a trembling creature or have the right..." And begin to sculpt from shit and sticks it is not clear what, honestly believing that on a primitive level, you can get some unusual results. But the bitter truth is that the efficiency of such articles is nothing more than self-hypnosis. And that something is normal and working to make the necessary fundamental knowledge of electronics, packages design and simulation of microwave circuits (like MWO, HFSS, SCT, etc.), the ability to use CAD and CAM AMI AMI, which are the focus of industrial production of printed circuit boards, and not some Layout'Ohm fit DIY on the knee or in the kitchen. Necessary the Park is quite expensive devices, the ability to use them, you need skills setup of complex microwave and EHF devices, since in these ranges is a significant and reliable influence on the human brain (which proved the Americans in the 60's-70-ies of the last century). And these devices are much more expensive than the requested 20K$ on a bad project.
So... do not bother on bare advertising phrase canadian shkoloty and don't call them a "revolution" in MM. The revolution will start there and not in this way, as trying to present overseas "clever boys Moni".<