The mystery of the binary Grail

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The mystery of the binary Grail

Post by БородаНелли » Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:28

Decided to dilute the forum topic about computer topics, however, associated with the paranormal and even more than interesting. The name of the theme I took from the name unusual in all respects publication Petrova I. B. (not to be confused with "Futurist", as the initials they are full Teskey, and it is our Patriotic mathematician-programmist, the author of many interesting cryptographic utilitec and a couple of web publications on the subject of algorithms - you know why, as previously communicated in a forum where he had his own branch). But here's the publication this author is a complete brain explosion! You can download it in the format .pdf, and read online (unfortunately, the text here from the pdf not to copy, nor why).

The bottom line: the fact that any file on our computer, or is related to the global information field, being a part of it (content information), or does not have and is from the point of view of this field is garbage. Nefiga not clear, but the point is that the author came up with a way to distinguish files with valuable and useful information from conventional information collection (I understand the author so, maybe it is something else meant!?). It certainly seems nonsense, but the author cites a very obscure source program that computes the even parity and odd parity of file hashes. (Actually, the publication can be viewed as a philosophical essay on the theme information and human interaction. And entourage is just an example. In the publication used on the cover is the work of the author based on medieval engravings, which was the encrypted text. He cracked it and resulted in the signature (subacutely). The text and engravings relevant to the theme of the search for the Holy Grail survey which was also involved in this man. But it's all so... Supplement). Generally read for yourself!

Interested people have made web application the link (there and the piece is laid out).

It seems to be the theme from the point of simple logic - utter nonsense! But if the test results are very unusual! It's not just my opinion, I found 5-6 of such opinions (from scientists ). The General topic has interested a lot of people. He checked out about 100 text files. And I can say the theme of the relationship between the content and the "Grail" is clearly present.

The only - neither the author, nor I, or other researchers, this phenomenon has not yet been able to articulate. It turns out in a strange way- when I read that book like a subconscious understand of what the author writes, but the consciousness (the mind) refuses to put the picture. Maybe it's just me so...<

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